Quoting Quelho, "freedom is not in the absence of commitment, but the ability to choose and commit my self to - what is best for me"
For the past couple of months, I have been in continuous search of jobs that I want to do. I'll say it again, looking for jobs.
Jobs, what does that word mean to you? Is it about doing a work and get paid? Or doing things you like but still you are chasing for the money? Or doing what you like and do best at.
In my case, I look for a job within the UN system or international organizations. I want to do another thing other than researching with local NGOs. I want to do something more, something big. And since interning with the UN, working with this body seems to make more sense than anything I ever wanted in life. Only to find myself loosing in the way to get there.
I landed a job back from the old office. I should be thankful for having a job, in a place I used to belong and in a field that I have been for the past few years. Yet, I feel a storm of boredom and a bigger wish to escape the likely routed way. Do I really hate doing research? Do I really want to have that UN jobs that I despise the work I should be thankful?
Guess, I have to resort to say that I will work my ass off so one day I can work for the UN
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Bangsaku yang Pemaaf dan Pelupa
"Forgiven but Not Forgotten"
Kata-kata "bijaksana" diatas, bila diartikan dalam bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar bisa jadi berbunyi "kau kumaafkan tapi kesalahanmu takkan kulupakan". Dan sepertinya kebanyakan dari kita benar-benar mencamkan hal itu. Kalau ada orang yang pernah berbuat salah, pasti kita akan mengingatnya walaupun diri kita memaafkan orang itu. Kalau kata orang, buat jaga-jaga supaya orang itu ga bikin kita sebel lagi. Hayo..siapa diantara kita yang berprinsip demikian?? *malu-malu unjuk tangan sendiri*.
Tapi rupayanya, pemahaman itu hanya bersifat individual. Hanya dipraktekkan oleh pribadi-pribadi tertentu. Tidak pernah diterapkan secara kolektif, paling tidak oleh bangsaku ini, Indonesia. Maksudnya????
Mari kita tengok beberapa kasus berikut..
1. Kasus Susno Duadji yang jadi musuh publik saat pertempuran dengan Bibit - Chandra babak 1 berlangsung. Saat itu ia jadi musuh bersama publik. Tapi keadaan berubah total ketika babak ke2 berlangsung dimana Susno malah seolah jadi korban kepolisian. Publik berpihak padanya. hhhhmmm....
2. Oh Pak Harto.. siapa ya yang mengusulkan (alm) Pak Harto menjadi pahlawan nasional? Sudah lupakah kita akan apa yang kita sendiri lakukan satu dekade lalu??
3. Lumpur Lapindo masih mencuat ke muka bumi dan Abu Rizal Bakri masih melenggang menjadi pejabat negeri tercinta. Ini kenapa ya??
4. Sudah lupakah kita betapa dulu kita mendukung Bibit dan Chandra? Kemana dukungan itu sekarang mereka sudah diturunkan dan kasusnya akan segera diproses? Mungkin kita sedang sibuk dengan banjir
5. Banjir oh banjir...macet oh macet.. kata-kata itu sungguh dekat dengan kota Jakarta. Tapi pernahkan kita belajar? Setiap tahun, pelajaran yang kita ambil masih sama dan senada. Sistem drainase yang buruk, jalanan yang tidak sebanding dengan laju pertumbuhan kendaraan, dan ruang publik yang menyempit. Tapi adakah kita belajar? Adakah kita bergerak untuk tidak membeli motor dan mobil? Adakah kita bergerak untuk tidak membuang sampah sembarangan? Adakah pemerintah tergerak untuk membersihkan sampah yang selalu tampak jelas? Begitu musim berganti kemarau dan tidak ada air yang masuk ke rumah, kita semua lupa.
Iya.. kita semua lupa. Lupa oleh permasalahan lama yang tidak pernah selesai. Lupa bahwa tugas kita belum selesai. Atau sengaja lupakah kita? Atau memang kita terlena untuk diajak lupa saja?
Lupa memang penyakit manusia kok. Bagian tidak terpisahkan dari manusia. Bukan manusia namanya kalau tidak lupa. Tapi maukah kelupaan kita akan hal penting dan kealpaan kita itu terus menerus membuat kita menderita di masa mendatang? Ambil contoh banjir, kenikmatan hidup tanpa banjir hanya 6 bulan, tapi kealpaan kita untuk membereskan masalah banjir itu membuat kita sengsara 6 bulan kemudian. Bila kita terus menerus lupa, bukankah kita akan terus menderita? Kita seperti di lingkaran setan yang tidak pernah berujung pangkal dan berakhir.
Bangsaku yang sungguh pemaaf.. dan juga pelupa.
Yuk.. kita jangan jadi bangsa yang pelupa. Kita boleh jadi bangsa yang pemaaf karena memaafkan itu menunjukkan kita berbesar hati. Tapi jangan lupa.. Itu awal dari segala bencana. Bila kita tahu sistem drainase kita buruk, bahwa mobil sudah terlalu banyak, bahwa lapindo harus terus diurus, atau kasus century harus terus diusut, mari jangan lupa dan terbelokkan.
Mari membangun sistem drainase yang baik. Mari sisingkan lengan dan berjuang untuk tidak membuang sampah sembarangan. Mari kita menjadi media yang baik dan menyiarkan hal yang sebenernya, sesuatu yang tidak membuat kita lupa akan kesalahan masa lalu. Kalau memang membuat subway tidak dimungkinkan untuk mengatasi kemacetan (beneran ga mungkin ya?), bisa kan kita ga naik mobil pribadi terus? atau ada yang tergerak untuk membuat trotar dan memfungsikannya dengan baik?
Kalau kita sebagai individu bisa menjadi orang yang pemaaf tapi tidak pelupa, kenapa sebagai bangsa kita tidak bisa? Ayo!!
Kata-kata "bijaksana" diatas, bila diartikan dalam bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar bisa jadi berbunyi "kau kumaafkan tapi kesalahanmu takkan kulupakan". Dan sepertinya kebanyakan dari kita benar-benar mencamkan hal itu. Kalau ada orang yang pernah berbuat salah, pasti kita akan mengingatnya walaupun diri kita memaafkan orang itu. Kalau kata orang, buat jaga-jaga supaya orang itu ga bikin kita sebel lagi. Hayo..siapa diantara kita yang berprinsip demikian?? *malu-malu unjuk tangan sendiri*.
Tapi rupayanya, pemahaman itu hanya bersifat individual. Hanya dipraktekkan oleh pribadi-pribadi tertentu. Tidak pernah diterapkan secara kolektif, paling tidak oleh bangsaku ini, Indonesia. Maksudnya????
Mari kita tengok beberapa kasus berikut..
1. Kasus Susno Duadji yang jadi musuh publik saat pertempuran dengan Bibit - Chandra babak 1 berlangsung. Saat itu ia jadi musuh bersama publik. Tapi keadaan berubah total ketika babak ke2 berlangsung dimana Susno malah seolah jadi korban kepolisian. Publik berpihak padanya. hhhhmmm....
2. Oh Pak Harto.. siapa ya yang mengusulkan (alm) Pak Harto menjadi pahlawan nasional? Sudah lupakah kita akan apa yang kita sendiri lakukan satu dekade lalu??
3. Lumpur Lapindo masih mencuat ke muka bumi dan Abu Rizal Bakri masih melenggang menjadi pejabat negeri tercinta. Ini kenapa ya??
4. Sudah lupakah kita betapa dulu kita mendukung Bibit dan Chandra? Kemana dukungan itu sekarang mereka sudah diturunkan dan kasusnya akan segera diproses? Mungkin kita sedang sibuk dengan banjir
5. Banjir oh banjir...macet oh macet.. kata-kata itu sungguh dekat dengan kota Jakarta. Tapi pernahkan kita belajar? Setiap tahun, pelajaran yang kita ambil masih sama dan senada. Sistem drainase yang buruk, jalanan yang tidak sebanding dengan laju pertumbuhan kendaraan, dan ruang publik yang menyempit. Tapi adakah kita belajar? Adakah kita bergerak untuk tidak membeli motor dan mobil? Adakah kita bergerak untuk tidak membuang sampah sembarangan? Adakah pemerintah tergerak untuk membersihkan sampah yang selalu tampak jelas? Begitu musim berganti kemarau dan tidak ada air yang masuk ke rumah, kita semua lupa.
Iya.. kita semua lupa. Lupa oleh permasalahan lama yang tidak pernah selesai. Lupa bahwa tugas kita belum selesai. Atau sengaja lupakah kita? Atau memang kita terlena untuk diajak lupa saja?
Lupa memang penyakit manusia kok. Bagian tidak terpisahkan dari manusia. Bukan manusia namanya kalau tidak lupa. Tapi maukah kelupaan kita akan hal penting dan kealpaan kita itu terus menerus membuat kita menderita di masa mendatang? Ambil contoh banjir, kenikmatan hidup tanpa banjir hanya 6 bulan, tapi kealpaan kita untuk membereskan masalah banjir itu membuat kita sengsara 6 bulan kemudian. Bila kita terus menerus lupa, bukankah kita akan terus menderita? Kita seperti di lingkaran setan yang tidak pernah berujung pangkal dan berakhir.
Bangsaku yang sungguh pemaaf.. dan juga pelupa.
Yuk.. kita jangan jadi bangsa yang pelupa. Kita boleh jadi bangsa yang pemaaf karena memaafkan itu menunjukkan kita berbesar hati. Tapi jangan lupa.. Itu awal dari segala bencana. Bila kita tahu sistem drainase kita buruk, bahwa mobil sudah terlalu banyak, bahwa lapindo harus terus diurus, atau kasus century harus terus diusut, mari jangan lupa dan terbelokkan.
Mari membangun sistem drainase yang baik. Mari sisingkan lengan dan berjuang untuk tidak membuang sampah sembarangan. Mari kita menjadi media yang baik dan menyiarkan hal yang sebenernya, sesuatu yang tidak membuat kita lupa akan kesalahan masa lalu. Kalau memang membuat subway tidak dimungkinkan untuk mengatasi kemacetan (beneran ga mungkin ya?), bisa kan kita ga naik mobil pribadi terus? atau ada yang tergerak untuk membuat trotar dan memfungsikannya dengan baik?
Kalau kita sebagai individu bisa menjadi orang yang pemaaf tapi tidak pelupa, kenapa sebagai bangsa kita tidak bisa? Ayo!!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
For the one I said goodbye to
Karashima Midori – Silent Eve
Lyrics: Karashima Midori
Music: Karashima Midori
Pure white snow falls as everyone stands still
My heart remembers where it wants to be
I could gather up all the love in the world
But why aren’t you here on this special night?
When I chose to say goodbye it was never for your sake
The scared and flickering candle just filled me with sadness
The rule that we must remain ‘friends’ makes it such a difficult game
I won’t ever come between the two of you again
The truth is everyone wants to be kind
Nevertheless, people cannot be angels
I haven’t looked away but my memories still fade
The changing seasons turn each page
When I chose to say goodbye it was never your fault
The flowers and cards are all a Merry Christmas for me
Rather than smile and call you a ‘friend,’ please let me cry by myself now
Until the day I grab my dream again, it will forever be a silent night
Until the day I grab my dream again, it will forever be a silent night
copyrights: http://www.quartet4.net/?p=99
Actually, I never leave your side
I always pray for you
and wish that I one day I can be with you again
So, until the day I meet you again
It will forever be silent nights
Ini bukan soal tampang, bung!! Ini soal cerita..
"Masyarakat Indonesia itu memang suka yang multikulturalisme kali ya. Ngerti ga ngerti bahasanya, asal tampang ganteng. Langsung sikat"
Itu dia komentar salah satu aktris Indonesia waktu ditanya soal kesuksesan drama Korea di Indonesia. Komentar yang bisa dibilang bodoh. Pertama, karena enggak ngerti arti kata multikulturalisme. Jelas kata itu ga ada sangkut pautnya kita suka tampang ganteng ato enggak. Kedua, emak gw aja bisa langsung nyaut "pantesan aja itu anak2 muda yang ngerasa dirinya cakep langsung jadi artis. modal tampang ga bisa akting. mentang-mentang kalo artis dipikir langsung tajir. mending juga liat Emak naik haji. bermutu biar ga ada yang cakep. bagus lagi muatan islaminya".
You got it, Mom!!!
Berhubung diri sendiri penggemar sinetron asia yang produsennya entah dari Cina, Korea atau Jepang, tak kasih tau ya kenapa drama-drama mereka booming di Indonesia. Tentu aja dibanding dengan sinetron Indonesia.
1. Jumlah episodenya ga panjang.
Jepang dengan kejam cuma membatasi sekitar 10-15 episode. Cerita panjang cuma ada di taiga drama alias film drama sejarah yang jumlahnya bisa diitung pakai jari tiap tahun.
Korea membagi sinetronnya menjadi 3. Drama pagi yang kurang ajar panjangnya sekitar 100an meski patut dicatat itu durasinya cuma setengah jam. Drama kolosal yang berkisar antara 60-70 episode, kayak Dae Jang Geum. Trus sinetron prime time yang slotnya masih dibagi jadi dua. Sinetron yang slotnya berkisar angkat 30 dan 20an.
2. Tampang emang penting, tapi cerita juga ga kalah penting.
Jangan salahin tampang artis luar yang emang keren untuk menjustifikasi sinetron indonesia yang melempem. kalau dilihat artis jaman sekarang, gw akuin kok kalo tampang artis kita oke punya. Gw selalu kekeuh menganggap Zumi Zola, Darius Sinatrya, Tora Sudiro ama Nicolas Saputra itu cakep. Artis cewek kita juga begitu kok. Banyak yang cakep, seperti penuturan adek dan temen2 cowok gw. Bedanya, itu sinetron Indonesia suka ngelantur ceritanya. Mari kita ambil contoh Tersanjung dan Cinta Fitri. Itu dua sinetron booming banget di awal penayangannya. tapi begitu serial itu dipanjangin ampe hitungan tak terhingga, langsung deh keok. Alasannya sederhana aja, penonton udah males nonton karena ceritanya emang udah ga jelas. Udah ngelantur kemana-mana dan terkesan dibuat buat. Penuh intrik dan penderitaan tak berkesudahan, persis realita penduduk Indonesia. Kita nonton drama kan pengen dapet hiburan, bukan gambaran semu yang aneh bin ajaib. Cobalah sinetron kita ga pake acara dipanjang-panjangin, pasti booming.
Jadiiii... Yang penting itu bukan cuma tampang doang, bung! Cerita dan jumlah episode juga sangat membantu. Biarpun sinetron kita bertabur bintang cakep, kalo ceritanya ga jelas, ga dilirik juga. Makanya, drama korea atau jepang bisa mencuri perhatian masyarakat. Jangan salahkan kimbum, rain ato lee minho kalo mereka cakep juga. hahahaahaha..
Anyway, kita masih hebat juga kok. Tayangan di tv kita masih ada yang bermutu dan film yang tayang di bioskop juga masih oke.
1. Yang menyentuh hati itu pasti booming, tapi sayang kadang tak berarti rating
Tengoklah acara upin ipin yg lagi heboh itu. Setelah melihat ponakan sendiri cinta mati ma upin ipin, akhirnya niat juga nonton itu program. Ternyata bagus! pesan moralnya ada dan ide nya sangat kreatif. Itu yang disebut drama multikultural ketika tokoh-tokoh di dalamnya diceritakan berasal dari etnis yang berbeda. Kita punya??? Jelas ada!! Kita punya kok tontonan bermutu macam upin ipin. Tengoklah Kick Andy, Bolang, ato si Unyil. Beruntunglah ketiganya masih menyambangi layar kita. Jadi kita masih ada tontonan yang menghibur di kala semua sinetron kita lagi ga bener.
2. Sinetron boleh keok, tapi film Indonesia sangat berjaya!
Pas pulang ke solo, kaget ngeliat layar bioskop disini nyatanya diisi oleh film Indonesia. Tidak hanya di satu layar, tapi hampir di semua layar. Sebutlah kemarin itu ada Sang Pencerah dan Laskar Merah Putih. Sebelumnya, ada Laskar Pelangi, Merah Putih, Garuda di Dadaku, Emak ingin Naik Haji, Naga Bonar (jadi) 2, Ayat-ayat Cinta, dan masih banyak lagi. Hebat kan kita?? Kalau dilihat, emang ada yang cakep gitu maen disitu? Yah, di pelem Merah Putih emang iya. Tapi lainnya? Mereka menang di alur cerita yang bagus dan membumi.
