Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Up the Hill

I know I should just continue my european travel posts instead of having something else written in the blog. But I couldn't help myself from doing this post. Hahahahaha... talk about self freedom in writing!

This post is written based on my experience coming to Malaysia's Waterfall Hill Temple in Kuala Lumpur. The temple is famous as the center of Thaipusan festival. People from all over Malaysia, if not the world, make their walk to the temple once in every year. They bring with them jar of water and other offerings. The temple is located near botanical garden (one stop before botanical garden with bus no 10 from Komtar).

There are 3 buildings in this temple area and the main one is located at the top of the hill, few hundred meters above the ground. So imagine how difficult it must be to go up to the main temple with a big jar above the head. Because, even without carrying a jar, I was lost of breath good couple of times.

What stole my attention is actually the proverbs placed in the stairway all the way to the main temple. Someone was smart enough to realize that support, encouragement and appreciation are all what people need to climb to the top.

and the encouragement goes in the pictures below

They are nice right.. and I am so glad that I chose to go. To wherever my journey takes me ^^


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