Sebelum anda bertanya kenapa saya memberi judul tulisan ini "ketika negara mencoba untuk mencampuradukkan bisnis dengan kesenangan", cobalah membaca artikel yang saya kutip dari viva news berikut ini
Aktor Hyun Bin Jadi Duta Pertahanan ke RI
Ia diagendakan mengunjungi Korps Marinir TNI AL dan menghadiri peringatan Hari TNI.
Rabu, 21 September 2011, 10:50 WIB
VIVAnews -- Aktor Korea Selatan, Hyun Bin, diagendakan datang ke Indonesia bulan depan. Bukan sebagai artis, kunjungannya dalam rangka mendukung ekspor industri pertahanan Korea Selatan -- sebagai bagian dari wajib militer yang ia jalani selama dua tahun.
Model berusia 29 tahun ini dipilih karena ketenarannya yang melintasi batas negara. Korea Selatan akan menempatkannya di pos luar negeri sebagai duta besar tak resmi.
"Pemerintah Indonesia mengundang Hyun Bin dalam rangka peringatan Hari TNI 4 - 7 Oktober 2011. Kementerian Pertahanan sedang mempertimbangkan untuk mengirimkannya ke Indonesia," kata salah satu pejabat Korps Marinir, seperti dimuat harian Korea, Chosun Ilbo, Rabu, 21 September 2011.
"Karena Hyun Bin sangat populer di Indonesia lewat drama 'Secret Garden', pemerintah Indonesia mengundangnya untuk mengunjungi Korps Marinir dan menghadiri peringatan khusus," kata salah satu pejabat Kementerian Pertahanan Korea.
Pejabat itu menambahkan, bahwa kementerian sedang mempertimbangkan mengirim Hyun Bin sebagai utusan khusus berkaitan dengan pertahanan dan kerjasama bilateral dalam industri pertahanan.
"Karena Indonesia memutuskan untuk mengimpor jet T-50 supersonik, Mei lalu, dan mempertimbangkan membeli kapal selam, Indonesia memiliki peran besar dalam industri pertahanan Korea."
Hyun Bin yang bergabung dengan Korps Marinir Maret lalu bertugas sebagai infanteri tempur di brigade keenam di Pulau Baeknyeong. Korps Marinir sedang mempertimbangkan untuk memindahkannya ke bagian Humas.
Untuk diketahui, Indonesia berencana membeli sebanyak 16 pesawat T-50 dari Korsel. Harganya akan ditentukan kemudian dalam negosiasi. Menurut laman, harga satuan pesawat ini mencapai US$21 juta atau sekitar Rp179,9 miliar. Menurut media di Korsel, pemerintah Korsel akan membeli pesawat CN-235 buatan Indonesia jika pemerintahan SBY jadi memborong T-50.
Dua negara juga akan melakukan joint production pesawat tempur. "Pesawat tempur yang dimaksud adalah jenis KF-X/IF-X sejumlah 10 buah, yang lima dibuat di dalam negeri, sisanya di Korea," ujar Menhan, Purnomo Yusgiantoro di kantor Kementerian Pertahanan, Jumat, 9 September 2011.
Ada yang aneh dari artikel tersebut? Bagi saya, artikel itu tidak aneh, hanya terdengar sangat lucu, menggelikan dan memuakkan. Kenapa? Baru kali ini saya mendengar ada sebuah negara mengundang seorang aktor yang didaulat sebagai Duta Pertahanan negara asing untuk hadir di acara peringatan ulang tahunnya. Sebagai seseorang yang mengikuti berita dari dunia glamor Korea, tidak pernah tersebut aktor yang dimaksud didaulat sebagai Duta Pertahanan. Dia hanya sedang dipertimbangkan untuk menjadi bagian dari public relations militer (cek artikel ini Lhah, kok ini jadi Duta Pertahanan? Apakah karena ada permintaan / undangan dari negara ini dia diangkat jadi Duta Pertahanan?
Sungguh lucu kejadian ini.. Sungguh lucu! Sejak kapan pemerintah negara ini ikut-ikutan jadi labil dan geje aka ga jelas dan bertindak selayaknya fangirl aka penggemar berat aktor Korea? Sesignifikan apakah aktor tersebut sampai-sampai pemerintah Indonesia rela mengirimkan undangan baginya untuk menghadiri ulang tahun TNI?
Mari kita tegaskan dan jelaskan disini.. Saya, mengaku sepenuhnya, bahwa saya adalah avid fangirl. Sejak entah dari kapan, hanya musik dan film dari negara Asia Timur yang menarik minat saya. Sebutkan lagunya, saya kemungkinan besar tahu siapa penyanyinya. Sebutkan judul dramanya, saya sangat mungkin tahu siapa aktor dan artis yang bermain di dalamnya. Separuh dunia saya selalu diisi dengan musik dan film dari Cina, Jepang dan Korea. I love East Asia. Period.
