An bond that creates unique connection between people. a bond of family, a bond of friendship, a bond between student-teacher, a bond between bos-staff, a bond between shop owner-customer, even a bond between people who just cross the street at the same time and never meet again in their lifetime.
Have you ever read a novel called "the five people you meet in heaven"? The book tell us a story about a man who just passed away. He then went to heaven where he had to cross through 5 rooms, to meet 5 people. The 5 people will explain him his true life even if this man didin't realize that they were indeed in his life.
So strange human relationship, that we never know what people in our life will do for us and us for them. But I believe that people are coming into our life for a reason, bringing something for us to learn, to experience. We are lead to those who help us most to grow if we let them to. Sadly, no one of us have a map to tell what role will that person have in our life or vice versa. No guidelines of what we do too. Like the man in the book, we are all clueless. Clueless to a simple event and a meeting with one person might change our life forever.
Well, I don't know either. Who among the 300.000 people that I might encounter in my life will teach me the most or vice versa. What will their role in our life. As the book try tell us, each and every one of them have their own role in our life and we are in their life. Maybe we will meet them again or maybe not. Who can say?
Today, I finished some document to rule out my plan for departure from Japan after finishing the master degree. The bell just hit home! It has been two years since I came to Japan and I am leaving Japan soon. Time went so fast. Then I ask myself, will I meet all these wonderful person again in my life? Will someday I have a chance to hug them again? Talk to them again? To see their face again? I heart hurt thinking about that
When Ayana tell me that there is an EN, a bond between us, I believe that whether we will meet again or not, we will be bonded forever. In a bond that unique from one to another. That in each bond will bring us smile and joy, sadness and tears, laugh and hugs, smile and kiss. In Indonesian, we call it, "jodoh".
For everyone in life is indeed special.
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