encore.. encore..encore.. we want encoreee.... we want the boys baaaaccckkkk...
and so our demand was met with the boys coming back in their pearl aqua concert tee and white pants. To me, the moments they appeared with that color coordination outfit, I almost jump into moshpit! goooossshhh... the boys look gorgeous! this is the best color coordination the have so far, far better than the color they crash during SWC in Taiwan. Man, they look mighty good!!!
thhheeeeennn... fans went super crazy after Minho succeeded in avoiding Jjong's kiss he actually asked. Fans went even crazier when Jjong lean his body toward Minho which caused Onew and Key to look at them with somehow disbelief look.
Later after the concert, rehearsal video was revealed showing Jjong and Minho were actually kissing! such a fuss was created around the net because the sudden peck kiss was directed toward one of the most good looking creatures in K-Pop Idol (forgive me for being bias ;p). Considering the same event happened again during the concert, my conclusion is one: this is Over-The-Top Fan Service!! and I hate this!!!
Anyway, back to concert, the boys sang JOJO of which choreography I personally voted as the best of the night. First, I really love their outfit color coordination. and second, the way they sang Jojo is refreshing and so light. The happiness was in the house once agaaaiiinn...
And so they came running around the stage. Minho took fans cheering banner with his name on it. While Key and Taemin happily running around throwing ball.. Minho and Jjong too, while spitting water on each other. that's grroouuusseee boyz! hhahahaha...
The vibe of concert coming to an end soon can be felt when the boys sang "one". with corfetti pouring down, it is a sign of reward for what the boys has performed. ONE VERY GOOD Performance!!
ooooohhh... I was sooo not ready to be separated from the shining shinee boys.. pllleaaaseeee... They made their final thank you remarks. Approaching our stage and bow 90 degrees.
After giving us the thank you bow and waving goodbye at us with smile. they came back to center stage to join the rest of the crew and wave us their final goodbye.. *cries* .
Each members said their thank you.. Key and Jjong repeatedly said "xie xie da jia" while my baby Minho's thank you remarks were the longest. Mentioning a number of Noonas I didn't recognized. Maybe he put my name too, but I was too hallucinated about parting with the boys. hahahaha... Minho, once again, prove himself as a noona-killer!
but like what Hello Baby said at the end of their show, "parting is not something sad, you meet and you have fun and then it's the ending point of a meeting". I guess, that's what i was planted into my head when the concert was about to come to an end. Me and SHINee certainly have fun and after 3 hours of good concert, it's the ending point of a meeting. And it marks a dream that was cemented 8 months earlier. To come to SHINee World Concert. That dream is now coming true..
Thank you for amazing concert, boys.. This is a truly dream coming true. See you again at the next show.. thank you.. thank you... And let me know run toward the future, embarking a new dream, a new hope..
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