Lantas, kenapa saya mencerca dan tidak suka dengan keputusan pemerintah negara ini untuk mengundang artis Korea yang notabene terkenal dan saya lihat beberapa dramanya? Mari kita perjelas disini. Ketika saya menyukai drama atau musik Korea, itu adalah urusan saya pribadi. Dan saya menghargai pilihan setiap orang dalam musik dan kesukaan lain. Kalau saya suka Korea, saya tidak akan sebal melihat orang lain lebih suka musik India atau musik Barat. It is a matter of choice and personal taste. Dan kalau saya menghabiskan begitu banyak waktu atau dana untuk memuaskan kecintaan saya itu, maka yang kena hanyalah saya dan dompet saya. Bahkan tidak dengan orang tua saya karena sedari kecil, mereka tidak pernah memberikan uang lebih untuk saya membeli kaset atau cd film kesukaan. Cukuplah mereka mentolerir lagu-lagu berbahasa aneh berkumandang setiap mereka memasuki kamar saya.
Tapi ketika pemerintah yang ikut-ikutan bertindak seperti saya dengan mengundang aktor yang bahkan belum resmi ditunjuk sebagai bagian dari public relations ke Indonesia untuk menghadiri perayaan ultah TNI, saya jadi mempertanyakan harga diri dari negara ini? apa mau ikut2an jadi fangirl? Bayangkan kalau negara jadi fangirl, siapa yang harus membayar akibatnya? Masyakarat seperti kita bukan? Mari kita rasionalisasikan. Untuk mengundang seorang "Duta Pertahanan", saya yakin negara ini akan menanggung segala biayanya. Dan jumlahnya tentu tidak sedikit, dengan segala mark up dan mark up. Darimana dana itu diambil? Tentu saja pajak kita. Pajak siapa lagi???
Dan mencermati semua deal pertahanan yang menjadi alasan dibalik undangan RI, marilah kita membahasnya dalam tataran yang lebih akademis dan filosofis. F-16 Indonesia memang sudah ketinggalan jaman. Saat turun dari pesawat di Soetta seminggu lalu dari Kupang, saya melihat 2 pesawat F-16 sedang melintasi runway menuju entah kemana. Dari jauh terlihat, pesawat itu memang sudah tua. Dengan isu kanibalisasi akibat embargo AS dulu, pesawat itu terancam jatuh kalau diterbangkan untuk jangka waktu satu dekade mendatang. Memang sudah saatnya Indonesia memperbaharui alutsistanya. Dengan apa? Tentu saja mengamankan deal pertahanan yang baru. Apakah kemudian deal dengan Korea membeli T50 sebagai jaminan Korea membeli CN235 kita merupakan deal yang baru? Dan apakah joint venture kita memproduksi pesawat tidak terasa seperti dejavu? Masih ingat Timor? Itu mobil Korea lho dan sekarang sudah tidak jelas ada dimana.
Marilah menjadi bangsa yang cerdas. Tidak menjadi bangsa yang fangirling. Korea boleh mendunia dengan Hallyu Wave-nya. Tapi itu bukan berarti topannya ikut-ikutan menyerang gerbang pertahanan negara ini. Kita harus punya harga diri dan keteguhan prinsip dalam memodernisasi armada pertahanan.
Pemerintah yang baik, kalau anda tidak ingin tingkat kepercayaan masyakarat turun lagi, batalkan niat tolol untuk mengundang Hyun Bin kesini untuk menghadiri perayaan ultah TNI. Tindakan itu hanya akan memburuk citra diri anda. Be brave and wise. Gunakan dana yang tersedia untuk kesejahteraan personel TNI dan bukan kesejahteraan seorang aktor yang sudah sejahtera.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
Today, Three Years Ago
Today, three years ago, I made my first step into a whole new world. With a big black suitcase and a blue backpack, I gathered all the courage to welcome a new life ahead of me. A new life in a city called Kyoto, a city which up until today I proclaim as the most beautiful city in the world.
I still remember clearly the time I board the plane to Osaka, with final destination Kyoto. I still remember the first taste of air in Japan, humid and hot. Swarming through long highway, I set my eyes the first time in Kyoto station. Only that I forgot the picture until the view of Japan Post Office near Ritsumeikan came into life. Then, they drop us off at Ritsumeikan peace museum, the place where I would spent my first week in Kyoto. A place where I met for the first time my long-lost sister, Kisi and a good friend I wish to visit one day, Anne.
The first meeting was followed by many more. Bryan, Gyuri, Peri, Ilya, Andika, Irene, Osaze, Gillian, bu Henni, are among them who I met in my first week there. A seed of friendship was planted between us, in a hope to remain strong in the years ahead.
