I took flight to Nanjing as early as 13 August 2011. No direct flight from Indonesia to Nanjing. So I took one via HongKong. 12 hours is what I took to be in Nanjing. And at the gate of the old city, stand my very own best friend Kisi who flew from Beijing to be with me during my stay in Nanjing. It is another dream coming true. After 11 months of separation, I once again able to stand side by side with my best friend. I miss her so much and coming to Nanjing is the only way to be with her again.
Kisi knows exactly how I have been crazy about SHINee for the past year. She voluntarily bought me the concert ticket, the one closet to the stage. So much that she loves me (hahahaha..).. her choice of sea is perfect! Located on the terrace 17, on the right wing, is the stage where Minho appeared the most. He loves to stay in that part, by the way. hahahahaha...
The concert started 10 minutes late. No wonder all fans were feeling nervous. We continuously chanting "SHINee...SHINee..SHINee"... and some of us yelling "we want SHINeeeeee..." Exactly at 19.40 Nanjing time, the boys hit the stage with "SHINee World". I lost my mind at the time.. so don't ask me how it goes. They appeared from the main stage and look as small as it could be. Followed by "Senorita" and "Get Down"! I personally looooveeee Senorita. They put a hype on it and rock the concert.
kkkaaaayyyyyyyaaaa..... Minho for the first time come to my side of stage. Sooooo happy! my gosh, he looks gorgeous! *fangirlingmodeon* Get it down, Minho!!
The boys didn't seems to be tired so they decided to continue with A.MI.GO. And this is the first time they lift themself up in the air! JongHyun was on my side of stage but not that long.
There we have "Juliette" and "Hello" after that. Both were sang in its original Korean version despite of many hoping that they will sing the two songs in Japanese version. Considering both were recently released in Japan. Anywaaaaayyy... I don't mind having them in Korean at all.
Shinee's Hello is always my personal favorite =) While singing Hello, they sit down in some kind of white chair on the main stage. I didn't pay attention to the screen behind them because it only reflects their movement in shadow mode. But heelllooo..the second part is cool. The shadow was replaced by their image but not in real life. Still, when each members sing their part, lots of screams and chants coming from the crowd. Of course, i scream the loudest each time Minho sang but as he sang not that much, I saved my voice for the latter part of the show. wekekekeke...
After that, the boys take the break and brought about the ability to speak Chinese. Not that I admire their talent, but the word they said the loudest is "Binnaneun SHINee imnida" which of course their trade mark. And some chinese like Ni Hao! hahahaha...
The interview was short and not really impressive. The impressive show comes next. They were back in their previous Hello Positon and start singing "Your Name". I didn't recall this song being presented during SWC Tokyo but anyway, i like the setting. Angel setting for the first time. I tought that Angel song is the only one the use the angel-theme background, but i guess i was wrong. hahahahaha... and Minho like sing too! a line or so! waaaakakakaka...
"Stand by Me" comes next. Korean version like what we all expected, tough Japanese version once again could serve better! me and my Japan bias. hehehehehe... and look who's coming to my stage. Diva KEY! my God, I swear that he is the easiest to be taken picture. Minho sways too much but Key is a supermodel. He does not need to move that much and as the result many of my Key's picture is HQ!! I will show you one for sure =)
to be continued..
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