Ada perasaan senang dan bangga melihat film anak negeri menjadi tuan rumah di negeri sendiri. Semoga sinetron kita juga begitu dan tidak melulu menyalahkan mereka si artis luar yang bertampang oke sebagai kambing hitam kemerosotan kualitas sinetron kita. Ayo, bikin sinetron yang sederhana dan menyentuh. Kayak si Doel jamannya masih ada Benyamin atau Keluarga Cemara, atau Losmen-nya Pak Broto. Aku rindu sinetron-sinetron itu...
Itu dia komentar salah satu aktris Indonesia waktu ditanya soal kesuksesan drama Korea di Indonesia. Komentar yang bisa dibilang bodoh. Pertama, karena enggak ngerti arti kata multikulturalisme. Jelas kata itu ga ada sangkut pautnya kita suka tampang ganteng ato enggak. Kedua, emak gw aja bisa langsung nyaut "pantesan aja itu anak2 muda yang ngerasa dirinya cakep langsung jadi artis. modal tampang ga bisa akting. mentang-mentang kalo artis dipikir langsung tajir. mending juga liat Emak naik haji. bermutu biar ga ada yang cakep. bagus lagi muatan islaminya".
You got it, Mom!!!
Berhubung diri sendiri penggemar sinetron asia yang produsennya entah dari Cina, Korea atau Jepang, tak kasih tau ya kenapa drama-drama mereka booming di Indonesia. Tentu aja dibanding dengan sinetron Indonesia.
1. Jumlah episodenya ga panjang.
Jepang dengan kejam cuma membatasi sekitar 10-15 episode. Cerita panjang cuma ada di taiga drama alias film drama sejarah yang jumlahnya bisa diitung pakai jari tiap tahun.
Korea membagi sinetronnya menjadi 3. Drama pagi yang kurang ajar panjangnya sekitar 100an meski patut dicatat itu durasinya cuma setengah jam. Drama kolosal yang berkisar antara 60-70 episode, kayak Dae Jang Geum. Trus sinetron prime time yang slotnya masih dibagi jadi dua. Sinetron yang slotnya berkisar angkat 30 dan 20an.
2. Tampang emang penting, tapi cerita juga ga kalah penting.
Jangan salahin tampang artis luar yang emang keren untuk menjustifikasi sinetron indonesia yang melempem. kalau dilihat artis jaman sekarang, gw akuin kok kalo tampang artis kita oke punya. Gw selalu kekeuh menganggap Zumi Zola, Darius Sinatrya, Tora Sudiro ama Nicolas Saputra itu cakep. Artis cewek kita juga begitu kok. Banyak yang cakep, seperti penuturan adek dan temen2 cowok gw. Bedanya, itu sinetron Indonesia suka ngelantur ceritanya. Mari kita ambil contoh Tersanjung dan Cinta Fitri. Itu dua sinetron booming banget di awal penayangannya. tapi begitu serial itu dipanjangin ampe hitungan tak terhingga, langsung deh keok. Alasannya sederhana aja, penonton udah males nonton karena ceritanya emang udah ga jelas. Udah ngelantur kemana-mana dan terkesan dibuat buat. Penuh intrik dan penderitaan tak berkesudahan, persis realita penduduk Indonesia. Kita nonton drama kan pengen dapet hiburan, bukan gambaran semu yang aneh bin ajaib. Cobalah sinetron kita ga pake acara dipanjang-panjangin, pasti booming.
Jadiiii... Yang penting itu bukan cuma tampang doang, bung! Cerita dan jumlah episode juga sangat membantu. Biarpun sinetron kita bertabur bintang cakep, kalo ceritanya ga jelas, ga dilirik juga. Makanya, drama korea atau jepang bisa mencuri perhatian masyarakat. Jangan salahkan kimbum, rain ato lee minho kalo mereka cakep juga. hahahaahaha..
Anyway, kita masih hebat juga kok. Tayangan di tv kita masih ada yang bermutu dan film yang tayang di bioskop juga masih oke.
1. Yang menyentuh hati itu pasti booming, tapi sayang kadang tak berarti rating
Tengoklah acara upin ipin yg lagi heboh itu. Setelah melihat ponakan sendiri cinta mati ma upin ipin, akhirnya niat juga nonton itu program. Ternyata bagus! pesan moralnya ada dan ide nya sangat kreatif. Itu yang disebut drama multikultural ketika tokoh-tokoh di dalamnya diceritakan berasal dari etnis yang berbeda. Kita punya??? Jelas ada!! Kita punya kok tontonan bermutu macam upin ipin. Tengoklah Kick Andy, Bolang, ato si Unyil. Beruntunglah ketiganya masih menyambangi layar kita. Jadi kita masih ada tontonan yang menghibur di kala semua sinetron kita lagi ga bener.
2. Sinetron boleh keok, tapi film Indonesia sangat berjaya!
Pas pulang ke solo, kaget ngeliat layar bioskop disini nyatanya diisi oleh film Indonesia. Tidak hanya di satu layar, tapi hampir di semua layar. Sebutlah kemarin itu ada Sang Pencerah dan Laskar Merah Putih. Sebelumnya, ada Laskar Pelangi, Merah Putih, Garuda di Dadaku, Emak ingin Naik Haji, Naga Bonar (jadi) 2, Ayat-ayat Cinta, dan masih banyak lagi. Hebat kan kita?? Kalau dilihat, emang ada yang cakep gitu maen disitu? Yah, di pelem Merah Putih emang iya. Tapi lainnya? Mereka menang di alur cerita yang bagus dan membumi.
Ada perasaan senang dan bangga melihat film anak negeri menjadi tuan rumah di negeri sendiri. Semoga sinetron kita juga begitu dan tidak melulu menyalahkan mereka si artis luar yang bertampang oke sebagai kambing hitam kemerosotan kualitas sinetron kita. Ayo, bikin sinetron yang sederhana dan menyentuh. Kayak si Doel jamannya masih ada Benyamin atau Keluarga Cemara, atau Losmen-nya Pak Broto. Aku rindu sinetron-sinetron itu...
social media
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
To Travel in Indonesia (Air Edition)
Travelling never as compelling as challenging as in indonesia. It is always a pleasant experience for sure, wondering the beautiful country. Many places to visit, many mountains to climb, and many journey to enjoy.
But when it comes to the transportation system, welcome to the world of multiple painkiller. You need a dozen painkiller to reduce the pain in your back, hand, head, stomach, and most importantly your heart. Let me tell you why you need such a medication, this time when you travel by air.
First, the domestic flight is usually late. Ranging from half an hour to unlimited. Make sure to bring a book, mp3 player, or a partner to talk to.
Second, people loves to dislike queing. As long as they can check in first, they will do anything. Suck!
Third, baggage stuff. Becareful not to say yes when someone offer you to wrap your bag. It is truly a protection system, yes. But notice that wrapping system is better for long-range flight which acquire you a transit somewhere in the journey. For example, if you travel to batam or any other part in indonesia outside java island from small airport like in solo or Yogyakarta, you will most likely make transit in Jakarta. Or vice versa. But for one direct flight with a range of an hour, better keep it wrap with yellow band. You can find the counter near check in desk, usually.
And notice that wrapping system is not obligatory. It is your choice! Just make sure that your bag is securely locked, here and there.
Fourth, if you are travelling with heavy luggage, you can always ask for a porter help. It just that you need to pay them a good fee.
Fifth, if you are a kind of people who easy to get hungry, make sure to have something to eat before the flight. Most domestic flight doesn't have in flight food service.
Sixth, be open and kind hearted. usually you gonna meet a person you already know or the person next to you will become your friend after the end of the flight. So much Indonesian.
Seventh, never turn on your phone literally a second after the plane touch down. It is forbidden! As the navigation system is still working. But Indonesian never seems to learn that.. So be patient when you heard a welcome sound of cellphone or even sound of incoming calls from many other passengers. Tell them the truth, if you wish. I told many already, but no one seems to care. Well, just start from ourself then.
Okay then.. I guess that's it for today. Good day and have a pleasant journey, everybody ^_^
But when it comes to the transportation system, welcome to the world of multiple painkiller. You need a dozen painkiller to reduce the pain in your back, hand, head, stomach, and most importantly your heart. Let me tell you why you need such a medication, this time when you travel by air.
First, the domestic flight is usually late. Ranging from half an hour to unlimited. Make sure to bring a book, mp3 player, or a partner to talk to.
Second, people loves to dislike queing. As long as they can check in first, they will do anything. Suck!
Third, baggage stuff. Becareful not to say yes when someone offer you to wrap your bag. It is truly a protection system, yes. But notice that wrapping system is better for long-range flight which acquire you a transit somewhere in the journey. For example, if you travel to batam or any other part in indonesia outside java island from small airport like in solo or Yogyakarta, you will most likely make transit in Jakarta. Or vice versa. But for one direct flight with a range of an hour, better keep it wrap with yellow band. You can find the counter near check in desk, usually.
And notice that wrapping system is not obligatory. It is your choice! Just make sure that your bag is securely locked, here and there.
Fourth, if you are travelling with heavy luggage, you can always ask for a porter help. It just that you need to pay them a good fee.
Fifth, if you are a kind of people who easy to get hungry, make sure to have something to eat before the flight. Most domestic flight doesn't have in flight food service.
Sixth, be open and kind hearted. usually you gonna meet a person you already know or the person next to you will become your friend after the end of the flight. So much Indonesian.
Seventh, never turn on your phone literally a second after the plane touch down. It is forbidden! As the navigation system is still working. But Indonesian never seems to learn that.. So be patient when you heard a welcome sound of cellphone or even sound of incoming calls from many other passengers. Tell them the truth, if you wish. I told many already, but no one seems to care. Well, just start from ourself then.
Okay then.. I guess that's it for today. Good day and have a pleasant journey, everybody ^_^
Notes From My Travel,
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Pak Tua itu Ternyata Adalah...
Aku diam di tempat, engkau berjalan
Aku berjalan, engkau berlari
Aku berlari, engkau terbang
Aku ikut terbang, engkau menghilang
Tiba-tiba engkau muncul begitu saja
di hadapan
Tersenyum simpul kayaknya monalisa
Tapi engkau bertopang tongkat
Wahai kau yang mengikutiku, apa maumu?
Tidak tahukah kau siapa aku?
Dengan angkuh Pak Tua itu bertanya
Wahai Pak Tua, tahukah engkau?
Kataku lemah
Aku mengejarmu karena engkaulah yang kupunya
Satu-satunya yang kupunya
Diantara semua hal yang dicipta di dunia
Engkaulah yang paling berharga
Engkaulah penyimpan semua rahasia
Engkaulah sang pemberi tanda
Tapi mengapa engkau seolah tak mau tahu aku?
Meninggalkan aku?
Pak Tua itu tertawa keras
Sambil sekenanya berkata padaku
Aku ada sebelum engkau ada
Aku berjalan sebelum engkau sanggup berdiri
Tapi ketahuilah
Aku bukan pemberi tahu rahasia
Bukan pula penunjuk jalan
Jika kau masih juga tak tahu siapa aku
Kaulah yang nestapa
Karena akulah sang waktu
Dan waktu adalah waktu
Aku berjalan, engkau berlari
Aku berlari, engkau terbang
Aku ikut terbang, engkau menghilang
Tiba-tiba engkau muncul begitu saja
di hadapan
Tersenyum simpul kayaknya monalisa
Tapi engkau bertopang tongkat
Wahai kau yang mengikutiku, apa maumu?
Tidak tahukah kau siapa aku?
Dengan angkuh Pak Tua itu bertanya
Wahai Pak Tua, tahukah engkau?
Kataku lemah
Aku mengejarmu karena engkaulah yang kupunya
Satu-satunya yang kupunya
Diantara semua hal yang dicipta di dunia
Engkaulah yang paling berharga
Engkaulah penyimpan semua rahasia
Engkaulah sang pemberi tanda
Tapi mengapa engkau seolah tak mau tahu aku?
Meninggalkan aku?
Pak Tua itu tertawa keras
Sambil sekenanya berkata padaku
Aku ada sebelum engkau ada
Aku berjalan sebelum engkau sanggup berdiri
Tapi ketahuilah
Aku bukan pemberi tahu rahasia
Bukan pula penunjuk jalan
Jika kau masih juga tak tahu siapa aku
Kaulah yang nestapa
Karena akulah sang waktu
Dan waktu adalah waktu
A note for the future: to be the water or to become a Japanese
For the past few months, all i have been thinking is what my future would be. To return to Indonesia or not was simply a choice, but I choose to pick the idea. I was so afraid of the future as if the bleak future awaits at the end of the corder. While the truth is, no one knows what the future holds.
Walking toward the future is like walking in a long dark tunnel. Without any light, any map, or any sign that there is a way out. We might carry some candles, but we don't have the match or lighter. We are in a complete total darkness. Sometimes, we just wish that we could turn on the light and run faster.
But a friend reminds me this morning, that we have an alternative on how to move forward. Not by turning the light on the candle, but to make a new tunnel! yes, a new tunnel for ourself. Don't follow the path that has been laid out, make our own path.
So much his word, it reminds me of what Ibu Dewi once told us. "Dont act like water, try to become a Japanese". What does that means? Water usually will go along the streamline. Its shape will follow what it hits. If it hits a tree, then it will follow the shape of the tree trunk. If it hits the table, it will follow as well. But try to become a Japanese. It means that you dig the mountain, make a new tunnel for a new road or railway. Or to make a highway under water, like one in Odaiba, Tokyo.
Be brave and be bold. Quoting a friend," you need no candle, you need a hoe (cangkul)"
Yoooosshh.. Gambarou!
p.s. I would like to extend my utmost gratitude to a dear friend for giving me a time of peace when she said, "returning to Indonesia is not a bad idea. It feels like a bouncing ball. Indeed, you bounce to the bottom but the ball bounce back to the air even higher than before. So don't be afraid. You are coming back to Indonesia only to raise higher". Your word saved me.. Thank you..
Kyoto, 3 September 2010
Walking toward the future is like walking in a long dark tunnel. Without any light, any map, or any sign that there is a way out. We might carry some candles, but we don't have the match or lighter. We are in a complete total darkness. Sometimes, we just wish that we could turn on the light and run faster.
But a friend reminds me this morning, that we have an alternative on how to move forward. Not by turning the light on the candle, but to make a new tunnel! yes, a new tunnel for ourself. Don't follow the path that has been laid out, make our own path.
So much his word, it reminds me of what Ibu Dewi once told us. "Dont act like water, try to become a Japanese". What does that means? Water usually will go along the streamline. Its shape will follow what it hits. If it hits a tree, then it will follow the shape of the tree trunk. If it hits the table, it will follow as well. But try to become a Japanese. It means that you dig the mountain, make a new tunnel for a new road or railway. Or to make a highway under water, like one in Odaiba, Tokyo.
Be brave and be bold. Quoting a friend," you need no candle, you need a hoe (cangkul)"
Yoooosshh.. Gambarou!
p.s. I would like to extend my utmost gratitude to a dear friend for giving me a time of peace when she said, "returning to Indonesia is not a bad idea. It feels like a bouncing ball. Indeed, you bounce to the bottom but the ball bounce back to the air even higher than before. So don't be afraid. You are coming back to Indonesia only to raise higher". Your word saved me.. Thank you..
Kyoto, 3 September 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Recollecting Japan: the Autumn Ohara Story

Ohara is on rural town located in the mountains of northern Kyoto. It took an hour or so from Kyoto. The easiest way to get there is by catching a bus from Denmachiyanagi station, in front of its Eizan line sta. Traveling by bus up to the mountain brings pleasure as well, with the red scenery all through the mountain.
It was two years ago the first time I visit. I was there with Nancy and Gilly, only to catch up with Hisashi and the rest of IR friends later the day. We headed to Sanzenin, a temple beautiful for its autumn garden. Like a kid having a new toy, I was strolling the small alley up to Sanzenin with my mouth open. Taking pictures after pictures. Played with dried maple leaves, making a scene as if I was in the some romantic H(B)ollywood movie. LOL. Just asked Nancy how creepy I was that day, bothering her for picture request only because she had a professional camera. hehehehe...