I remember clearly how the office took us for a tour around the school. To introduce us with International Relations department and a place called kenkyushitsu or we used to call as research room. Kenkyushitsu is a place that I call my second home for the rest of the two years. It was a place where I study, chat, open internet, work, sleep, eat, drink, read, and anything. It was my second home. A second home that holds a special memory in my heart. Cause in that place, I fall in love for the first time to a love that knows no boundary and time.
And who am I to forget how crazy we were those first week. The craziness from dealing with new houses and all administrative things. I barely skipped even a visit to the housing agency those week. Look for one house after another. To find one that suits more to our money rather than our search for luxurious comfort. I barely skipped the visit to the local office too, to get my alien card and health insurance. And the phone! the only thing that I want that week. So I can make a phone call back home. Me and Kisi decided to have similiar white softbank phone, the one that witness the ups and down in our life in Kyoto for the next two years.
With a blink of an eye, two years later, the amazing journey was ended. In a glorious ceremony called graduation. Nothing but a smile cover our face that day. No tears were supposed to be shed tough I myself was a crybaby that day. Knowing that at this point of my life, I could be bidding farewell to the love that I never knew could be so strong.
Here I am, three years later, remembering just how beautiful the friendship that I have back in Kyoto. The friendship that keeps me alive to date in a hope of meeting each other again.
My dear friend, I love you
Today, I whisper to the world for a million time that one day the world would be kind to us and give us time to be together again. Until that day, shiawase ne..
I still remember clearly the time I board the plane to Osaka, with final destination Kyoto. I still remember the first taste of air in Japan, humid and hot. Swarming through long highway, I set my eyes the first time in Kyoto station. Only that I forgot the picture until the view of Japan Post Office near Ritsumeikan came into life. Then, they drop us off at Ritsumeikan peace museum, the place where I would spent my first week in Kyoto. A place where I met for the first time my long-lost sister, Kisi and a good friend I wish to visit one day, Anne.
The first meeting was followed by many more. Bryan, Gyuri, Peri, Ilya, Andika, Irene, Osaze, Gillian, bu Henni, are among them who I met in my first week there. A seed of friendship was planted between us, in a hope to remain strong in the years ahead.
I remember clearly how the office took us for a tour around the school. To introduce us with International Relations department and a place called kenkyushitsu or we used to call as research room. Kenkyushitsu is a place that I call my second home for the rest of the two years. It was a place where I study, chat, open internet, work, sleep, eat, drink, read, and anything. It was my second home. A second home that holds a special memory in my heart. Cause in that place, I fall in love for the first time to a love that knows no boundary and time.
And who am I to forget how crazy we were those first week. The craziness from dealing with new houses and all administrative things. I barely skipped even a visit to the housing agency those week. Look for one house after another. To find one that suits more to our money rather than our search for luxurious comfort. I barely skipped the visit to the local office too, to get my alien card and health insurance. And the phone! the only thing that I want that week. So I can make a phone call back home. Me and Kisi decided to have similiar white softbank phone, the one that witness the ups and down in our life in Kyoto for the next two years.
With a blink of an eye, two years later, the amazing journey was ended. In a glorious ceremony called graduation. Nothing but a smile cover our face that day. No tears were supposed to be shed tough I myself was a crybaby that day. Knowing that at this point of my life, I could be bidding farewell to the love that I never knew could be so strong.
Here I am, three years later, remembering just how beautiful the friendship that I have back in Kyoto. The friendship that keeps me alive to date in a hope of meeting each other again.

