After A-Yo, which means I am still in the land of dream and disbelief, the boys (blurry in my mind) continues with "Romantic" and "Obsession". I only remembered a fraction of this performance thanks to the hype of A-Yo. The boys changed into caramel-white outfit and sang the song at the main stage. The melody of romantic truly made you feel like in a mellow country.. ooohh.. so serene..
my senses snap back only when the boys took the rolling stage into center stage while "Obsession". The song was so sad I can see Key almost shed his tears while singing it. And as I promised you before, this is where Diva Key approached our stage and gave us the best photo shooting session ever.
and Minho gave me that sad look as well, under the red light during Obsession..
One of my fave parts of the concert came next when the boys sang Graze. Graze is a sad love song. Truly sad.. and with this song I connect myself. My love and the love of my life. The one I love with such sincerity that I never known before. Too sad, as the boys also said it, I was never been more than comfortable friend from the beginning. And during Life, my tears drop as a farewell for another million time. Wishing that the love should fade as soon as the new song begin..
The next part is Replay.. Being so mellow during Graze, I barely recover during Replay. Although there is VCR before hand. Waiting for the boys to change the subtle outfit into colorful one. Romeo version it is!! Shiny colorful jeans.. here I commmeeee....
then there was "love like oxygen". In contrary with Graze, I hate love like oxygen. Love never been an oxygen since 3 years ago. Its more Carbon dioxide for me. frustrating and relenting.. So I stand still during the song only to question when will be the time love become an oxygen instead the contrary..
to be continued
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