Friday, July 9, 2010

Sponge and Rock

Woman's heart is like a sponge
So soft.. Look fragile
It absorb the water so quickly
Woman can fall for someone who pour her even with only attention and affection, not love.
We can grow loving someone..
Although we later find out that it is unrequited love
But we stay strong...our heart might break but it is a sponge
As much as it is dropped or is sqeuzeed, it bounce back

Man's heart is more like a rock
So strong that it takes millions drop of water to make a hole
It stands so firm, like nothing can change it
Once it loves someone, it order the brain to chase for it
The trial to conquer is man's nature
But to make a handprint in that heart..
how many millions of water should be poured?
How long?
What about if the sponge has dried out before time?

Then I remember my mom once said
"It is better for you, be loved than to love"

4 February 2009


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