Today, I whisper to the world for a million time that one day the world would be kind to us and give us time to be together again. Until that day, shiawase ne..
Thursday, September 15, 2011
a new war might have been ignited
if one said that the war will never end, i guess i will say that it rightly so. as it is applicable to the whole universe, it is applicable to my own work of sphere. war after war, conflict after conflict. It is so much depressing when your core work eventually help someone affected from war to rebuild their life and hopes, yet at the same moment, you just started another war with one another. unending war!
as this is my second world war in my short-lived career with this office, i already feel the taste of bitterness and desperation. Yet, i am still clueless on how to deal with all of these. The bitterness and desperation is torn me inside already. What can we do after this?
i opened the pandora box and now waiting for the future to unleash. Whether it is a sweet genie or a scary demon, I have no idea. May I be given the strength to move forward. To the future so unknown to me..
as this is my second world war in my short-lived career with this office, i already feel the taste of bitterness and desperation. Yet, i am still clueless on how to deal with all of these. The bitterness and desperation is torn me inside already. What can we do after this?
i opened the pandora box and now waiting for the future to unleash. Whether it is a sweet genie or a scary demon, I have no idea. May I be given the strength to move forward. To the future so unknown to me..
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Meeting SHINee Boys @ Nanjing Airport: Bonus Track
Sunday, 21 August 2011
Time of departure back to Indonesia. Back to real life after a full week of bliss and joy. Being with Kisi again is such a miracle in itself. Being with her, I feel complete again knowing that she remains the one that my soul answers without any questions or doubt. I still remember how she looked nervous taking me to SHINee concert @ olympic stadium. Looking around, wondering if she can ask someone to help me get my seat. Just when I said no worries, she was partly laughing and said I am too scary for reading her mind so easily when other people struggle to do so.. Hey buddy, I am your twinsoul, remember?
I went home around midnight after concert, stop by at a cafe shop just few buildings away from my place. It calls "sculpture in time cafe" and they have the best coffee, chocolate and view in Nanjing. I just planned to stop by for a while, but eventually spent more time than it should be because the manager was talking to me in perfect English. He was so nice that I spent more than an hour zipping my hot choco which of course made Kisi somehow worried. Gomenna chingu.. Anyway, I went back and found her laying around without any intention to pack. Both of us have to leave Nanjing the next day, me back to indonesia and her to Beijing. But nothing happen.. and I, as usual, wondering around the room talking how great was the concert. She watched my camera and said i must be crazy for taking hundreds of pictures during the concert of 3 hours. I put in on multiple shoooottt... hahahaaha..
next day, 5 AM, parting time..
no more tears shed as we know we will meet again somewhere someday in this world. Kisi told me that whatever happen later, she will travel after taking civil service examination in December. And for sure, i will fly to wherever she goes that time. So, this time is not goodbye. It is just a time to say, mata ne..
I left to airport at 11PM because I thought I need to check-in at least two hours before my departure. My flight leave at 14.10 so i guess standing in line at 12 PM at the airport is not a bad idea at all. The truth is, that could be my luckiest moment so far with SHINee boys. My check - in gate apparently would not be open until 12.40. And the check in time is limited until 13.30 only. what a weird policy! the good news is, as time went by, I realized that SHINee boys could be on the same flying time with me as many fans came in swarming the airport.
So, I gamble... should I wait for the boys outside or inside? At first, i thought that waiting outside might be the best but seeing the increasing number of fans, I realized that this could be another battle I was not sure I could win. So as soon as the staff of SHINee's lookalike came in, I followed their footstep and queuing for check-in rather than wasting my time outside. And so, my guts showed me I was right..
Just a minute after I finished my check in, I heard loud scream and at the corner of check-in counter JongHyun and Key walked in. The manager looked so scary and dragged the boys to the corner. hhmmm... as much as I want to see JJong and Key more, I was anxiously waiting for Minho for sure. Couple of second later, Taemin and Onew showed up looking exhausted after swarming through fans. Where is my Minho??? a minute later, there he came.. two bodyguards pull his body and he looked in between smiling and exhausted. He was gathered in the corner with the rest of the boys, acting cute showing the rest how he got out from the fans in the terminal. Gooooossshh.. He is skinny!!! I mean, in the stage, he looks tall and well built. Here he was, a few meters away, looking slender and thin with perfect porcelain skin. Minhhhoooooo....
a minute later, they were taken to the immigration counter amidst the chaotic situation. Following my instinct, I followed as well, queuing in the immigration counter. The result: 10 minutes of total fangirling!!! Minho, standing tall and gorgeous as always, just 5 meters away from me. I couldn't help but to look at him and at certain point, I put all my courage and bow to him nodding how much i am thankful for their song. He might recognized me in my shinee concert tee which is orange in color and has "Minho" written on the back. I don't care!!!
Jjong and Taem were the first in line, followed by Key and Onew. Minho stand on the third row with the manager. This means that he would be the last to que and I will have the chance to see him the longest than others. Thank you, God.. Thank Yooouuu... With a shaking hand, I gathered another courage, pull out my phone and snapped pictures below before an immigation officer forbid me to do so. And so, I stand there, numb from seeing Minho so close and thankful that instead of looking toward the immigration desk, Minho was facing his manager, which allow me to see him in up close mode..