We headed to Sanzenin and later to Nanzenin temple, two main attractions of Ohara. Sanzenin's garden view in Autum in splendid! You just want to sit down and not wanting to leave. But trust me, the interesting story lies just beside Nanzenin. There is a small tea house, just small and modest enough for you to skip it. But at that time, Hisashi told us that he was there and we can meet him there. So we decided to come in and found that he could not be found anywhere! But the blessing is just around the corner. There, we heard of a story of the lost samurai from the caretaker of the house, right after we finished our tea drinking.
During the chaotic time leading to Meiji Restoration, Kyoto was the center of revolt and change. Samurai clans from Chosu, Satsuma and Tosa lead the revolution to re-enact the Emperor as the supreme leader of Japan and thus replacing the already-weak shogunate. The clash between pro-Shogunate and pro-Imperial forces is generally called the Boshin War and the battle occured in Kyoto is best known as Fushimi Battle (鳥羽・伏見の戦い).The battle itself started on 27 January 1868. It occured all over Kyoto, but for me to learn it later, the tragic story also happened in Ohara.

So, if you ever had a chance to visit Kyoto in Autumn, have some spare time to visit Ohara and witness yourself the beauty of this mountain side and the telling story of Fushimi battle.
Why Ritsumeikan?
Throughout the year, many asked me why I decided to study in Ritsumeikan University at the first place. And each time, I gave the same answer. I choose Ritsumeikan because of its name.

In Japanese, Ritsumeikan University is written as follows: 立命館大学. Take the word "Ritsumeikan" only and you will have 3 characters:
1. 立 from the word 立てる (tateru) which means to achieve, to establish.
2. 命 (inochi, いのち) means 'life'
3. 館 (kan) means 'place'
In combination, it literally means "a place to establish one's destiny."
So what it has to do with my decision? There are many other schools which bear meaningful names and big reputation. Why should I finally choose to enter Ritsumeikan? It started from a simple conversation with Ayu when we both in deep confusion of what to do in our life. We both had graduated and worked for some time. But deep inside, we both want to continue our study. We tried to apply for some scholarships but all failed in vain. We both almost gave up and asked to each other, "what will be our future destiny actually?".
In the midst of that confusion, I stumbled upon an announcement of Priority Graduate Program launched by Ritsumeikan University. The university offered a special program for foreign student to study at Ritsumeikan University under Monbukagakusho scholarship. The successful candidate will get a chance to earn master degree through Global Cooperate Program at Department of International Relations. I was scheming the page and decided to read the history of the university. Then, at the end of the page, it says "Ritsumeikan thus means the 'place to establish one's destiny'."
I was startled for a while and soon remembered the conversation I had earlier with Ayu. A place to establish one's destiny. Can I establish my destiny there? As soon as I grasped the meaning, I decided to apply for the program. I tried my best to complete all the requirements and send it in time. Deep down inside, I was hoping I made the right decision and got accepted. The answer came few months later, I was accepted in the university. A university that called it self as a place for its students to established their destiny.
Here I am, two years later, finally at the brink of completing two years master program at Ritsumei. So much had been going in two years. So much I bet I will never able to put every single thing in word. Ritsumei gave me a chance to spread my wings wider, to establish my foundation deeper, and to build my house more beautiful. I had many chance to learn new things, learn new culture. To have a teacher and fellow die hard-er that gave me a sense of family. To have part time job that enables me to see the beauty of teaching. To have an internship that might help me to build my future dream career. To live in Kyoto, one of the most beautiful city in universe, a place now I can call home. But most importantly, to have fellow kenkyushitsu-ers and lounge buddy with whom I share joyful, crazy and wonderful moments together.
Here in Ritsumei, I am living life and creating destiny. And so can you..
Kyoto, 6 September 2010

In Japanese, Ritsumeikan University is written as follows: 立命館大学. Take the word "Ritsumeikan" only and you will have 3 characters:
1. 立 from the word 立てる (tateru) which means to achieve, to establish.
2. 命 (inochi, いのち) means 'life'
3. 館 (kan) means 'place'
In combination, it literally means "a place to establish one's destiny."
So what it has to do with my decision? There are many other schools which bear meaningful names and big reputation. Why should I finally choose to enter Ritsumeikan? It started from a simple conversation with Ayu when we both in deep confusion of what to do in our life. We both had graduated and worked for some time. But deep inside, we both want to continue our study. We tried to apply for some scholarships but all failed in vain. We both almost gave up and asked to each other, "what will be our future destiny actually?".
In the midst of that confusion, I stumbled upon an announcement of Priority Graduate Program launched by Ritsumeikan University. The university offered a special program for foreign student to study at Ritsumeikan University under Monbukagakusho scholarship. The successful candidate will get a chance to earn master degree through Global Cooperate Program at Department of International Relations. I was scheming the page and decided to read the history of the university. Then, at the end of the page, it says "Ritsumeikan thus means the 'place to establish one's destiny'."
I was startled for a while and soon remembered the conversation I had earlier with Ayu. A place to establish one's destiny. Can I establish my destiny there? As soon as I grasped the meaning, I decided to apply for the program. I tried my best to complete all the requirements and send it in time. Deep down inside, I was hoping I made the right decision and got accepted. The answer came few months later, I was accepted in the university. A university that called it self as a place for its students to established their destiny.
Here I am, two years later, finally at the brink of completing two years master program at Ritsumei. So much had been going in two years. So much I bet I will never able to put every single thing in word. Ritsumei gave me a chance to spread my wings wider, to establish my foundation deeper, and to build my house more beautiful. I had many chance to learn new things, learn new culture. To have a teacher and fellow die hard-er that gave me a sense of family. To have part time job that enables me to see the beauty of teaching. To have an internship that might help me to build my future dream career. To live in Kyoto, one of the most beautiful city in universe, a place now I can call home. But most importantly, to have fellow kenkyushitsu-ers and lounge buddy with whom I share joyful, crazy and wonderful moments together.
Here in Ritsumei, I am living life and creating destiny. And so can you..
Kyoto, 6 September 2010
Bintang Kecil di Langit Gelap
Hari ini hujan
Hujan lebat sekali sedari pagi
Kuberlari menembus badai
Tanpa menengok kanan dan kiri
Ketika kaki mulai lunglai berjalan pulang
Kumenengadah ke kegelapan malam
Angin masih dingin mendera
Dan langit memang gelap gulita
Tapi lihat!
Sebuah bintang kecil berpendar disana
Di langit gelap
Sayang ia sendirian
Berpendar ia sendirian
Bahkan ketika sang rembulan enggan menyapa
Ia tetap bersinar disana
Namun sungguh, ia nampak kesepian
Wahai bintang kecil di gelap malam
Maafkan aku..
Aku tak punya sayap untuk terbang padamu
Ada seorang bijak berkata padaku tadi
Pasangan kita adalah sayap kita yang sejati
Sayap yang memberi kita kekuatan
Untuk terbang ke angkasa
Tunggu aku bintang kecil
Sampai kutemukan ia si belahan hati
Kan kujemput engkau di langit malam
Kupeluk engkau dan kubawa pulang
Kyoto, 8 September 2010
Hujan lebat sekali sedari pagi
Kuberlari menembus badai
Tanpa menengok kanan dan kiri
Ketika kaki mulai lunglai berjalan pulang
Kumenengadah ke kegelapan malam
Angin masih dingin mendera
Dan langit memang gelap gulita
Tapi lihat!
Sebuah bintang kecil berpendar disana
Di langit gelap
Sayang ia sendirian
Berpendar ia sendirian
Bahkan ketika sang rembulan enggan menyapa
Ia tetap bersinar disana
Namun sungguh, ia nampak kesepian
Wahai bintang kecil di gelap malam
Maafkan aku..
Aku tak punya sayap untuk terbang padamu
Ada seorang bijak berkata padaku tadi
Pasangan kita adalah sayap kita yang sejati
Sayap yang memberi kita kekuatan
Untuk terbang ke angkasa
Tunggu aku bintang kecil
Sampai kutemukan ia si belahan hati
Kan kujemput engkau di langit malam
Kupeluk engkau dan kubawa pulang
Kyoto, 8 September 2010
Kutinggalkan ia separuh jiwaku
yang lama melengkapi cintaku
memeluk segala asaku
Aku tidak pernah ingin meninggalkan ia
tidak pula ingin menjauh dari ia
inginku selalu bersama ia
Ia sang penunjuk arahku
utara, selatan, barat dan timurku
Ia sang peniti waktuku
kala pagi, siang, sore dan malamku
Tapi aku harus berpihak pada waktu
berpihak pula pada hatiku
saat keduanya bertitah padaku
aku harus melepaskan sayap patahku
Aku pergi, wahai matahari
menjauh darimu, wahai bulan
meniti jalan lain, wahai bintang
merajut asa kedepan, wahai kejora
Sampai kita bertemu lagi
di kehidupan ini
atau mendatang
wahai, cinta
yang lama melengkapi cintaku
memeluk segala asaku
Aku tidak pernah ingin meninggalkan ia
tidak pula ingin menjauh dari ia
inginku selalu bersama ia
Ia sang penunjuk arahku
utara, selatan, barat dan timurku
Ia sang peniti waktuku
kala pagi, siang, sore dan malamku
Tapi aku harus berpihak pada waktu
berpihak pula pada hatiku
saat keduanya bertitah padaku
aku harus melepaskan sayap patahku
Aku pergi, wahai matahari
menjauh darimu, wahai bulan
meniti jalan lain, wahai bintang
merajut asa kedepan, wahai kejora
Sampai kita bertemu lagi
di kehidupan ini
atau mendatang
wahai, cinta
Demi sebuah musim yang bersemu merah
Catatan akhir di Kyoto,
seindah sinar rembulan di musim gugur,
secantik semburat lembayung di musim semi,
seelok warna senja di musim panas,
seputih hamparan salju di musim dingin,
Dan catatan awal di Solo,
seenak makan selat solo sambil becanda
selezat makan tengkleng kambing di bawah gapura
senikmat minum es buah di tengah terik mentari
semantap makan sate sambil mengobrol diatas tikar lusuh
Disana aku menikmati musim yang indah dan cinta yang mekar
Disini aku menikmati makanan yang lezat dan hidup yang menantang
seindah sinar rembulan di musim gugur,
secantik semburat lembayung di musim semi,
seelok warna senja di musim panas,
seputih hamparan salju di musim dingin,
Dan catatan awal di Solo,
seenak makan selat solo sambil becanda
selezat makan tengkleng kambing di bawah gapura
senikmat minum es buah di tengah terik mentari
semantap makan sate sambil mengobrol diatas tikar lusuh
Disana aku menikmati musim yang indah dan cinta yang mekar
Disini aku menikmati makanan yang lezat dan hidup yang menantang
Setitik Hikmah dari "Sang Pencerah", Agama itu Hati dan Akal
Semenjak pulang ke Indonesia, aku memilih untuk menonton serangkaian film karya anak negeri sendiri. Disamping promosi teman-teman sedari aku di Jepang, serangkaian review yang kubaca di internet menarik minatku. Maraton itu diawali dengan film "emak ingin naik haji", dilanjut dengan "garuda di dadaku", "merah putih", dan terakhir "sang pencerah". Dan ada sesuatu yang terasa spesial dengan film "Sang Pencerah" yang baru saja kutonton malam ini.
Sang Pencerah bertutur mengenai perjalanan KH Ahmad Dahlan dalam meluruskan praktik agama Islam di Indonesia pada awal abad 20. Terlahir dengan nama Muhammad Darwisy, KH Ahmad Dahlan memulai perjalanannya dengan melakukan haji di kala usianya baru 15 tahun. Haji itu dilanjutkan dengan belajar agama Islam selama 5 tahun. Sepulangnya ia ke Indonesia, ia melanjutkan dakwahnya dengan menjadi khatib Masjid Besar Yogyakarta. Namun, ketidaksepakatan atas arah kiblat dimana KH Ahmad Dahlan memberikan arah yang baru mengakhiri karirnya sebagai khatib. Hampir saja ia berputus asa ketika langgarnya di rusak setelah perseteruan itu. Namun, dorongan kakak perempuannya membuatnya tetap tinggal di Yogyakarta untuk melanjutkan dakwah. Setelah itu, berbagai upaya ia lakukan dalam meluruskan praktek Islam yang kala itu masih kental dengan nilai-nilai mistik atau budaya kejawen. Upaya-upaya itu akhirnya bermuara pada pembentukan Muhammadiyah sebagai organisasi sosial yang bergerak di bidang pendidikan. Pendidikan adalah kunci dari upayanya mencapai apa yang temaktub dalam Surah Ali Imran 4, melalakukan amar ma'ruf nahi munkar.
Dibesarkan dalam lingkungan Muhammadiyah sedari kecil, film ini cukup mengguncang aku. Sungguh dangkal pengetahuanku mengenai lingkungan sosial tempat aku dibesarkan. Dalam benakku selama ini, Muhammadiyah lebih pada mengajarkan nilai-nilai mendalami Islam secara lebih modern, tidak terikat dan sangat toleran. Menjadi bagian dari Muhammadiyah berarti mempraktekkan Islam dari akal. Memakai hati terlalu banyak akan terjembab dalam ekstrimisme agamis yang sayangnya selalu aku salah artikan dengan budaya manut ulama seperti dalam budaya NU. Kembali, aku terjebak dalam lingkaran setan perseteruan NU - Muhammadiyah yang sudah menjadi rahasia umum.
Film ini seolah mengingatkan aku kembali bahwa agama itu dipraktekkan dengan dua hal, akal dan hati. Momentum itu datang saat adegan dimana KH Ahmad Dahlan mengajar untuk pertama kalinya di sekolah Belanda. Saat itu, ucapan salamnya dibalas dengan kentut oleh salah satu murid keturunan Belanda. Dihadapkan dengan situasi tersebut, Kyai Dahlan bertanya kepada semua muridnya siapa yang mau kentut lagi. Saat tak satupun muridnya menjawab, ia lantas menjelaskan betapa besarnya nikmat kita bisa kentut. Kalau kita tidak kentut sementara perut kita terus diisi dengan gas, maka niscaya perut kita akan meledak. Untunglah, Tuhan sayang pada manusia. Sehingga diberikan-Nya setiap manusia alat pembuangan agar ia bisa kentut dan buang hajat. Dengan itu, manusia bisa makan atau minum sepuasnya. Sungguh besar kasih sayang-Nya pada manusia, alat pembuangan itu diberikan secara gratis.
Segratis udara yang kita hirup. Filosofi yang sama yang diajarkan oleh ibu bertahun-tahun lalu. Kala itu, aku dirawat di rumah sakit karena asma yang muncul setelah aku dikagetkan dengan letusan balon gas di taman. Sebuah trauma yang harus kuakui masih bersisa hingga hidupku yang setua ini. Saat dirawat, ibu tiba-tiba bertanya padaku apakah aku tahu betapa banyak uang yang harus dibayar untuk tiap tabung udara yang kugunakan untuk menopang hidup selama di rumah sakit. Saat itu ibu bilang, untuk satu tabung udara, ibu membayar sekitar 15 ribu rupiah. Berarti sudah 60 ribu dikeluarkannya untuk 4 tabung udara selama seminggu aku dirawat. Lantas ibu bertanya, pernahkah aku bayangkan betapa besarnya uang yang harus kita bayar untuk semua udara yang sudah kita hirup agar tetap hidup.
Dan filosofi gratis itu muncul kembali. Untungnya, Tuhan sayang pada manusia. Diberikannya udara itu gratis. Gratis tanpa ada pungutan biaya apapun. Gratis pula alat-alat pernapasan yang kita miliki. Jadi kita tidak perlu membayar apapun untuk bernapas dan hidup. "Oleh karena itu dek, berterimakasihlah terus pada Allah. Allah yang sudah memberikan udara gratis. Cobalah sholat yang bener, ngaji yang bener. Itu bisa jadi ungkapan terimakasihmu pada Allah", pesan ibu kala itu. Sebuah pesan yang hingga kini selalu menjadi pengingat bagiku bahwa agama itu memang butuh elemen hati dan akal dalam menjalaninya.
