Thursday, July 17, 2008

friend and foe

This afternoon, I finished my series of interview pretty quick. Gw berangkat jam 9 dan kelar jam 3an. Cukup efektif untuk wawancara 4 orang dalam satu hari. Well, if you think I will have some rests afterwards, you are completely wrong! Gw ma Lia akhirnya ke sebuah cafe yang ada inetnya. Boro2 enjoying the view, gw malah ngerjain index sialan itu. 

aside from that, salah satu temen ym gw. awalnya sih kita cuma ngomongin hal biasa aja. seperti ngaben di bali kemarin. habis itu, kita akhirnya ngomongin hal yang mengganggu banget. masalah kerjaan kantor, as usual. Gw ga bisa cerita tp hal itu bikin gw piss off banget. ga sopppaaaann... gw marah en get really carried away. i can understand his feeling. I would be really pissed if it happen to me. Amazingly, he doesn't feel like angry. he just turning into black mood, yet keep doing it in such a short time. I learn from you, mate.. and be strong. Im right behind you

after that, i called another friend. Just because I called him before for another reason. And that call made me realize, calling him is not a good idea. Today and days after. I hate him!!

Now i know..who is the one i can talk to. To share stories, ideas and troubles..doesn't we all learn from experience like this?

Monday, July 7, 2008

mistake, love and regret


mati gw!!!

itulah rasanya pas tadi bu Wieq nelpun. Aku melakukan kesalahan super fatal dengan lupa mengirimkan undangan untuk salah satu narasumber. makin panjanglah semua kesalahan gw..setelah tadi siang gw dianggap enggak becus coz bikin power point aja ga bisa. padahal tu power point cuma ditulis sehari. Ya udahlah...terima aja. Gw emang salah.

Nah, kesalahan tidak mengirimkan itu emang fatal. Kilta lihat apa yang bikin gw begitu. pertama, gw selalu aja menunda hal. kedua, jarang banget mengkonfirmasi padahal kerjaan gw selalu deket2 telpun. ketiga, sangat super teledor dan pelupa. keempat, ketidakmampuanku untuk membaca situasi dan kondisi plus analisa psikologi orang. udah tahu bu wik ga mungkin ngirimin undangan sendirian, masih aja itu gw lakukan. bodoh!

hasilnya??? ya begini ini. ga jelas..kebodohan dan ketotolan besar. sepertinya, aku ga pernah belajar dari masa lalu ya??

Bu wik bilang ini karena gw lagi in love. Yeaahh right! im in love??

but somehow..deep down in my heart, i realize that it probably true. it probably are...
do i really in love with him? to the one who open the door after a long time..the one whose smile melten my world? the one that i miss so much during weekend? someone who i can share nice laugh with? someone to whom i can talk? is he really the one?

but why it came so late???
its terribly late to fall for someone..someone like him

i better concentrate to make my life a bit smoother. This case is just the worse that could happen during my life in the office. the worst...