Thank you, SHINee.. Thank you..
and most of all, Thank you, God.. You granted all my dreams and made them come true. Flying to Nanjing, spending blissful days with Kisi and attending SHINee World Concert with meeting the boys at the airport as a bonus track. And in my search of happiness, i guess, happiness means making dream, pursuing it and be thankful about it...
Time of departure back to Indonesia. Back to real life after a full week of bliss and joy. Being with Kisi again is such a miracle in itself. Being with her, I feel complete again knowing that she remains the one that my soul answers without any questions or doubt. I still remember how she looked nervous taking me to SHINee concert @ olympic stadium. Looking around, wondering if she can ask someone to help me get my seat. Just when I said no worries, she was partly laughing and said I am too scary for reading her mind so easily when other people struggle to do so.. Hey buddy, I am your twinsoul, remember?
I went home around midnight after concert, stop by at a cafe shop just few buildings away from my place. It calls "sculpture in time cafe" and they have the best coffee, chocolate and view in Nanjing. I just planned to stop by for a while, but eventually spent more time than it should be because the manager was talking to me in perfect English. He was so nice that I spent more than an hour zipping my hot choco which of course made Kisi somehow worried. Gomenna chingu.. Anyway, I went back and found her laying around without any intention to pack. Both of us have to leave Nanjing the next day, me back to indonesia and her to Beijing. But nothing happen.. and I, as usual, wondering around the room talking how great was the concert. She watched my camera and said i must be crazy for taking hundreds of pictures during the concert of 3 hours. I put in on multiple shoooottt... hahahaaha..
next day, 5 AM, parting time..
no more tears shed as we know we will meet again somewhere someday in this world. Kisi told me that whatever happen later, she will travel after taking civil service examination in December. And for sure, i will fly to wherever she goes that time. So, this time is not goodbye. It is just a time to say, mata ne..
I left to airport at 11PM because I thought I need to check-in at least two hours before my departure. My flight leave at 14.10 so i guess standing in line at 12 PM at the airport is not a bad idea at all. The truth is, that could be my luckiest moment so far with SHINee boys. My check - in gate apparently would not be open until 12.40. And the check in time is limited until 13.30 only. what a weird policy! the good news is, as time went by, I realized that SHINee boys could be on the same flying time with me as many fans came in swarming the airport.
So, I gamble... should I wait for the boys outside or inside? At first, i thought that waiting outside might be the best but seeing the increasing number of fans, I realized that this could be another battle I was not sure I could win. So as soon as the staff of SHINee's lookalike came in, I followed their footstep and queuing for check-in rather than wasting my time outside. And so, my guts showed me I was right..
Just a minute after I finished my check in, I heard loud scream and at the corner of check-in counter JongHyun and Key walked in. The manager looked so scary and dragged the boys to the corner. hhmmm... as much as I want to see JJong and Key more, I was anxiously waiting for Minho for sure. Couple of second later, Taemin and Onew showed up looking exhausted after swarming through fans. Where is my Minho??? a minute later, there he came.. two bodyguards pull his body and he looked in between smiling and exhausted. He was gathered in the corner with the rest of the boys, acting cute showing the rest how he got out from the fans in the terminal. Gooooossshh.. He is skinny!!! I mean, in the stage, he looks tall and well built. Here he was, a few meters away, looking slender and thin with perfect porcelain skin. Minhhhoooooo....
a minute later, they were taken to the immigration counter amidst the chaotic situation. Following my instinct, I followed as well, queuing in the immigration counter. The result: 10 minutes of total fangirling!!! Minho, standing tall and gorgeous as always, just 5 meters away from me. I couldn't help but to look at him and at certain point, I put all my courage and bow to him nodding how much i am thankful for their song. He might recognized me in my shinee concert tee which is orange in color and has "Minho" written on the back. I don't care!!!
Jjong and Taem were the first in line, followed by Key and Onew. Minho stand on the third row with the manager. This means that he would be the last to que and I will have the chance to see him the longest than others. Thank you, God.. Thank Yooouuu... With a shaking hand, I gathered another courage, pull out my phone and snapped pictures below before an immigation officer forbid me to do so. And so, I stand there, numb from seeing Minho so close and thankful that instead of looking toward the immigration desk, Minho was facing his manager, which allow me to see him in up close mode..
Thank you, SHINee.. Thank you..
and most of all, Thank you, God.. You granted all my dreams and made them come true. Flying to Nanjing, spending blissful days with Kisi and attending SHINee World Concert with meeting the boys at the airport as a bonus track. And in my search of happiness, i guess, happiness means making dream, pursuing it and be thankful about it...
Notes From My Travel,
Welcome to SHINee World Concert Nanjing (part 6)
Again, we began to chant: "SHINee... SHINee...SHINee.."
encore.. encore..encore.. we want encoreee.... we want the boys baaaaccckkkk...
and so our demand was met with the boys coming back in their pearl aqua concert tee and white pants. To me, the moments they appeared with that color coordination outfit, I almost jump into moshpit! goooossshhh... the boys look gorgeous! this is the best color coordination the have so far, far better than the color they crash during SWC in Taiwan. Man, they look mighty good!!!
thhheeeeennn... fans went super crazy after Minho succeeded in avoiding Jjong's kiss he actually asked. Fans went even crazier when Jjong lean his body toward Minho which caused Onew and Key to look at them with somehow disbelief look.