Cari kebenaran itu melalui akal, baru percayai dan lakukan. Kita menemukan alasan kita sendiri untuk melakukan ajaran agama, sebuah hal yang sebetulnya susah mengingat banyak hal dalam agama yang terkadang harus diakhirkan dengan kata "itu sudah ketentuan dari sana-Nya". Seperti kenapa kita tidak boleh makan babi misalnya. Semoga segala yang gratis itu terus menjadi pengingat kita.
Sang Pencerah bertutur mengenai perjalanan KH Ahmad Dahlan dalam meluruskan praktik agama Islam di Indonesia pada awal abad 20. Terlahir dengan nama Muhammad Darwisy, KH Ahmad Dahlan memulai perjalanannya dengan melakukan haji di kala usianya baru 15 tahun. Haji itu dilanjutkan dengan belajar agama Islam selama 5 tahun. Sepulangnya ia ke Indonesia, ia melanjutkan dakwahnya dengan menjadi khatib Masjid Besar Yogyakarta. Namun, ketidaksepakatan atas arah kiblat dimana KH Ahmad Dahlan memberikan arah yang baru mengakhiri karirnya sebagai khatib. Hampir saja ia berputus asa ketika langgarnya di rusak setelah perseteruan itu. Namun, dorongan kakak perempuannya membuatnya tetap tinggal di Yogyakarta untuk melanjutkan dakwah. Setelah itu, berbagai upaya ia lakukan dalam meluruskan praktek Islam yang kala itu masih kental dengan nilai-nilai mistik atau budaya kejawen. Upaya-upaya itu akhirnya bermuara pada pembentukan Muhammadiyah sebagai organisasi sosial yang bergerak di bidang pendidikan. Pendidikan adalah kunci dari upayanya mencapai apa yang temaktub dalam Surah Ali Imran 4, melalakukan amar ma'ruf nahi munkar.
Dibesarkan dalam lingkungan Muhammadiyah sedari kecil, film ini cukup mengguncang aku. Sungguh dangkal pengetahuanku mengenai lingkungan sosial tempat aku dibesarkan. Dalam benakku selama ini, Muhammadiyah lebih pada mengajarkan nilai-nilai mendalami Islam secara lebih modern, tidak terikat dan sangat toleran. Menjadi bagian dari Muhammadiyah berarti mempraktekkan Islam dari akal. Memakai hati terlalu banyak akan terjembab dalam ekstrimisme agamis yang sayangnya selalu aku salah artikan dengan budaya manut ulama seperti dalam budaya NU. Kembali, aku terjebak dalam lingkaran setan perseteruan NU - Muhammadiyah yang sudah menjadi rahasia umum.
Film ini seolah mengingatkan aku kembali bahwa agama itu dipraktekkan dengan dua hal, akal dan hati. Momentum itu datang saat adegan dimana KH Ahmad Dahlan mengajar untuk pertama kalinya di sekolah Belanda. Saat itu, ucapan salamnya dibalas dengan kentut oleh salah satu murid keturunan Belanda. Dihadapkan dengan situasi tersebut, Kyai Dahlan bertanya kepada semua muridnya siapa yang mau kentut lagi. Saat tak satupun muridnya menjawab, ia lantas menjelaskan betapa besarnya nikmat kita bisa kentut. Kalau kita tidak kentut sementara perut kita terus diisi dengan gas, maka niscaya perut kita akan meledak. Untunglah, Tuhan sayang pada manusia. Sehingga diberikan-Nya setiap manusia alat pembuangan agar ia bisa kentut dan buang hajat. Dengan itu, manusia bisa makan atau minum sepuasnya. Sungguh besar kasih sayang-Nya pada manusia, alat pembuangan itu diberikan secara gratis.
Segratis udara yang kita hirup. Filosofi yang sama yang diajarkan oleh ibu bertahun-tahun lalu. Kala itu, aku dirawat di rumah sakit karena asma yang muncul setelah aku dikagetkan dengan letusan balon gas di taman. Sebuah trauma yang harus kuakui masih bersisa hingga hidupku yang setua ini. Saat dirawat, ibu tiba-tiba bertanya padaku apakah aku tahu betapa banyak uang yang harus dibayar untuk tiap tabung udara yang kugunakan untuk menopang hidup selama di rumah sakit. Saat itu ibu bilang, untuk satu tabung udara, ibu membayar sekitar 15 ribu rupiah. Berarti sudah 60 ribu dikeluarkannya untuk 4 tabung udara selama seminggu aku dirawat. Lantas ibu bertanya, pernahkah aku bayangkan betapa besarnya uang yang harus kita bayar untuk semua udara yang sudah kita hirup agar tetap hidup.
Dan filosofi gratis itu muncul kembali. Untungnya, Tuhan sayang pada manusia. Diberikannya udara itu gratis. Gratis tanpa ada pungutan biaya apapun. Gratis pula alat-alat pernapasan yang kita miliki. Jadi kita tidak perlu membayar apapun untuk bernapas dan hidup. "Oleh karena itu dek, berterimakasihlah terus pada Allah. Allah yang sudah memberikan udara gratis. Cobalah sholat yang bener, ngaji yang bener. Itu bisa jadi ungkapan terimakasihmu pada Allah", pesan ibu kala itu. Sebuah pesan yang hingga kini selalu menjadi pengingat bagiku bahwa agama itu memang butuh elemen hati dan akal dalam menjalaninya.
Cari kebenaran itu melalui akal, baru percayai dan lakukan. Kita menemukan alasan kita sendiri untuk melakukan ajaran agama, sebuah hal yang sebetulnya susah mengingat banyak hal dalam agama yang terkadang harus diakhirkan dengan kata "itu sudah ketentuan dari sana-Nya". Seperti kenapa kita tidak boleh makan babi misalnya. Semoga segala yang gratis itu terus menjadi pengingat kita.
Indonesia: a supermarket of disasters, a theater of jokes, a country of anomaly (part 1- social media)
What you cannot find in another country, you can find it in Indonesia. Not only certain thing, but almost everything. But, what you can easily find in another country, you might find it hard to see in Indonesia.
Recent social media survey on twitter and facebook reveals that Indonesia comfortably sit as world's third biggest user of facebook and tweet producers. In general, it looks like Indonesia is a technologically savvy community that can put themselves as equal as US and Japan. You might also imagine Indonesian carrying their smartphone everywhere, from bathroom to boardroom. But i guess, imagination can be misleading, sometimes..
If you are an Indonesian or ever visit Indonesia then live like normal Indonesian do, you might find it strange how Indonesian could somehow project themselves as very savvy in technology when living savvy with public transportation means you are bound to loose your magic phone. You can only become savvy when you are at home, office, school or supermall. Well, I might not be in Indonesia for 2 years now, but the last time I came back home, that’s how things went. When I was in supermall, there were blackberry everywhere. Everyone seems to have one. pip..pip..pip.. Even when they have their friends around, the hip and hop in facebook and twitter is still as important. Especially nowadays, Jakarta people could be proud for having their own social media called ‘koprol’ (if you ever heard about it) that allows you to find friends whereever you are. Specially in big mall, the only place you can go for spending time and money.
Let say compare to Japan. If you ride a train or bus, there are one rule that you have to follow. To make yourself comfortable, try to do one of these things: sleep, listen to your mp3, playing games, read books, or doing something with your phone. Other than doing that, you are doomed! You cannot standing or sitting idly or asking people to talk like in Indonesia. That is just so no no! So, the most easily spotted activity, phone! Or even better, one can listen to their mp3 while holding phone at one hand and gamebox at the other. Why they do that? because it is safe to do so. Public transportation is a safe place to do whatever you like including showing off your latest most advanced gadget. Plus, the internet in Japan is way freaking fast. me? sleep ;p
Then, why we are in that hot spot of worlds’ third twitter and facebook users? do we really that savvy and hip? Thanks to cheap smartphone widely distributed nowadays, it is understandable. But who are the user? how is the demographic mapping? do people from small city or rural area outside java even knows what twitter is all about? could it be that the real users (for twitter, as for facebook i guess the number is a lot bigger) just several hundred but they tweet like hundred everyday? most likely to be that case.
Then suddenly I remember one day after North Korea huge defeat 7-0 to Portugal in World Cup. I told a friend, If world cup allows such a game, Indonesia should be allowed to join world cup too!. He just answered, “nope, because there are hundreds of thousands of children still suffer from diarrhea (due to bad environment and hygiene)”. spot on! So, while we are having this problems (let me list: disasters, corruption, porn video scandal, health malpractice, FPI, etc), how do we stand in the highspot of newest technology trend? while we are in number 3 for facebook and twitter, we are also in the top spot for being the most corrupt countries in the world. what an anomaly (>.<)
I know we cannot stop using facebook and twitter. It is useless since for me, they are now Indonesian new version of “warung kopi/coffee shop” where people can connect and talk to each other. Indonesian is just social people by heart. The question is, can we use it in a smarter way? for the better of others too? If not, then the anomaly of social media habit in Indonesia will always be an anomaly.
One thing about facebook and twitter, or friendster, or hi5, or multiply, or whatever is that by using them, we make people far from us closer but drive people close from us further. you choose ;p
originally written on 2 July 2010
Recent social media survey on twitter and facebook reveals that Indonesia comfortably sit as world's third biggest user of facebook and tweet producers. In general, it looks like Indonesia is a technologically savvy community that can put themselves as equal as US and Japan. You might also imagine Indonesian carrying their smartphone everywhere, from bathroom to boardroom. But i guess, imagination can be misleading, sometimes..
If you are an Indonesian or ever visit Indonesia then live like normal Indonesian do, you might find it strange how Indonesian could somehow project themselves as very savvy in technology when living savvy with public transportation means you are bound to loose your magic phone. You can only become savvy when you are at home, office, school or supermall. Well, I might not be in Indonesia for 2 years now, but the last time I came back home, that’s how things went. When I was in supermall, there were blackberry everywhere. Everyone seems to have one. pip..pip..pip.. Even when they have their friends around, the hip and hop in facebook and twitter is still as important. Especially nowadays, Jakarta people could be proud for having their own social media called ‘koprol’ (if you ever heard about it) that allows you to find friends whereever you are. Specially in big mall, the only place you can go for spending time and money.
Let say compare to Japan. If you ride a train or bus, there are one rule that you have to follow. To make yourself comfortable, try to do one of these things: sleep, listen to your mp3, playing games, read books, or doing something with your phone. Other than doing that, you are doomed! You cannot standing or sitting idly or asking people to talk like in Indonesia. That is just so no no! So, the most easily spotted activity, phone! Or even better, one can listen to their mp3 while holding phone at one hand and gamebox at the other. Why they do that? because it is safe to do so. Public transportation is a safe place to do whatever you like including showing off your latest most advanced gadget. Plus, the internet in Japan is way freaking fast. me? sleep ;p
Then, why we are in that hot spot of worlds’ third twitter and facebook users? do we really that savvy and hip? Thanks to cheap smartphone widely distributed nowadays, it is understandable. But who are the user? how is the demographic mapping? do people from small city or rural area outside java even knows what twitter is all about? could it be that the real users (for twitter, as for facebook i guess the number is a lot bigger) just several hundred but they tweet like hundred everyday? most likely to be that case.
Then suddenly I remember one day after North Korea huge defeat 7-0 to Portugal in World Cup. I told a friend, If world cup allows such a game, Indonesia should be allowed to join world cup too!. He just answered, “nope, because there are hundreds of thousands of children still suffer from diarrhea (due to bad environment and hygiene)”. spot on! So, while we are having this problems (let me list: disasters, corruption, porn video scandal, health malpractice, FPI, etc), how do we stand in the highspot of newest technology trend? while we are in number 3 for facebook and twitter, we are also in the top spot for being the most corrupt countries in the world. what an anomaly (>.<)
I know we cannot stop using facebook and twitter. It is useless since for me, they are now Indonesian new version of “warung kopi/coffee shop” where people can connect and talk to each other. Indonesian is just social people by heart. The question is, can we use it in a smarter way? for the better of others too? If not, then the anomaly of social media habit in Indonesia will always be an anomaly.
One thing about facebook and twitter, or friendster, or hi5, or multiply, or whatever is that by using them, we make people far from us closer but drive people close from us further. you choose ;p
originally written on 2 July 2010
social media
Saturday, October 2, 2010
A Note for The Future: When the pain doesn't feel as painful as before
Have you ever felt that your wish is about to end when you fail to enter your dream school?
Have you ever felt that your dream is about to end when you fail to get a scholarship?
Have you ever felt that your future is about to crumble when you fail job interviews?
Have you ever felt that your lovelife is about to break down when your love is one sided?
Have you ever felt that your life is about to end when everything seems to go wrong?
been there, done that!
It felt freaking painful not to enter the dream school
It was so disappointing not to get a scholarship
It was sad to fail job applications and interviews
It was heart-breaking to know our love is one sided
and it felt like a shit when everything seems to go wrong
History repeat itself
Time returns.. Jidai Mawaru...
When the same thing happen again
the pain, the sadness, the dissapointment
doesn't feel as painful as before again
because we learn and we grow
we become stronger..
To experience and to learn
that is my ultimate recipe to face life
Have you ever felt that your dream is about to end when you fail to get a scholarship?
Have you ever felt that your future is about to crumble when you fail job interviews?
Have you ever felt that your lovelife is about to break down when your love is one sided?
Have you ever felt that your life is about to end when everything seems to go wrong?
been there, done that!
It felt freaking painful not to enter the dream school
It was so disappointing not to get a scholarship
It was sad to fail job applications and interviews
It was heart-breaking to know our love is one sided
and it felt like a shit when everything seems to go wrong
History repeat itself
Time returns.. Jidai Mawaru...
When the same thing happen again
the pain, the sadness, the dissapointment
doesn't feel as painful as before again
because we learn and we grow
we become stronger..
To experience and to learn
that is my ultimate recipe to face life
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Walking Through A Thousand Gates
In the memoirs of a geisha, little sayuri met a grown up man who gave her a handkerchief and an ice. She immediately captured by his charm. She then run to Fushimi Inari, where she pass through a thousand gate and make her wish to later become a geisha and to meet the man again. The thousand red gate is Fushimi Inari's own.

Saturday, September 4, 2010
Recollecting Japan: Jidai Matsuri 2008
For the past 2 years, I have been trough many in Japan. Many festivals celebrated, great number of friends bonded, and lots of memories shared. Recollecting Japan is my simple attempt to relive the good memory of living life in Japan. Enjoy (。◕‿‿◕。★)
According to uncle Wiki, Jidai Matsuri (時代祭) or Festival of the Ages is a traditional festival in Kyoto to celebrate the the rich history of the nations. Jidai Matsuri is one of three most celebrated festival in Kyoto, along side Gion Matsuri and Aoi Matsuri. Among the three, Jidai was the youngest to be held, although it dated back in 1895. It roots in the devastating situation when the Emperor Meiji left Kyoto to govern the nation from new capital, Tokyo in 1868. For centuries, Kyoto had been Japan's capital where Emperor resided. But, the post was suddenly vacant leaving Kyoto half of its soul. To remember the glory of the nations, Jidai Matsuri was held.
Jidai Matsuri is essentially a parade of costume of traditional Japanese Era. From the era of Kammu Emperor to Edo period. All are being presented in glory (You can see some of the picture in my photos collections). And it held annually on October 22 each year.
For a person who just set foot in Japan, I was extremely exited to see Jidai Matsuri. I was asking many friends to join me and whoala... there were 8 of us joining the parade. Hisashi, Gilly, Mas Meidi, Thyda, Keo, Irene, Kisi, and myself. We choose to go directly there around 12.30, being afraid of not getting a good spot to watch. The place to see, in front of Kyoto Shiyakuso. Good spot, recommended! but make sure to come a little bit earlier than 1.
We were so exited to see it, let alone after we knew that Miss Universe might join the parade. I still wonder to this day, though, how did we get that information. hahahaha... But, dream was not always to be satisfied. Rain welcomed us earlier than the parade! all wet! Thanks God, Hisashi finally bought big umbrella for us to stay safe under. So the parade proceeded and we all saw it. Under the rain ;p
One after another, we were presented by people wearing different costume from different age. Start from Kammu time, Kamakura, Heian, and Edo. It was exiting and entertaining to see the development of tradition and their court clothes over time. How the women transform from elegant long black hair in layers of clothes in Heian period to a simpler Kimono court we saw today. The transformation of man's clothes are pretty interesting too. From ballooning pants in Heian period to long loose man's kimono in sword in Samurai period. Not to mention their hairstyle too.
