I admitted that Suju attracted me first when I had my first step into KPop. Strange enough at the time when everyone is bandwagoning DBSK. But me is just me.. I fall for their variety gags in Full House and I've been wanted to see their live concert. And there we go, 4 years later, I made it with bestie Anida to fly to Singapore to watch the concert. Not to mention actually my mom came along since I wanted to celebrate my birthday by taking her to have nice vacation in Singapore. So, double presents it is.
Overall, the concert was fun, fun, and fun.. Suju is trully an entertainer. I love the concept of SS4 and since I like the album, I enjoyed the concert thoroughly. I love the songs and I love how much interaction suju boys tried to have with the fans. I screamed my lungs out when Donghae did the selca things with fans. That polaroid thing is really the one I should have the next time I attend a concert. I want a selca with Donghaaaaaeeeeee....

And I swear I changed my bias from Siwon to Donghae that instant. He is so freakin adorable and cute. I mean, lets be honest here, Siwon is gorgeous. No one denies it. Even his sex appeal went as far as 7 kilo away. But Donghae is just manly and sexy in another different way. So cute. I want to cuddle with him, really.. I waaaaannnttt....
Sadly, I forgot my lightstick. This is so no no in KPop Concert, mind you. Anyway, check out the picture I took during the concert

what a birthday blast ^^
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