Later after the concert, rehearsal video was revealed showing Jjong and Minho were actually kissing! such a fuss was created around the net because the sudden peck kiss was directed toward one of the most good looking creatures in K-Pop Idol (forgive me for being bias ;p). Considering the same event happened again during the concert, my conclusion is one: this is Over-The-Top Fan Service!! and I hate this!!!
Anyway, back to concert, the boys sang JOJO of which choreography I personally voted as the best of the night. First, I really love their outfit color coordination. and second, the way they sang Jojo is refreshing and so light. The happiness was in the house once agaaaiiinn...

And so they came running around the stage. Minho took fans cheering banner with his name on it. While Key and Taemin happily running around throwing ball.. Minho and Jjong too, while spitting water on each other. that's grroouuusseee boyz! hhahahaha...

The vibe of concert coming to an end soon can be felt when the boys sang "one". with corfetti pouring down, it is a sign of reward for what the boys has performed. ONE VERY GOOD Performance!!

ooooohhh... I was sooo not ready to be separated from the shining shinee boys.. pllleaaaseeee... They made their final thank you remarks. Approaching our stage and bow 90 degrees.

After giving us the thank you bow and waving goodbye at us with smile. they came back to center stage to join the rest of the crew and wave us their final goodbye.. *cries* .
Each members said their thank you.. Key and Jjong repeatedly said "xie xie da jia" while my baby Minho's thank you remarks were the longest. Mentioning a number of Noonas I didn't recognized. Maybe he put my name too, but I was too hallucinated about parting with the boys. hahahaha... Minho, once again, prove himself as a noona-killer!

but like what Hello Baby said at the end of their show, "parting is not something sad, you meet and you have fun and then it's the ending point of a meeting". I guess, that's what i was planted into my head when the concert was about to come to an end. Me and SHINee certainly have fun and after 3 hours of good concert, it's the ending point of a meeting. And it marks a dream that was cemented 8 months earlier. To come to SHINee World Concert. That dream is now coming true..

Thank you for amazing concert, boys.. This is a truly dream coming true. See you again at the next show.. thank you.. thank you... And let me know run toward the future, embarking a new dream, a new hope..
encore.. encore..encore.. we want encoreee.... we want the boys baaaaccckkkk...
and so our demand was met with the boys coming back in their pearl aqua concert tee and white pants. To me, the moments they appeared with that color coordination outfit, I almost jump into moshpit! goooossshhh... the boys look gorgeous! this is the best color coordination the have so far, far better than the color they crash during SWC in Taiwan. Man, they look mighty good!!!
thhheeeeennn... fans went super crazy after Minho succeeded in avoiding Jjong's kiss he actually asked. Fans went even crazier when Jjong lean his body toward Minho which caused Onew and Key to look at them with somehow disbelief look.
Later after the concert, rehearsal video was revealed showing Jjong and Minho were actually kissing! such a fuss was created around the net because the sudden peck kiss was directed toward one of the most good looking creatures in K-Pop Idol (forgive me for being bias ;p). Considering the same event happened again during the concert, my conclusion is one: this is Over-The-Top Fan Service!! and I hate this!!!
Anyway, back to concert, the boys sang JOJO of which choreography I personally voted as the best of the night. First, I really love their outfit color coordination. and second, the way they sang Jojo is refreshing and so light. The happiness was in the house once agaaaiiinn...
And so they came running around the stage. Minho took fans cheering banner with his name on it. While Key and Taemin happily running around throwing ball.. Minho and Jjong too, while spitting water on each other. that's grroouuusseee boyz! hhahahaha...
The vibe of concert coming to an end soon can be felt when the boys sang "one". with corfetti pouring down, it is a sign of reward for what the boys has performed. ONE VERY GOOD Performance!!
ooooohhh... I was sooo not ready to be separated from the shining shinee boys.. pllleaaaseeee... They made their final thank you remarks. Approaching our stage and bow 90 degrees.
After giving us the thank you bow and waving goodbye at us with smile. they came back to center stage to join the rest of the crew and wave us their final goodbye.. *cries* .
Each members said their thank you.. Key and Jjong repeatedly said "xie xie da jia" while my baby Minho's thank you remarks were the longest. Mentioning a number of Noonas I didn't recognized. Maybe he put my name too, but I was too hallucinated about parting with the boys. hahahaha... Minho, once again, prove himself as a noona-killer!
but like what Hello Baby said at the end of their show, "parting is not something sad, you meet and you have fun and then it's the ending point of a meeting". I guess, that's what i was planted into my head when the concert was about to come to an end. Me and SHINee certainly have fun and after 3 hours of good concert, it's the ending point of a meeting. And it marks a dream that was cemented 8 months earlier. To come to SHINee World Concert. That dream is now coming true..
Thank you for amazing concert, boys.. This is a truly dream coming true. See you again at the next show.. thank you.. thank you... And let me know run toward the future, embarking a new dream, a new hope..
Welcome to SHINee World Concert Nanjing (part 5)
The next part of the concert is definitely far from ballad and mellow. Call "Ring Ding Dong" and you shake most of the world into rhythm! Yoo Geeunnnaaaaa... That's the only name I want to scream. WHY? Anyone remember Hello Baby?? YooGeun is the only official SHINee's sixth member after mastering Ring Ding Dong under mischievous SHINee appa's guidence for 3 months. Oooohh... how much I want Yoo Geun to be there and dance RDD with appas..