Still under the rain, I felt an upsurge of excitement in learning more about Japanese culture. So great this single country that it can preserve thousands of years culture and make a good recollection of memories of it. I wish I can see one day a parade in Indonesia that depicts the great culture of the country. In one single parade. For our children to learn the richness of Indonesian culture and for foreigner to see a complete picture of Indonesian rich costumes and culture.
Jidai Matsuri is essentially a parade of costume of traditional Japanese Era. From the era of Kammu Emperor to Edo period. All are being presented in glory (You can see some of the picture in my photos collections). And it held annually on October 22 each year.
For a person who just set foot in Japan, I was extremely exited to see Jidai Matsuri. I was asking many friends to join me and whoala... there were 8 of us joining the parade. Hisashi, Gilly, Mas Meidi, Thyda, Keo, Irene, Kisi, and myself. We choose to go directly there around 12.30, being afraid of not getting a good spot to watch. The place to see, in front of Kyoto Shiyakuso. Good spot, recommended! but make sure to come a little bit earlier than 1.
We were so exited to see it, let alone after we knew that Miss Universe might join the parade. I still wonder to this day, though, how did we get that information. hahahaha... But, dream was not always to be satisfied. Rain welcomed us earlier than the parade! all wet! Thanks God, Hisashi finally bought big umbrella for us to stay safe under. So the parade proceeded and we all saw it. Under the rain ;p
One after another, we were presented by people wearing different costume from different age. Start from Kammu time, Kamakura, Heian, and Edo. It was exiting and entertaining to see the development of tradition and their court clothes over time. How the women transform from elegant long black hair in layers of clothes in Heian period to a simpler Kimono court we saw today. The transformation of man's clothes are pretty interesting too. From ballooning pants in Heian period to long loose man's kimono in sword in Samurai period. Not to mention their hairstyle too.
Still under the rain, I felt an upsurge of excitement in learning more about Japanese culture. So great this single country that it can preserve thousands of years culture and make a good recollection of memories of it. I wish I can see one day a parade in Indonesia that depicts the great culture of the country. In one single parade. For our children to learn the richness of Indonesian culture and for foreigner to see a complete picture of Indonesian rich costumes and culture.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
For each shooting star I saw
I wished you are not my shooting star
Never be my shooting star
As shooting star is beautiful but fade fast
I want you to be my everlasting star
To shine through my whole life
To be with me coloring the sky
My partner for life
I wished you are not my shooting star
Never be my shooting star
As shooting star is beautiful but fade fast
I want you to be my everlasting star
To shine through my whole life
To be with me coloring the sky
My partner for life
Monday, August 30, 2010
2010 Asakusa Samba Festival

You need no ticket to Rio de Jeneiro to experience the joy of Samba Carnival
cause Japan has one of its own!
This year marks the 40th anniversary of Asakusa Samba festival.
Friday, August 27, 2010
wait at the edge of love
For the love I have cherished my whole life
I sadly have to let it go
For the love I have kept all this long
I finally have to release it free
For the world is small
For the world is same
For the world is safe
That fate is persistent
Keeping in the same distance
Like the moon s hining down the river
Reflected in the water so clear
For the love is wounded
For the love is broken
For the love is sad
I bid my farewell in the nightsky
Claiming for the freedom long gone
Gone for good
To the top of the fountain
For you who come next
For you who knock the next
For you who come late
I am coming for you instead
Knocking on your windowless door
But you run away
My hand cannot reach out to you
For the world is round
For the fate is persistent
For the destiny is repeating
I wait for you
Inside my heart
For who you are
I am waiting
Yokohama, 27 August 2010
I sadly have to let it go
For the love I have kept all this long
I finally have to release it free
For the world is small
For the world is same
For the world is safe
That fate is persistent
Keeping in the same distance
Like the moon s hining down the river
Reflected in the water so clear
For the love is wounded
For the love is broken
For the love is sad
I bid my farewell in the nightsky
Claiming for the freedom long gone
Gone for good
To the top of the fountain
For you who come next
For you who knock the next
For you who come late
I am coming for you instead
Knocking on your windowless door
But you run away
My hand cannot reach out to you
For the world is round
For the fate is persistent
For the destiny is repeating
I wait for you
Inside my heart
For who you are
I am waiting
Yokohama, 27 August 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
welcome home, my twin soul
Hai dear one..
What are you doing there?
Just standing there and smile..
Come..come inside...
I have been waiting for you
for long...
Where have you been?
That is one question I want to ask you
Have you been well?
Cause my heart keep missing its home
Till the day you come knock the door
So now that you are here
Don't be shy..
I welcome you with smile and love
as you complete me
as you are my twin soul
It is you, my twin soul
that I have loved all these long
Kyoto, 18 August 2010
What are you doing there?
Just standing there and smile..
Come..come inside...
I have been waiting for you
for long...
Where have you been?
That is one question I want to ask you
Have you been well?
Cause my heart keep missing its home
Till the day you come knock the door
So now that you are here
Don't be shy..
I welcome you with smile and love
as you complete me
as you are my twin soul
It is you, my twin soul
that I have loved all these long
Kyoto, 18 August 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Membalik Huruf
Pernikahan itu..
Seperti merubah ME menjadi WE
Selayaknya membalik huruf M di kata Me
menjadi => W di kata We
M ==> W
Me ==> We
Tapi banyak yang bilang,
pernikahan tidak akan semudah membalik huruf itu
semoga, kesadaran ini menjadikanku terus berikhtiar
untuk menjadi siap melangkah menuju pernikahan
Seperti merubah ME menjadi WE
Selayaknya membalik huruf M di kata Me
menjadi => W di kata We
M ==> W
Me ==> We
Tapi banyak yang bilang,
pernikahan tidak akan semudah membalik huruf itu
semoga, kesadaran ini menjadikanku terus berikhtiar
untuk menjadi siap melangkah menuju pernikahan
One said, there are only two great happiness in the world
First is the time when water come to the dry land. It means life
Second is a mother's happiness to see food coming to her children's mouth. It means life
Mom, may all blessings from the Creator of water be bestowed upon you
as your hand is the key to our life
I dedicated this to my mom and great mothers in this universe
First is the time when water come to the dry land. It means life
Second is a mother's happiness to see food coming to her children's mouth. It means life
Mom, may all blessings from the Creator of water be bestowed upon you
as your hand is the key to our life
I dedicated this to my mom and great mothers in this universe
Sunday, July 18, 2010
I'll back off so you can live better
Be true to yourself and face it all.. And I'll back off you can live better. But better be happy, you!
a tale of two guys
Hei.. tell you a story
I met this guy
when I am about to forget the love of my life
On the brink of life and death
as not forgetting my love means death
I thought I like this guy
for he is charming in style
for he is beautiful in look
for he is smart in book
But never taught that love calling me back
in the name of memory
as love walked in again
not with sadness, only laugh
Only laugh to tell me
That we are now friends for life
that the gate of the sad past has been closed
as the guy helped me close it
I thank love for making me smile again
I thank life for releasing me from pain
I thank the guy for helping
for I walk to another life with neither of two guys
And I walk alone, with love in heart, with life in hand
I met this guy
when I am about to forget the love of my life
On the brink of life and death
as not forgetting my love means death
I thought I like this guy
for he is charming in style
for he is beautiful in look
for he is smart in book
But never taught that love calling me back
in the name of memory
as love walked in again
not with sadness, only laugh
Only laugh to tell me
That we are now friends for life
that the gate of the sad past has been closed
as the guy helped me close it
I thank love for making me smile again
I thank life for releasing me from pain
I thank the guy for helping
for I walk to another life with neither of two guys
And I walk alone, with love in heart, with life in hand
Saturday, July 17, 2010
this love
this love..
the most beautiful love in life
no hate, only love
no prejudice, only acceptance
no jealousy, only understanding
no anger, only forgiveness
no lie, only honesty
no need the brain to calculate
only heart that says
i am happy to love you
to ever love you in heart
to care for you in love
now that we smile to each other
we know we are friends for life
the most beautiful love in life
no hate, only love
no prejudice, only acceptance
no jealousy, only understanding
no anger, only forgiveness
no lie, only honesty
no need the brain to calculate
only heart that says
i am happy to love you
to ever love you in heart
to care for you in love
now that we smile to each other
we know we are friends for life
Friday, July 9, 2010
kau dan aku tiada
aku ingin disampingmu menyambut pagi
aku ingin berada dekatmu menjelang hari
aku ingin bersamamu di kala senja
aku ingin bersamamu saat hanya ada bintang di waktu malam
tapi sayangku
itu satu tahun lalu
masih 6 bulan lalu
bahkan minggu lalu
itu tak mungkin lagi
itu tak bisa lagi
karena kau tidak ada di hidupku lagi
Kyoto, 21 September 2009
aku ingin berada dekatmu menjelang hari
aku ingin bersamamu di kala senja
aku ingin bersamamu saat hanya ada bintang di waktu malam
tapi sayangku
itu satu tahun lalu
masih 6 bulan lalu
bahkan minggu lalu
itu tak mungkin lagi
itu tak bisa lagi
karena kau tidak ada di hidupku lagi
Kyoto, 21 September 2009
Bentangkan sayapmu, cinta
arungilah samudera itu
jelajahilah langit itu
jangan ragu
aku kan menunggumu kembali
menanti setia di tepian bumi
menggenggam seikat rindu untukmu
hanya untukmu
itu janjiku
dan itu pula doaku
Kobe Port, 09 July 2010
arungilah samudera itu
jelajahilah langit itu
jangan ragu
aku kan menunggumu kembali
menanti setia di tepian bumi
menggenggam seikat rindu untukmu
hanya untukmu
itu janjiku
dan itu pula doaku
Kobe Port, 09 July 2010
When it's at night
moon lights when it's at night
stars shine when it's at night
clover leaf closes when it's at night
eyes are closed when it's at night
i remember you when it's at night
and i remember you too when it's at day
Kyoto, 28 November 2008
stars shine when it's at night
clover leaf closes when it's at night
eyes are closed when it's at night
i remember you when it's at night
and i remember you too when it's at day
Kyoto, 28 November 2008
The people you meet in your life
It is said that after a person was born
You will meet approximately 30.000 people before you die
Of those, the number of people you'll meet and work at school is 3.000
And of those, you will intimately know 300
Among all those encounters, it is said God has arranged a special one for you
One made even before you were born
And yet, that unseen person in your destiny
is connected to you by an unseen red string in your pinky (finger)
That special bond of fate is invisible to everyone
And there is no map for you
But the meeting is a destiny
It is only the ride that remains a mystery
That is why, you will fall for that destined person the moment you two meet
Inspired by 2008 Japanese Dorama "Akai Ito"
Kyoto, 3 January 2009
You will meet approximately 30.000 people before you die
Of those, the number of people you'll meet and work at school is 3.000
And of those, you will intimately know 300
Among all those encounters, it is said God has arranged a special one for you
One made even before you were born
And yet, that unseen person in your destiny
is connected to you by an unseen red string in your pinky (finger)
That special bond of fate is invisible to everyone
And there is no map for you
But the meeting is a destiny
It is only the ride that remains a mystery
That is why, you will fall for that destined person the moment you two meet
Inspired by 2008 Japanese Dorama "Akai Ito"
Kyoto, 3 January 2009
Sponge and Rock
Woman's heart is like a sponge
So soft.. Look fragile
It absorb the water so easily...so quickly
Woman can fall for someone who pour her even with only attention and affection, not love.
We can grow loving someone..
Although we later find out that it is unrequited love
But we stay strong...our heart might break but it is a sponge
As much as it is dropped or is sqeuzeed, it bounce back
Man's heart is more like a rock
So strong that it takes millions drop of water to make a hole
It stands so firm, like nothing can change it
Once it loves someone, it order the brain to chase for it
The trial to conquer is man's nature
But to make a handprint in that heart..
how many millions of water should be poured?
How long?
What about if the sponge has dried out before time?
Then I remember my mom once said
"It is better for you, girl...to be loved than to love"
4 February 2009
So soft.. Look fragile
It absorb the water so easily...so quickly
Woman can fall for someone who pour her even with only attention and affection, not love.
We can grow loving someone..
Although we later find out that it is unrequited love
But we stay strong...our heart might break but it is a sponge
As much as it is dropped or is sqeuzeed, it bounce back
Man's heart is more like a rock
So strong that it takes millions drop of water to make a hole
It stands so firm, like nothing can change it
Once it loves someone, it order the brain to chase for it
The trial to conquer is man's nature
But to make a handprint in that heart..
how many millions of water should be poured?
How long?
What about if the sponge has dried out before time?
Then I remember my mom once said
"It is better for you, girl...to be loved than to love"
4 February 2009
Her Story
She dims the light, yet she starts to write
Never in my life, I have a feeling like this
a feeling toward a man that appeared never less than perfect
a man who painted good memory after good memory
a man of his words
life with him in my days was no different than living a fairy tale
then, before I realized that fairy tale never made well into reality
I could not stop this feeling from growing
growing and getting stronger day by day
and now that he's gone, his memory lives on
she smiles and whispers to the stars
"please cherish him for me, and his memory cherishes me"
My Room, Kyoto, 2 May 2009
Never in my life, I have a feeling like this
a feeling toward a man that appeared never less than perfect
a man who painted good memory after good memory
a man of his words
life with him in my days was no different than living a fairy tale
then, before I realized that fairy tale never made well into reality
I could not stop this feeling from growing
growing and getting stronger day by day
and now that he's gone, his memory lives on
she smiles and whispers to the stars
"please cherish him for me, and his memory cherishes me"
My Room, Kyoto, 2 May 2009
lintasan benang merah
hidup itu laksana lintasan ratusan benang merah
lintasan yang menghubungkan begitu banyak jalinan kisah manusia.
bersilang kesana kemari. ruwet..
tapi itulah hidup.
Selalu ada titik silang diantara hidup satu manusia dengan manusia lainnya...
titik silang itu bernama takdir dan jodoh...
3 Mei 2009
lintasan yang menghubungkan begitu banyak jalinan kisah manusia.
bersilang kesana kemari. ruwet..
tapi itulah hidup.
Selalu ada titik silang diantara hidup satu manusia dengan manusia lainnya...
titik silang itu bernama takdir dan jodoh...
3 Mei 2009
It is early in the morning
and I feel unease
It is not about you
It is about me
It is me not wanting to forget you
It is me not wanting to let you go
It is me not wishing to loose you
even when you no longer linger in my world
i still remember the sky we saw together
i still remember silly topics we talked
i still remember secret stuff we shared
then wondering if you remember
one said
everyone has somebody they are waiting for
everyone has somebody they want to see
so, if we have someone to wait
someone out there is also wait for us
if i wait for you, will you come back to me?
‘ i love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. i love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so i love you because i know no other way …’
17 Juni 2009
and I feel unease
It is not about you
It is about me
It is me not wanting to forget you
It is me not wanting to let you go
It is me not wishing to loose you
even when you no longer linger in my world
i still remember the sky we saw together
i still remember silly topics we talked
i still remember secret stuff we shared
then wondering if you remember
one said
everyone has somebody they are waiting for
everyone has somebody they want to see
so, if we have someone to wait
someone out there is also wait for us
if i wait for you, will you come back to me?
‘ i love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. i love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so i love you because i know no other way …’
17 Juni 2009
Satu malam di bulan Ramadhan nan suci
Di suatu malam di bulan Ramadhan nan suci
Aku duduk bersimpuh dan berdoa pada-Mu, ya Rabb..
Agar Engkau jadikan aku, keluarga dan teman yang kusayangi
sebagai orang-orang yang beruntung
orang-orang yang tidak merugi, tidak merugi dalam waktu
Di suatu malam di bulan Ramadhan nan suci
Engkau tunjukkan padaku jawaban atas doaku
Janganlah aku menunda sesuatu
Janganlah aku menunda apa yang bisa kulakukan saat itu
Agar aku termasuk orang-orang yang beruntung akan waktu sempitku
17 September 2009
Aku duduk bersimpuh dan berdoa pada-Mu, ya Rabb..
