Thursday, August 20, 2009

Obama wins and the fact that MacBook hates school

The topic of the day is none other than US Presidential election 2008. There was no single thought in my mind that my usually-boring global cooperation class turns into a lively class today. The professor suddenly halt the class every 45 minutes just to update the result of the election. And suprisingly, every one in the class seems to be very excited to know whether Obama will become US president or not. We are kinna Obama`s fans all of a sudden. Even the professor made a joke. He said that if Obama wins, he will get drunk but with champagne. But if McCain wins, local beer is enough. The serious professor is not that serious! This is amazing, really.

Obama histeria is really everywhere. Not in US, oh i wont complaint on this, or Japan or my beloved country, Indonesia. When I read local website in Indonesia, it said that students at Menteng elementary school where Obama used to study hundreds years ago i guess, celebrated the win as well. Wow.. isn`t that surprising? I actually never understand the whole US election system, let alone to understand double system of electoral votes and popular votes. But these kids actually hold Obama`s picture in their hands celebrating his wins. If my memory serves me right, there was no such histeria when Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was elected as a president 4 years back. And to keep in mind, he is INDONESIA`s president! even one of Indonesia`s biggest news station never in history broadcasted US party convention. Yet, it broadcasted LIVE Democratic Party National Convention when Obama gave his moving speech. Something that this news station never did when it comes to its own country`s presidential election. But waaiitt.... we don`t have good presidential debate, let alone party convention. Amazing!! I guess.. I will just suggest Indonesia to cancel the 2009 election because we can start thinking that Obama is our president. Yay!!

And another striking fact that appear in my life today is that my macbook is really not the weird one. When the professor made presentation explaining nuclear policy in France, his macbook Pro started doing rebel movement too. It kept refusing to appear in presentation mode. or in another word, it just came back to its original PDF version. He even cannot register this fact into his mind. Well professor.. you have the same fate with me. My beautiful white macbook did the same thing too. Everytime I brought it to school, it suddenly turn into hot mode and became soooo noicy. The noice hung like a bee. was really bad. I felt like it really unhappy to be in the school for any reason. Yeaahh... I guess, macbook hates school anyway. so, from now on I have to use school computer then. Its free and social anyway. hehehehehee...

OK...Its time to go to Obama`s party then.. ^_^

originally written on November 5, 2008


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