Rock your body with "up and down" and "ready or not" as the boys running cheerfully toward the crowd! I found this moment to be so much fun seeing the boys happily running into the center stage. And my camera, as crazy as i don't look while shooting capture just the beauty of their smile! yaaayyy

and the crowds were screaming like crrraaazzzzyyyyy when Jjong sit on the stage and Taemin running from behind hugging the hyung! literally craaazzzeeeeyyyy...

meanwhile, someone was literally tired. This is only year 2011, leader Onew!! wakakakaka....

and the boys were hyper and over the top during "ready or not". for me, this is the first time i have to hold myself not to turn myself like crazy just as the boys did it in front of me. someone might kill me if i do! hahahaahah... and trust me, not picture is taken. I was to busy laughing seeing how hyper minho could be with jjong. JongHo are hyppppeeeerr!!!
Next to make the crowds get crazier is LUCIFER! Welcome to the laser show and i have to admit, it was one good laser show!!! all the boys were lifted to the air with their arms equipped with wolverine-kind-of-hand that projects laser..

suddenly: THANK YOU appears on the screen and we all scream like craaazzeeee... Bring back our SHINee!!!!
to be continued
The next part of the concert is definitely far from ballad and mellow. Call "Ring Ding Dong" and you shake most of the world into rhythm! Yoo Geeunnnaaaaa... That's the only name I want to scream. WHY? Anyone remember Hello Baby?? YooGeun is the only official SHINee's sixth member after mastering Ring Ding Dong under mischievous SHINee appa's guidence for 3 months. Oooohh... how much I want Yoo Geun to be there and dance RDD with appas..
Rock your body with "up and down" and "ready or not" as the boys running cheerfully toward the crowd! I found this moment to be so much fun seeing the boys happily running into the center stage. And my camera, as crazy as i don't look while shooting capture just the beauty of their smile! yaaayyy
and the crowds were screaming like crrraaazzzzyyyyy when Jjong sit on the stage and Taemin running from behind hugging the hyung! literally craaazzzeeeeyyyy...
meanwhile, someone was literally tired. This is only year 2011, leader Onew!! wakakakaka....
and the boys were hyper and over the top during "ready or not". for me, this is the first time i have to hold myself not to turn myself like crazy just as the boys did it in front of me. someone might kill me if i do! hahahaahah... and trust me, not picture is taken. I was to busy laughing seeing how hyper minho could be with jjong. JongHo are hyppppeeeerr!!!
Next to make the crowds get crazier is LUCIFER! Welcome to the laser show and i have to admit, it was one good laser show!!! all the boys were lifted to the air with their arms equipped with wolverine-kind-of-hand that projects laser..
suddenly: THANK YOU appears on the screen and we all scream like craaazzeeee... Bring back our SHINee!!!!
to be continued
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Welcome to SHINee World Concert Nanjing (part 4)
and so, the serene songs continues.. (tough you cannot categorize Love Like Oxygen as sad ;p)
VCR came in.. setting a new mode of broken heart as the next song is none other than Quasimodo and Life. Despite all the sadness hanging because of the two songs, i have to admit i was literally dies during this two songs. The boys look extremely good looking in their white suit. me being Minho bias, couldn't help but look at him all the time. But I have to admit, Key once again give me the most picturesque look. He draws everyone seeing him at the time into his eyes, which tells you that love brings only sadness and no other than that..

The serene surrounding is what come next with me only able to open my mouth in disbelief. Here we are, standing in somewhat an opera concert with Onew coming for his solo. Singing Nessun Dorma, he literally mesmerized all of us with a vocal of an opera singer. I can only open my mouth while he reached all those high notes. No picture was taken and Hail to Leader Onew!!
Hail to the boys again for coming as an angel! Right there, in front of me, Minho came slowly to the stage from below the stage as an angel. Luckily, i know very well Minho will come from there, so I barely breath during his appearance. Kissssiiii.. You bought me the nicest spot in the concert!!