Agar Engkau jadikan aku, keluarga dan teman yang kusayangi
sebagai orang-orang yang beruntung
orang-orang yang tidak merugi, tidak merugi dalam waktu
Di suatu malam di bulan Ramadhan nan suci
Engkau tunjukkan padaku jawaban atas doaku
Janganlah aku menunda sesuatu
Janganlah aku menunda apa yang bisa kulakukan saat itu
Agar aku termasuk orang-orang yang beruntung akan waktu sempitku
17 September 2009
My friend.... Saranghaeyo means I Love You
My friend,
I remember the first time I met you
The first time I see you
The first time I hold your hand
The first time you tell me your name
My friend,
I remember the times we spent together
Hours and hours sitting next to each other
Hours and hours eating and eating and eating
Hours and hours just talking to each other
My friend,
I remember the moment we had together
the moment we travel together
the moment we enjoy changing seasons
the moment we spent together
My friend,
now that you will lead your life different than mine
now that you will embrace brighter path in the future
now that you will enjoy the freedom of living
now that you will live separate life from mine
I am wishing you nothing but all the best in life
I am wishing that life will treat you so kind
Cause life has treated me so kind for having you in my life
now, let me say one thing I might never said before
"I will always care for you and cherish you..
I cherish any path you take for your future
and let you do it your way
and will accept whatever way you choose"
Hoping for your happiness and success
while hoping for you to know that I will always be here for you
I will always be here with open arms if your need it
Because you are my friend, my friend..
As one kindly remind me that,
"sincerity in love means knowing to stop somewhere in life and nowhere in heart"
I remember the first time I met you
The first time I see you
The first time I hold your hand
The first time you tell me your name
My friend,
I remember the times we spent together
Hours and hours sitting next to each other
Hours and hours eating and eating and eating
Hours and hours just talking to each other
My friend,
I remember the moment we had together
the moment we travel together
the moment we enjoy changing seasons
the moment we spent together
My friend,
now that you will lead your life different than mine
now that you will embrace brighter path in the future
now that you will enjoy the freedom of living
now that you will live separate life from mine
I am wishing you nothing but all the best in life
I am wishing that life will treat you so kind
Cause life has treated me so kind for having you in my life
now, let me say one thing I might never said before
"I will always care for you and cherish you..
I cherish any path you take for your future
and let you do it your way
and will accept whatever way you choose"
Hoping for your happiness and success
while hoping for you to know that I will always be here for you
I will always be here with open arms if your need it
Because you are my friend, my friend..
As one kindly remind me that,
"sincerity in love means knowing to stop somewhere in life and nowhere in heart"
No More You
I finally meet them..
but there was no you.
I greet them...
But i couldn't find you
I wish you were among them.
There is no more you.
No more you smiling at me
No more you calling out my name
No more you...
But only this time,
Can I ask you to come back?
I love you and I miss you..
25 September 2009
but there was no you.
I greet them...
But i couldn't find you
I wish you were among them.
There is no more you.
No more you smiling at me
No more you calling out my name
No more you...
But only this time,
Can I ask you to come back?
I love you and I miss you..
25 September 2009
Love knows no reason
a friend asked me one day
"why do you love him? why it is so hard for you to get over him?"
I can only answer
i love him the moment I met him
I love him the day I talk to him
I love him the second he smiled at me
I love him the moment he called my name
I love his jokes and the way he laugh
I love his stupid reasoning and excuses
I love when he tell stories, stupid and funny stories
and I still love him even when he is being disgruntle and annoying
I still love him when he is away
I still love him when he forgets to call me or send a message
I still love him even when he said he has a special someone in his life
I love him still..
and to tell you the truth
I knew I loved him before I met him
29 November 2009
"why do you love him? why it is so hard for you to get over him?"
I can only answer
i love him the moment I met him
I love him the day I talk to him
I love him the second he smiled at me
I love him the moment he called my name
I love his jokes and the way he laugh
I love his stupid reasoning and excuses
I love when he tell stories, stupid and funny stories
and I still love him even when he is being disgruntle and annoying
I still love him when he is away
I still love him when he forgets to call me or send a message
I still love him even when he said he has a special someone in his life
I love him still..
and to tell you the truth
I knew I loved him before I met him
29 November 2009
What is that one thing
What is one thing that is free of charge?
We can create it free of charge
We can create it when we are conscious
We can also create it when we are unconscious
Those who are poor can create it
As well as those who are rich
Those who are educated can create it
And those who even cannot read can create it
We can keep it
But we can also forget it
We can make it it
But we can also forget it
We can make it
Or keep it as it is
What is that?
18 December 2009
We can create it free of charge
We can create it when we are conscious
We can also create it when we are unconscious
Those who are poor can create it
As well as those who are rich
Those who are educated can create it
And those who even cannot read can create it
We can keep it
But we can also forget it
We can make it it
But we can also forget it
We can make it
Or keep it as it is
What is that?
18 December 2009
Sahabatku, jangan ambil cintaku
Engkau yang pertama kali memberitahu aku tentang dia
tentang siapa dia
tentang cinta dia
tentang pemikiran dia
tentang kehidupan dia
Engkau yang pertama kali memberikan senyum itu
ketika aku mengatakan padamu
teman, seperti aku menemukan pelabuhanku
tempat kumelabuhkan asa dan cita
Engkau yang pertama kali kuberitaku
akan cerita cinta ini
cerita baru yang muncul layaknya bintang jatuh
tak terduga, tak disangka
Dan engkau sahabat
berbagi denganku
senyum dan tawa itu
cinta itu
engkau juga yang pertama kali meragu
meragukan akan ketetapan hatiku
meragukan keputusan jiwaku
meragukan bisikan nuraniku
bahwa dia lah orang yang kutunggu
takdir tidak pernah berucap
sebelum waktunya tiba
tak juga berujar setitik rahasia
Entah rahasia apa yang dibawanya
angin membawamu dekat kembali dengannya
membawanya kembali dekat denganmu
dan menjauh dariku
dan ku menjauh darinya
maafkan aku
tapi aku cemburu
aku mencemburuimu
aku tahu engkau tau
aku tahu engkau tak mungkin melangkahiku
aku mengerti sahabat
tapi takdir siapa tahu
takdir siapa sangka
dia akan berkata apa
mungkin engkau akan bersamanya
atau akulah yang bersangding dengannya
satu pintaku
sahabatku, jangan ambil cintaku
Engkau yang pertama kali memberitahu aku tentang dia
tentang siapa dia
tentang cinta dia
tentang pemikiran dia
tentang kehidupan dia
Engkau yang pertama kali memberikan senyum itu
ketika aku mengatakan padamu
teman, seperti aku menemukan pelabuhanku
tempat kumelabuhkan asa dan cita
Engkau yang pertama kali kuberitaku
akan cerita cinta ini
cerita baru yang muncul layaknya bintang jatuh
tak terduga, tak disangka
Dan engkau sahabat
berbagi denganku
senyum dan tawa itu
cinta itu
engkau juga yang pertama kali meragu
meragukan akan ketetapan hatiku
meragukan keputusan jiwaku
meragukan bisikan nuraniku
bahwa dia lah orang yang kutunggu
takdir tidak pernah berucap
sebelum waktunya tiba
tak juga berujar setitik rahasia
Entah rahasia apa yang dibawanya
angin membawamu dekat kembali dengannya
membawanya kembali dekat denganmu
dan menjauh dariku
dan ku menjauh darinya
maafkan aku
tapi aku cemburu
aku mencemburuimu
aku tahu engkau tau
aku tahu engkau tak mungkin melangkahiku
aku mengerti sahabat
tapi takdir siapa tahu
takdir siapa sangka
dia akan berkata apa
mungkin engkau akan bersamanya
atau akulah yang bersangding dengannya
satu pintaku
sahabatku, jangan ambil cintaku
tali jiwa
Kuserahkan jiwa ini untuknya
cinta ini untuknya
raga ini untuknya
Tapi ia lari pergi
berlari tak tentu arah
berlari sekuat jiwa
kemanakah engkau pergi?
larikah engkau dari bumi?
terbangkah engkau ke angkasa?
ah ternyata tidak
engkau hanya bersembunyi di balik tirai
tirai jiwa yang membelenggu
mengikat kaki hatimu
menarikmu sekuat tenaga
ah, seandainya kau mengijinkanku
kan kubantu kulepas tali temali itu
meski itu rumit
kan kuulurkan tanganku untukmu
maukah kau?
cinta ini untuknya
raga ini untuknya
Tapi ia lari pergi
berlari tak tentu arah
berlari sekuat jiwa
kemanakah engkau pergi?
larikah engkau dari bumi?
terbangkah engkau ke angkasa?
ah ternyata tidak
engkau hanya bersembunyi di balik tirai
tirai jiwa yang membelenggu
mengikat kaki hatimu
menarikmu sekuat tenaga
ah, seandainya kau mengijinkanku
kan kubantu kulepas tali temali itu
meski itu rumit
kan kuulurkan tanganku untukmu
maukah kau?
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Hai cinta...
kalau kau merinduku
cukup kau lampirkan kata itu
pinta bulan untuk memeluknya
aku juga merindumu
hai kasih
kalau kau ingin menyapaku
cukup kau liat cerminan air
pinta sang angin meniupkan nafasnya
aku kan berada di ujung bibirmu
hai sayang
kalau kau ingin memelukku
cukup kau ulurkan tanganmu ke langit
ada bintang yg bersinar disana
aku kan terbang ke pelukanmu
hai cinta
hai kasih
hai sayang
aku juga merindumu
kalau kau merinduku
cukup kau lampirkan kata itu
pinta bulan untuk memeluknya
aku juga merindumu
hai kasih
kalau kau ingin menyapaku
cukup kau liat cerminan air
pinta sang angin meniupkan nafasnya
aku kan berada di ujung bibirmu
hai sayang
kalau kau ingin memelukku
cukup kau ulurkan tanganmu ke langit
ada bintang yg bersinar disana
aku kan terbang ke pelukanmu
hai cinta
hai kasih
hai sayang
aku juga merindumu
kau boleh memikirkan siapapun
tapi bukan dia
kau boleh menyapa siapapun
tapi bukan dia
kau boleh bicara tentang siapapun
tapi bukan tentang dia
kau boleh menatap siapapun
tapi bukan dia
kau boleh menyukai siapapun
tapi bukan dia
kau boleh merindukan siapapun
tapi bukan dia
aku cemburu!!
tapi bukan dia
kau boleh menyapa siapapun
tapi bukan dia
kau boleh bicara tentang siapapun
tapi bukan tentang dia
kau boleh menatap siapapun
tapi bukan dia
kau boleh menyukai siapapun
tapi bukan dia
kau boleh merindukan siapapun
tapi bukan dia
aku cemburu!!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
dia hinggap dan menitikkan air mata
hari ini, bumi turut merasakan pedihnya
sebuah perasaan asing ini hinggap tanpa suara
masuk ke rumah hati tanpa mengetuk pintunya
tiba-tiba masuk dan menyergap
Merampas kebebasan yang baru saja dirasa
Kemudian menabur benih-benih cadas menusuk
Aku bertanya,
wahai engkau tamu agung
siapakah engkau?
mengapa engkau tiba tanpa mengucap salam?
Ia tak menjawab
Hanya duduk bisu di sudut ruang
Dengan nanar dia menatapku
Ini karena ada seseorang bernama cinta dihatimu,
ia tiba-tiba berkata
Karena dia hadir, aku hadir
Karena dia tumbuh, aku tumbuh
Karena dia ada, akupun ada
Satu yang membedakanku dari cinta
ia berkata
Bahwa ketika aku hadir, langitpun tahu
Ia akan menitikkan airmatanya untukmu
Agar engkau tahu
Bahwa engkau tidak sendiri
karena bumi membasuh lukamu dengan air langitnya
siapakah engkau?
dia hanya termenung dan duduk
kembali diam tak bersuara
sebuah perasaan asing ini hinggap tanpa suara
masuk ke rumah hati tanpa mengetuk pintunya
tiba-tiba masuk dan menyergap
Merampas kebebasan yang baru saja dirasa
Kemudian menabur benih-benih cadas menusuk
Aku bertanya,
wahai engkau tamu agung
siapakah engkau?
mengapa engkau tiba tanpa mengucap salam?
Ia tak menjawab
Hanya duduk bisu di sudut ruang
Dengan nanar dia menatapku
Ini karena ada seseorang bernama cinta dihatimu,
ia tiba-tiba berkata
Karena dia hadir, aku hadir
Karena dia tumbuh, aku tumbuh
Karena dia ada, akupun ada
Satu yang membedakanku dari cinta
ia berkata
Bahwa ketika aku hadir, langitpun tahu
Ia akan menitikkan airmatanya untukmu
Agar engkau tahu
Bahwa engkau tidak sendiri
karena bumi membasuh lukamu dengan air langitnya
siapakah engkau?
dia hanya termenung dan duduk
kembali diam tak bersuara
cemburu ini membunuhku
cemburu ini
mengusik keheningan malam
membuatku terjaga di pagi buta
menahan setiap tarikan nafas
menanarkan mata
menginjak cintaku
mengoyak ragaku
membelah jiwaku
untuk kehidupan yang tak lagi tumbuh
untuk sebuah cita yang tak lagi ada
untuk sebuah cinta yang tenggelam
untuk sebuah asa yang rubuh
cinta ini
cemburu ini
mengusik keheningan malam
membuatku terjaga di pagi buta
menahan setiap tarikan nafas
menanarkan mata
menginjak cintaku
mengoyak ragaku
membelah jiwaku
untuk kehidupan yang tak lagi tumbuh
untuk sebuah cita yang tak lagi ada
untuk sebuah cinta yang tenggelam
untuk sebuah asa yang rubuh
cinta ini
cemburu ini
縁, the bond between us

An bond that creates unique connection between people. a bond of family, a bond of friendship, a bond between student-teacher, a bond between bos-staff, a bond between shop owner-customer, even a bond between people who just cross the street at the same time and never meet again in their lifetime.
Have you ever read a novel called "the five people you meet in heaven"? The book tell us a story about a man who just passed away. He then went to heaven where he had to cross through 5 rooms, to meet 5 people. The 5 people will explain him his true life even if this man didin't realize that they were indeed in his life.
So strange human relationship, that we never know what people in our life will do for us and us for them. But I believe that people are coming into our life for a reason, bringing something for us to learn, to experience. We are lead to those who help us most to grow if we let them to. Sadly, no one of us have a map to tell what role will that person have in our life or vice versa. No guidelines of what we do too. Like the man in the book, we are all clueless. Clueless to a simple event and a meeting with one person might change our life forever.
Well, I don't know either. Who among the 300.000 people that I might encounter in my life will teach me the most or vice versa. What will their role in our life. As the book try tell us, each and every one of them have their own role in our life and we are in their life. Maybe we will meet them again or maybe not. Who can say?
Today, I finished some document to rule out my plan for departure from Japan after finishing the master degree. The bell just hit home! It has been two years since I came to Japan and I am leaving Japan soon. Time went so fast. Then I ask myself, will I meet all these wonderful person again in my life? Will someday I have a chance to hug them again? Talk to them again? To see their face again? I heart hurt thinking about that
When Ayana tell me that there is an EN, a bond between us, I believe that whether we will meet again or not, we will be bonded forever. In a bond that unique from one to another. That in each bond will bring us smile and joy, sadness and tears, laugh and hugs, smile and kiss. In Indonesian, we call it, "jodoh".
For everyone in life is indeed special.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Cinta, aku mencintaimu tanpa suara
tanpa nada
tanpa rupa
hanya sebuah tanda
bahwa aku mencintaimu
di setiap tarikan nafasku
tanpa nada
tanpa rupa
hanya sebuah tanda
bahwa aku mencintaimu
di setiap tarikan nafasku
Sunday, July 4, 2010
The Warrior of Peace
It supposed to be a normal discussion with Honna sensei, my supervisor. I asked for his permission to not enroll in any seminar class next semester for the sake of my field research. I am planning to do field research for my thesis this year. Taking full two months in Indonesia since i have no obligation to put more credits to my account. And, he said yes. YES!!
What came next was the one that surprised me the most. When Sensei talked about the riots that felt like yesterday for him, I finally found an answer for my long interest on conflict and conflict resolution. I have been so occupied with this topic, that i don't think any economic-related topic to be more interesting. And the answer is none other than 1998 Riots in Solo, my hometown.
Back then, I was just a high school student. third year. It supposed to be a regular day. Taking computer class for 2 hours as compulsory extra class (oh, since when extra class become compulsory?? ). But that day turned out not to be just another day. It was the day when the riots sweep away the city and turned it down for at least 3 days. It was the day when all "hatred" took control of the so-called peaceful and humble city and turned it into a ball of fire.
I remember my mom called me through school phone and told me to stay at school. She sounded so panic when she told me that angry mass of people were marching toward the center of the city. There was no way from me to come back home alone as my home is exactly at the center. Mom told me to wait at school and waited for my dad to pick me up. But the time went and dad called that there was no way for him to pick me up. So, as time goes by, our principal suddenly asked us to evacuate from school. I went to my best friend's house which luckily located nearby. It was so weird as the police headquarter is just right in front of our school. Shouldn't we safe at school than any other place on earth?
Anyway, i moved to my friend's house. And exactly at 9 o'clock, the city was dark. no light.. and flames started to pull its wings to the sky. I was so worried and afraid.. But what can I do? I could only wait for my dad. Thanks God, dad able to pick me up at midnight. Riding his old ugly bike, we tried to cross the city of fire and angry people. Then a shout stop us.. asking who are we and where we are heading. Looking at our face as if we were their enemy. The one that should not be safely alive that night. God has been so merciful.. we safely arrived home.
But the next three days or so, there was no such a thing called peace. There were only anger, anger, and violence. Burning became such an easy spot, even the city hall was burned. A city hall that had been so proudly claimed as the only building built based on our first President Soekarno's blueprint. Then it was gone. Why? What kind of hatred was it?
I still remember all those angry faces...
I still remember the feeling of crossing the city of fire..
I still remember the high tension when people tried to burn our neighborhood just because some people from minority race lived at the tip of the neighborhood.
I still remember all the sadness and worries
I still remember the crying from my neighbor that loose their beloved son in the burning accident...
I still remember those days where food was so scarce
I still remember the figure of my father, stand so firmly with other man to protect the neighborhood
I still remember all...
I remember and I remember
And all the memory apparently well kept all these years
The memory that guides me to choose my work
So, i choose conflict and conflict resolution because I don't want to see more conflict
I choose to study ethnic conflict resolution so there will no more us killing each other just because we look different
I choose to study electoral conflict in local politics so there will no more us conflicting each other just because the result doesn't suit our best interest
There was nothing good coming out of conflict
I hate conflict...
But we live with it, don't we?
We live with it.. yet, we have to find ways to overcome it..
We live with this ugly side of us..
Yet, we also have our good side
Together, we can become warrior of peace
for us, and for our children
May peace come to my homeland..and the world
originally written on 29 July 2009
What came next was the one that surprised me the most. When Sensei talked about the riots that felt like yesterday for him, I finally found an answer for my long interest on conflict and conflict resolution. I have been so occupied with this topic, that i don't think any economic-related topic to be more interesting. And the answer is none other than 1998 Riots in Solo, my hometown.
Back then, I was just a high school student. third year. It supposed to be a regular day. Taking computer class for 2 hours as compulsory extra class (oh, since when extra class become compulsory?? ). But that day turned out not to be just another day. It was the day when the riots sweep away the city and turned it down for at least 3 days. It was the day when all "hatred" took control of the so-called peaceful and humble city and turned it into a ball of fire.
I remember my mom called me through school phone and told me to stay at school. She sounded so panic when she told me that angry mass of people were marching toward the center of the city. There was no way from me to come back home alone as my home is exactly at the center. Mom told me to wait at school and waited for my dad to pick me up. But the time went and dad called that there was no way for him to pick me up. So, as time goes by, our principal suddenly asked us to evacuate from school. I went to my best friend's house which luckily located nearby. It was so weird as the police headquarter is just right in front of our school. Shouldn't we safe at school than any other place on earth?
Anyway, i moved to my friend's house. And exactly at 9 o'clock, the city was dark. no light.. and flames started to pull its wings to the sky. I was so worried and afraid.. But what can I do? I could only wait for my dad. Thanks God, dad able to pick me up at midnight. Riding his old ugly bike, we tried to cross the city of fire and angry people. Then a shout stop us.. asking who are we and where we are heading. Looking at our face as if we were their enemy. The one that should not be safely alive that night. God has been so merciful.. we safely arrived home.
But the next three days or so, there was no such a thing called peace. There were only anger, anger, and violence. Burning became such an easy spot, even the city hall was burned. A city hall that had been so proudly claimed as the only building built based on our first President Soekarno's blueprint. Then it was gone. Why? What kind of hatred was it?
I still remember all those angry faces...
I still remember the feeling of crossing the city of fire..
I still remember the high tension when people tried to burn our neighborhood just because some people from minority race lived at the tip of the neighborhood.
I still remember all the sadness and worries
I still remember the crying from my neighbor that loose their beloved son in the burning accident...
I still remember those days where food was so scarce
I still remember the figure of my father, stand so firmly with other man to protect the neighborhood
I still remember all...
I remember and I remember
And all the memory apparently well kept all these years
The memory that guides me to choose my work
So, i choose conflict and conflict resolution because I don't want to see more conflict
I choose to study ethnic conflict resolution so there will no more us killing each other just because we look different
I choose to study electoral conflict in local politics so there will no more us conflicting each other just because the result doesn't suit our best interest
There was nothing good coming out of conflict
I hate conflict...
But we live with it, don't we?
We live with it.. yet, we have to find ways to overcome it..
We live with this ugly side of us..
Yet, we also have our good side
Together, we can become warrior of peace
for us, and for our children
May peace come to my homeland..and the world
originally written on 29 July 2009
Itung2an Bola
Believe it or not....This world cup is already determined by the numbers....
(1) Brazil won the World Cup in 1994; before that they also won in 1970. Adding 1970 + 1994= 3964
(2) Argentina won its last World Cup in 1986; before that they also won in 1978. Adding 1978 + 1986= 3964
(3) Germany won its last World Cup in 1990; before that they also won in 1974. Adding 1974 + 1990= 3964
(4) Brazil also won the World Cup in 2002; before that they also won in 1962. Adding 1962+ 2002= 3964
Therefore if you want to know what nation is going to win the World Cup in 2010, you only have to subtract 2010 from the magic number that we have determined: 3964. 3964 minus 2010 = 1954
In 1954 the World Cup was won by Germany!!! Probably not scientific... but pretty interesting..
copied from twitter Prabu Revolusi (https://twitter.com/praburevolusi)
(1) Brazil won the World Cup in 1994; before that they also won in 1970. Adding 1970 + 1994= 3964
(2) Argentina won its last World Cup in 1986; before that they also won in 1978. Adding 1978 + 1986= 3964
(3) Germany won its last World Cup in 1990; before that they also won in 1974. Adding 1974 + 1990= 3964
(4) Brazil also won the World Cup in 2002; before that they also won in 1962. Adding 1962+ 2002= 3964
Therefore if you want to know what nation is going to win the World Cup in 2010, you only have to subtract 2010 from the magic number that we have determined: 3964. 3964 minus 2010 = 1954
In 1954 the World Cup was won by Germany!!! Probably not scientific... but pretty interesting..
copied from twitter Prabu Revolusi (https://twitter.com/praburevolusi)
Living life is like assembling puzzle
Have you ever thought that life is like a puzzle?
If you ever believe in the so-called destiny like I do, then you must believe that several thing has been ruled out for us long before we were born. Such as born, death and our twin soul. The rest, we have to work out ourself.
Recently, I have been struggling if life. Jolting with many challenges and obstacles. I cried and screamed. To life that never give me any map or clue or hint on how I supposed to live my life. It is like walking in the long dark tunnel without knowing where is the end and what would be the end. It caused some frustration for not knowing what the future hold for us. Especially when thing get a lot tougher than we expected. I couldn't count anymore how many time I want to have a time machine so I can sneak peak the future.
Then again, many said that if we know the future, life will never be fun again. No mystery to be solved, no challenge drain up our curiosity. Life will be boring. Still, how can I make my life fun without having too much curiosity about life?
I remember back in my childhood how much I love playing puzzle. It is mysterious yet fun. Put the puzzle bit by bit. I even dare to have a thousands puzzle just to dare how much I can solve it. Maybe, i should treat life like that. A million part of puzzle. Life is like assembling it, bit by bit. If we got it wrong then we will have to re-do it again. If we got several part right, we gonna see the bigger picture. That is our achievement, our tomorrow.
Yes, living life is indeed like assembling puzzle. God has given us the broad picture, it is us to assemble it. Bit by bit.. failure after failure, Success after success.. and its mystery is what keep us going.
If you ever believe in the so-called destiny like I do, then you must believe that several thing has been ruled out for us long before we were born. Such as born, death and our twin soul. The rest, we have to work out ourself.
Recently, I have been struggling if life. Jolting with many challenges and obstacles. I cried and screamed. To life that never give me any map or clue or hint on how I supposed to live my life. It is like walking in the long dark tunnel without knowing where is the end and what would be the end. It caused some frustration for not knowing what the future hold for us. Especially when thing get a lot tougher than we expected. I couldn't count anymore how many time I want to have a time machine so I can sneak peak the future.
Then again, many said that if we know the future, life will never be fun again. No mystery to be solved, no challenge drain up our curiosity. Life will be boring. Still, how can I make my life fun without having too much curiosity about life?
I remember back in my childhood how much I love playing puzzle. It is mysterious yet fun. Put the puzzle bit by bit. I even dare to have a thousands puzzle just to dare how much I can solve it. Maybe, i should treat life like that. A million part of puzzle. Life is like assembling it, bit by bit. If we got it wrong then we will have to re-do it again. If we got several part right, we gonna see the bigger picture. That is our achievement, our tomorrow.
Yes, living life is indeed like assembling puzzle. God has given us the broad picture, it is us to assemble it. Bit by bit.. failure after failure, Success after success.. and its mystery is what keep us going.
Friday, July 2, 2010
social media and security
What you cannot find in another country, you can find it in Indonesia. Not only certain thing, but almost everything. But, what you can easily find in another country, you might find it hard to see in Indonesia.
Recent social media survey on twitter and facebook reveals that Indonesia comfortably sit as world's third biggest user of facebook and tweet producers. In general, it looks like Indonesia is a technologically savvy community that can put themselves as equal as US and Japan. You might also imagine Indonesian carrying their smartphone everywhere, from bathroom to boardroom. But i guess, imagination can be misleading, sometimes..
If you are an Indonesian or ever visit Indonesia then live like normal Indonesian do, you might find it strange how Indonesian could somehow project themselves as very savvy in technology when living savvy with public transportation means you are bound to loose your magic phone. You can only become savvy when you are at home, office, school or supermall. Well, I might not be in Indonesia for 2 years now, but the last time I came back home, that’s how things went. When I was in supermall, there were blackberry everywhere. Everyone seems to have one. pip..pip..pip.. Even when they have their friends around, the hip and hop in facebook and twitter is still as important. Especially nowadays, Jakarta people could be proud for having their own social media called ‘koprol’ (if you ever heard about it) that allows you to find friends whereever you are. Specially in big mall, the only place you can go for spending time and money.
Let say compare to Japan. If you ride a train or bus, there are one rule that you have to follow. To make yourself comfortable, try to do one of these things: sleep, listen to your mp3, playing games, read books, or doing something with your phone. Other than doing that, you are doomed! You cannot standing or sitting idly or asking people to talk like in Indonesia. That is just so no no! So, the most easily spotted activity, phone! Or even better, one can listen to their mp3 while holding phone at one hand and gamebox at the other. Why they do that? because it is safe to do so. Public transportation is a safe place to do whatever you like including showing off your latest most advanced gadget. Plus, the internet in Japan is way freaking fast. me? sleep ;p
Then, why we are in that hot spot of worlds’ third twitter and facebook users? do we really that savvy and hip? Thanks to cheap smartphone widely distributed nowadays, it is understandable. But who are the user? how is the demographic mapping? do people from small city or rural area outside java even knows what twitter is all about? could it be that the real users (for twitter, as for facebook i guess the number is a lot bigger) just several hundred but they tweet like hundred everyday? most likely to be that case.
Then suddenly I remember one day after North Korea huge defeat 7-0 to Portugal in World Cup. I told a friend, If world cup allows such a game, Indonesia should be allowed to join world cup too!. He just answered, “nope, because there are hundreds of thousands of children still suffer from diarrhea (due to bad environment and hygiene)”. spot on! So, while we are having this problems (let me list: disasters, corruption, porn video scandal, health malpractice, FPI, etc), how do we stand in the highspot of newest technology trend? while we are in number 3 for facebook and twitter, we are also in the top spot for being the most corrupt countries in the world. what an anomaly (>.<)
I know we cannot stop using facebook and twitter. It is useless since for me, they are now Indonesian new version of “warung kopi/coffee shop” where people can connect and talk to each other. Indonesian is just social people by heart. The question is, can we use it in a smarter way? for the better of others too? If not, then the anomaly of social media habit in Indonesia will always be an anomaly.
One thing about facebook and twitter, or friendster, or hi5, or multiply, or whatever is that by using them, we make people far from us closer but drive people close from us further. you choose ;p
originally written on 2 July 2010
Recent social media survey on twitter and facebook reveals that Indonesia comfortably sit as world's third biggest user of facebook and tweet producers. In general, it looks like Indonesia is a technologically savvy community that can put themselves as equal as US and Japan. You might also imagine Indonesian carrying their smartphone everywhere, from bathroom to boardroom. But i guess, imagination can be misleading, sometimes..
If you are an Indonesian or ever visit Indonesia then live like normal Indonesian do, you might find it strange how Indonesian could somehow project themselves as very savvy in technology when living savvy with public transportation means you are bound to loose your magic phone. You can only become savvy when you are at home, office, school or supermall. Well, I might not be in Indonesia for 2 years now, but the last time I came back home, that’s how things went. When I was in supermall, there were blackberry everywhere. Everyone seems to have one. pip..pip..pip.. Even when they have their friends around, the hip and hop in facebook and twitter is still as important. Especially nowadays, Jakarta people could be proud for having their own social media called ‘koprol’ (if you ever heard about it) that allows you to find friends whereever you are. Specially in big mall, the only place you can go for spending time and money.
Let say compare to Japan. If you ride a train or bus, there are one rule that you have to follow. To make yourself comfortable, try to do one of these things: sleep, listen to your mp3, playing games, read books, or doing something with your phone. Other than doing that, you are doomed! You cannot standing or sitting idly or asking people to talk like in Indonesia. That is just so no no! So, the most easily spotted activity, phone! Or even better, one can listen to their mp3 while holding phone at one hand and gamebox at the other. Why they do that? because it is safe to do so. Public transportation is a safe place to do whatever you like including showing off your latest most advanced gadget. Plus, the internet in Japan is way freaking fast. me? sleep ;p
Then, why we are in that hot spot of worlds’ third twitter and facebook users? do we really that savvy and hip? Thanks to cheap smartphone widely distributed nowadays, it is understandable. But who are the user? how is the demographic mapping? do people from small city or rural area outside java even knows what twitter is all about? could it be that the real users (for twitter, as for facebook i guess the number is a lot bigger) just several hundred but they tweet like hundred everyday? most likely to be that case.
Then suddenly I remember one day after North Korea huge defeat 7-0 to Portugal in World Cup. I told a friend, If world cup allows such a game, Indonesia should be allowed to join world cup too!. He just answered, “nope, because there are hundreds of thousands of children still suffer from diarrhea (due to bad environment and hygiene)”. spot on! So, while we are having this problems (let me list: disasters, corruption, porn video scandal, health malpractice, FPI, etc), how do we stand in the highspot of newest technology trend? while we are in number 3 for facebook and twitter, we are also in the top spot for being the most corrupt countries in the world. what an anomaly (>.<)
I know we cannot stop using facebook and twitter. It is useless since for me, they are now Indonesian new version of “warung kopi/coffee shop” where people can connect and talk to each other. Indonesian is just social people by heart. The question is, can we use it in a smarter way? for the better of others too? If not, then the anomaly of social media habit in Indonesia will always be an anomaly.
One thing about facebook and twitter, or friendster, or hi5, or multiply, or whatever is that by using them, we make people far from us closer but drive people close from us further. you choose ;p
originally written on 2 July 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Tuesday's Teru Teru Bozu
Today marks the seventh Tuesday since I started regularly visiting a special place in Kyoto. And in each and any one of them, raining has been patiently come along. Drop after drop.. tears after tears..