Angel song, came from a traditional Korean children song, was sang beautifully by the boys. Everytime I remember the concert, Angel is always the first song to come to mind. So beautiful it is, I sang it over and over again with the boys.. with Leader Onew came last as a divine angel hugging a little boy. With the way the perform it, SHINee made sure that none of us will forget that performance in years to come..

to be continued
VCR came in.. setting a new mode of broken heart as the next song is none other than Quasimodo and Life. Despite all the sadness hanging because of the two songs, i have to admit i was literally dies during this two songs. The boys look extremely good looking in their white suit. me being Minho bias, couldn't help but look at him all the time. But I have to admit, Key once again give me the most picturesque look. He draws everyone seeing him at the time into his eyes, which tells you that love brings only sadness and no other than that..
The serene surrounding is what come next with me only able to open my mouth in disbelief. Here we are, standing in somewhat an opera concert with Onew coming for his solo. Singing Nessun Dorma, he literally mesmerized all of us with a vocal of an opera singer. I can only open my mouth while he reached all those high notes. No picture was taken and Hail to Leader Onew!!
Hail to the boys again for coming as an angel! Right there, in front of me, Minho came slowly to the stage from below the stage as an angel. Luckily, i know very well Minho will come from there, so I barely breath during his appearance. Kissssiiii.. You bought me the nicest spot in the concert!!
Angel song, came from a traditional Korean children song, was sang beautifully by the boys. Everytime I remember the concert, Angel is always the first song to come to mind. So beautiful it is, I sang it over and over again with the boys.. with Leader Onew came last as a divine angel hugging a little boy. With the way the perform it, SHINee made sure that none of us will forget that performance in years to come..
to be continued
Welcome to SHINee World Concert Nanjing (part 3)
Fun continueeeeessssss
After A-Yo, which means I am still in the land of dream and disbelief, the boys (blurry in my mind) continues with "Romantic" and "Obsession". I only remembered a fraction of this performance thanks to the hype of A-Yo. The boys changed into caramel-white outfit and sang the song at the main stage. The melody of romantic truly made you feel like in a mellow country.. ooohh.. so serene..

my senses snap back only when the boys took the rolling stage into center stage while "Obsession". The song was so sad I can see Key almost shed his tears while singing it. And as I promised you before, this is where Diva Key approached our stage and gave us the best photo shooting session ever.

and Minho gave me that sad look as well, under the red light during Obsession..

One of my fave parts of the concert came next when the boys sang Graze. Graze is a sad love song. Truly sad.. and with this song I connect myself. My love and the love of my life. The one I love with such sincerity that I never known before. Too sad, as the boys also said it, I was never been more than comfortable friend from the beginning. And during Life, my tears drop as a farewell for another million time. Wishing that the love should fade as soon as the new song begin..

The next part is Replay.. Being so mellow during Graze, I barely recover during Replay. Although there is VCR before hand. Waiting for the boys to change the subtle outfit into colorful one. Romeo version it is!! Shiny colorful jeans.. here I commmeeee....

then there was "love like oxygen". In contrary with Graze, I hate love like oxygen. Love never been an oxygen since 3 years ago. Its more Carbon dioxide for me. frustrating and relenting.. So I stand still during the song only to question when will be the time love become an oxygen instead the contrary..

to be continued
After A-Yo, which means I am still in the land of dream and disbelief, the boys (blurry in my mind) continues with "Romantic" and "Obsession". I only remembered a fraction of this performance thanks to the hype of A-Yo. The boys changed into caramel-white outfit and sang the song at the main stage. The melody of romantic truly made you feel like in a mellow country.. ooohh.. so serene..
my senses snap back only when the boys took the rolling stage into center stage while "Obsession". The song was so sad I can see Key almost shed his tears while singing it. And as I promised you before, this is where Diva Key approached our stage and gave us the best photo shooting session ever.
and Minho gave me that sad look as well, under the red light during Obsession..
One of my fave parts of the concert came next when the boys sang Graze. Graze is a sad love song. Truly sad.. and with this song I connect myself. My love and the love of my life. The one I love with such sincerity that I never known before. Too sad, as the boys also said it, I was never been more than comfortable friend from the beginning. And during Life, my tears drop as a farewell for another million time. Wishing that the love should fade as soon as the new song begin..
The next part is Replay.. Being so mellow during Graze, I barely recover during Replay. Although there is VCR before hand. Waiting for the boys to change the subtle outfit into colorful one. Romeo version it is!! Shiny colorful jeans.. here I commmeeee....
then there was "love like oxygen". In contrary with Graze, I hate love like oxygen. Love never been an oxygen since 3 years ago. Its more Carbon dioxide for me. frustrating and relenting.. So I stand still during the song only to question when will be the time love become an oxygen instead the contrary..
to be continued
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