While if you hang the heads on point to earth, it means you are asking for rain.
How will you hang your teru2 bozy today? ^^
p.s. if you ever ask why the string color seems like Indonesian flag color, i can say that my Teru teru Bozu just changed its nationality to Indonesia ;p
I thought, the rain will kindly pour on another day than Tuesday. Especially after I have my Teru Teru Bozu, a cute doll little Kanako made for me last Saturday.
"Sensei, ageru..", pipped Kanako - chan at the end of my English lesson last saturday. My beautiful little student was smiling when she gave me a little doll called Teru Teru Bozu that we made together that day. Her mother then said, in the rainy season like this month, kids will make a lot Teru2 Bozu and hang it in their room. She then explained the meaning behind it.
Teru Teru Bozu is a kind of little doll, in a shape of little Buddist monk. "Teru" means sunshine in Japanese, while Bozu describes "a Buddist monk". Dated hundred years ago, children usually make teru teru bozu out of paper cloth and hang it on a string before the good day. Making and hanging teru teru bozu means asking for a good weather tomorrow. Time passes, and the hanging of teru teru bozu has its own meaning.
Hanging with the head on the top means "asking for a good sunny sunshine" tomorrow. Like this
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Catatan kecil untuk ayahku
Untuk Ayah tersayang,
Ayah, musim bola sudah tiba. Piala dunia! biasaya, ayah, aku dan adek mulai bertaruh siapa yang menang. Ayah pasti milih Belanda, mentang2 dulu pernah tinggal disana. Adek dengan entengnya milih Brazil. Aku, selalu tergantung, mentok ya Italia atau Spanyol. Adek selalu mengejekku dengan pilihan itu, katanya milihnya bukan atas dasar skill, tapi wajah rupawan. Tapi engkau Ayah, selalu hanya tertawa kalau persaingan bola ini terjadi di rumah.
Tertawa Ayah itu..
Aku jadi teringat sebuah cerita soal matahari. Matahari sepertinya selalu ditakdirkan untuk sendiri. Alangkah malangnya si matahari ketika suatu hari dia jatuh cinta setengah mati. Si matahari pasti akan mengharap dirinya bisa dekat dengan sang pujaan hati. Namun takdir tidak dapat ditolak, si matahari tidak mungkin bisa mendekat. Kalau ia mendekat, maka ia akan membakar sang cinta dengan sinarnya. Sadar akan hal itu, si matahari memilih untuk menjaga jarak. Menempatkan dirinya di titik terjauh orbit. Karena hanya dengan itu, ia bisa mencintai. Berada di titik terjauh agar sinarnya tidak membakar, tapi cukup untuk memberi kehangatan. Kehangatan yang membawa kehidupan dan keceriaan.
Ayah, engkaulah matahari itu.. Pemberi nafas kehidupan dan keceriaan dalam hidupku. Kau layaknya menjaga jarak dengan tidak pernah marah padaku. Tapi kau tahu kapan untuk menasehati dan memberiku teladan. Kapan untuk mengajakku bercanda atau sekedar taruhan bola.
Ayah, semoga Tuhan mencintaimu jauh lebih dari aku mencintaimu
daddy's little girl
Ayah, musim bola sudah tiba. Piala dunia! biasaya, ayah, aku dan adek mulai bertaruh siapa yang menang. Ayah pasti milih Belanda, mentang2 dulu pernah tinggal disana. Adek dengan entengnya milih Brazil. Aku, selalu tergantung, mentok ya Italia atau Spanyol. Adek selalu mengejekku dengan pilihan itu, katanya milihnya bukan atas dasar skill, tapi wajah rupawan. Tapi engkau Ayah, selalu hanya tertawa kalau persaingan bola ini terjadi di rumah.
Tertawa Ayah itu..
Aku jadi teringat sebuah cerita soal matahari. Matahari sepertinya selalu ditakdirkan untuk sendiri. Alangkah malangnya si matahari ketika suatu hari dia jatuh cinta setengah mati. Si matahari pasti akan mengharap dirinya bisa dekat dengan sang pujaan hati. Namun takdir tidak dapat ditolak, si matahari tidak mungkin bisa mendekat. Kalau ia mendekat, maka ia akan membakar sang cinta dengan sinarnya. Sadar akan hal itu, si matahari memilih untuk menjaga jarak. Menempatkan dirinya di titik terjauh orbit. Karena hanya dengan itu, ia bisa mencintai. Berada di titik terjauh agar sinarnya tidak membakar, tapi cukup untuk memberi kehangatan. Kehangatan yang membawa kehidupan dan keceriaan.
Ayah, engkaulah matahari itu.. Pemberi nafas kehidupan dan keceriaan dalam hidupku. Kau layaknya menjaga jarak dengan tidak pernah marah padaku. Tapi kau tahu kapan untuk menasehati dan memberiku teladan. Kapan untuk mengajakku bercanda atau sekedar taruhan bola.
Ayah, semoga Tuhan mencintaimu jauh lebih dari aku mencintaimu
daddy's little girl
Saturday, June 19, 2010
with you
with him, it is love at the first sight
with you, i love you even before i know you
with him, i can see only present
with you, i feel the future
with him, it is passion, full of poems and flowery sentences
with you, it is love and life, full of hope and dreams
with you, i am complete
you, my better half
and i, your better half
Bermain kuis dengan Tuhan
Ini cerita seseorang yang hidupnya dulu penuh dengan cerita gilang gemilang
tapi kemudian, cerita itu memudar dan hampir-hampir tidak pernah menghampirinya lagi
Dia seorang pemimpi, petualang, perencana. Mimpinya bermacam-macam. Petualangan yang diinginkannya juga beraneka ragam. Dan dia selalu berfikir, apa yang dirancangnya itu akan menjadi nyata asal dia berusaha dan percaya diri, tak lupa berdoa seperti yang selalu diajarkan Ayah dan Ibunya.
Dia sungguh percaya diri. Semua hal direncanakannya, dari kegiatan esok hari hingga 20 tahun kedepan. Sungguh beruntung dirinya, semua yang dia rencanakan berjalan seperti yang dia harapkan. Dia masuk universitas yang diinginkannya. Dia bekerja sesuai yang dia inginkan. Dan dia menenteng beasiswa ke negeri yang selalu diimpikannya. Tepat di waktu yang dia rencakanan. Itu hingga tahun ke 15 rencana jangka panjangnya. Di tahun yang ke 16, semuanya berubah...
Satu demi satu kegagalan mulai menghampiri. Dia gagal menerbitkan tulisan yang telah disusun berminggu-minggu. Dia tidak jadi mengepak barangnya dan pergi mengembara ke negeri yang dulu pernah mau menghancurkan dunia. Bahkan hal kecil seperti kegiatan sukarela pun tidak bisa dilakukannya
Dia menunduk putus asa, meratap, dan bertanya. Dia pernah berfikir untuk menyalahkan Tuhan atas semua kemalangan dan kesedihan yang menimpanya. Apa yang terjadi dalam hidupnya? Apa yang sedang berlaku atas dirinya?
Lantas dia bertanya, "Wahai Tuhanku, sedang bermain kuis-kah dirimu denganku?
Dia membayangkan, kuis dan jawaban dari kuis itu tak ubahnya seperti takdir. Tuhan tidak memberikan jawaban dari kuis itu, tapi menantang kita untuk menjawabnya.
Dia membayangkan, pertanyaan kuis Tuhan terdahulu mungkin adalah "bisakah kau bersekolah ke luar negeri?" dan jawaban dari kuis adalah dia akan bersekolah ke luar negeri. Tapi Tuhan tidak pernah memberi tahu cara apa yang bisa kita pakai dan berapa lama kita bisa menjawabnya. Kita yang menentukan jalan itu sendiri. Dia ingat, dia beberapa kali gagal mendaftar beasiswa, tapi dia yakin dia bisa dapat suatu hari nanti. Dan dia berhasil.
Sekarang, ketika semua kegagalan itu menyergap kembali kini, dia bertanya-tanya apa Tuhan sedang melemparkan kuis yang lain. Dulu, karena dia berhasil menjawab kuis yang di tingkat menengah alias intermediate, mungkin sekarang dia diberi kuiz yang upper-intermediate. Pasti pertanyaanya lebih rumit atau justu mudah tapi perlu kejelian. Mungkin butuh waktu yang lebih lama atau tebakan yang lebih banyak. Dan kegagalan itu tidak ubahnya seperti gagal menebak jawaban kuis. Makin banyak gagal, makin mahir lah kita memilah-milah jawaban dan memilih jalan yang lebih canggih.
"Sesederhana itukah?", dia bertanya
Mungkin memang sesederhana itu.. dia berfikir. Hidup selalu penuh misteri, kita tidak pernah tahu apa yang akan terjadi esok hari. Kuis itu adalah tentang hari esok. Dan menjawab kuis itu ya seperti menjawab kuis biasa. Kita berfikir trus menjawab. Kalau salah, ya mikir lagi. Nah, kadang jadi sebel karena ga dapet-dapet jawabannya. Tapi kalau menyerah, pasti penonton sebel. Yang ngasih kuis pasti mentong bilang "aaahh.. gitu aja nyerah. Ga seru ah lo!"
Wuaduh, kalau dibilang "ga seru" ma Tuhan, bisa berabe ya? dia tiba-tiba tercenung. Ah.. dia lantas bertekad untuk berjuang menjawab kuis Tuhan lagi. Biar dia tetep jadi orang yang seru dan Tuhan bersedia bermain kuis dengannya sampai entah kapan.
Dia membuka buku diarinya kembali.. Mencoret sana-sini. Membuat catatan dan membongkar semua CV, tulisan atau apalah itu. Dia mau berjuang lagi, mencoba lagi, bangkit berjalan lagi. Dia mau melangkah lebih tegar karena dia tahu, hidup akan memberikan jutaan cara baginya untuk menjawab kuis untuk Tuhan dan cara itu pasti jadi petualangan yang seru untuknya. Hidup akan lebih hidup (mencontek iklan, pikirnya!)
Dia akhir catatannya, dia menulis untuk Tuhan
"p.s. Tuhan, terimakasih ya udah berkenan bermain kuis denganku. Maaf ya aku butuh waktu lama untuk menjawab kuis yang sekarang. Tapi aku tidak menyerah kok. Biar aku dibilang seru alias cool ato hip sama Tuhan dan Tuhan mau terus bermain kuis denganku".
tapi kemudian, cerita itu memudar dan hampir-hampir tidak pernah menghampirinya lagi
Dia seorang pemimpi, petualang, perencana. Mimpinya bermacam-macam. Petualangan yang diinginkannya juga beraneka ragam. Dan dia selalu berfikir, apa yang dirancangnya itu akan menjadi nyata asal dia berusaha dan percaya diri, tak lupa berdoa seperti yang selalu diajarkan Ayah dan Ibunya.
Dia sungguh percaya diri. Semua hal direncanakannya, dari kegiatan esok hari hingga 20 tahun kedepan. Sungguh beruntung dirinya, semua yang dia rencanakan berjalan seperti yang dia harapkan. Dia masuk universitas yang diinginkannya. Dia bekerja sesuai yang dia inginkan. Dan dia menenteng beasiswa ke negeri yang selalu diimpikannya. Tepat di waktu yang dia rencakanan. Itu hingga tahun ke 15 rencana jangka panjangnya. Di tahun yang ke 16, semuanya berubah...
Satu demi satu kegagalan mulai menghampiri. Dia gagal menerbitkan tulisan yang telah disusun berminggu-minggu. Dia tidak jadi mengepak barangnya dan pergi mengembara ke negeri yang dulu pernah mau menghancurkan dunia. Bahkan hal kecil seperti kegiatan sukarela pun tidak bisa dilakukannya
Dia menunduk putus asa, meratap, dan bertanya. Dia pernah berfikir untuk menyalahkan Tuhan atas semua kemalangan dan kesedihan yang menimpanya. Apa yang terjadi dalam hidupnya? Apa yang sedang berlaku atas dirinya?
Lantas dia bertanya, "Wahai Tuhanku, sedang bermain kuis-kah dirimu denganku?
Dia membayangkan, kuis dan jawaban dari kuis itu tak ubahnya seperti takdir. Tuhan tidak memberikan jawaban dari kuis itu, tapi menantang kita untuk menjawabnya.
Dia membayangkan, pertanyaan kuis Tuhan terdahulu mungkin adalah "bisakah kau bersekolah ke luar negeri?" dan jawaban dari kuis adalah dia akan bersekolah ke luar negeri. Tapi Tuhan tidak pernah memberi tahu cara apa yang bisa kita pakai dan berapa lama kita bisa menjawabnya. Kita yang menentukan jalan itu sendiri. Dia ingat, dia beberapa kali gagal mendaftar beasiswa, tapi dia yakin dia bisa dapat suatu hari nanti. Dan dia berhasil.
Sekarang, ketika semua kegagalan itu menyergap kembali kini, dia bertanya-tanya apa Tuhan sedang melemparkan kuis yang lain. Dulu, karena dia berhasil menjawab kuis yang di tingkat menengah alias intermediate, mungkin sekarang dia diberi kuiz yang upper-intermediate. Pasti pertanyaanya lebih rumit atau justu mudah tapi perlu kejelian. Mungkin butuh waktu yang lebih lama atau tebakan yang lebih banyak. Dan kegagalan itu tidak ubahnya seperti gagal menebak jawaban kuis. Makin banyak gagal, makin mahir lah kita memilah-milah jawaban dan memilih jalan yang lebih canggih.
"Sesederhana itukah?", dia bertanya
Mungkin memang sesederhana itu.. dia berfikir. Hidup selalu penuh misteri, kita tidak pernah tahu apa yang akan terjadi esok hari. Kuis itu adalah tentang hari esok. Dan menjawab kuis itu ya seperti menjawab kuis biasa. Kita berfikir trus menjawab. Kalau salah, ya mikir lagi. Nah, kadang jadi sebel karena ga dapet-dapet jawabannya. Tapi kalau menyerah, pasti penonton sebel. Yang ngasih kuis pasti mentong bilang "aaahh.. gitu aja nyerah. Ga seru ah lo!"
Wuaduh, kalau dibilang "ga seru" ma Tuhan, bisa berabe ya? dia tiba-tiba tercenung. Ah.. dia lantas bertekad untuk berjuang menjawab kuis Tuhan lagi. Biar dia tetep jadi orang yang seru dan Tuhan bersedia bermain kuis dengannya sampai entah kapan.
Dia membuka buku diarinya kembali.. Mencoret sana-sini. Membuat catatan dan membongkar semua CV, tulisan atau apalah itu. Dia mau berjuang lagi, mencoba lagi, bangkit berjalan lagi. Dia mau melangkah lebih tegar karena dia tahu, hidup akan memberikan jutaan cara baginya untuk menjawab kuis untuk Tuhan dan cara itu pasti jadi petualangan yang seru untuknya. Hidup akan lebih hidup (mencontek iklan, pikirnya!)
Dia akhir catatannya, dia menulis untuk Tuhan
"p.s. Tuhan, terimakasih ya udah berkenan bermain kuis denganku. Maaf ya aku butuh waktu lama untuk menjawab kuis yang sekarang. Tapi aku tidak menyerah kok. Biar aku dibilang seru alias cool ato hip sama Tuhan dan Tuhan mau terus bermain kuis denganku".
originally written on May 16th 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
a little girl and her cousin
She was 12 years old when her beloved cousin got married. On the wedding day, she couldn't hardly wait to see her cousin so she rushed to her room as soon as possible. Her cousin was sitting in front of the mirror, looking extremely beautiful in her wedding dress.
"You are soooo beautiful, mbak.. I want to be like you", pipped the little girl happily.
Her cousin just smiled and hug her so tight. Later she said..
"My little girl, let me tell you one story.. You might not know what i am saying right now. But i want you to remember it for a life to come.
In our life, there will be two man. One man is the one you call love of your life. Another man is your partner of life, the one with whom you will spend the rest of your life.
Some of us are lucky to have them in only one person. The love of your life is the one you grow old together. Yet, many of us have them in two different persons. Doesn't mean we are not lucky, though. We are extremely lucky, indeed. We are blessed with abundant love. Love to feel, give and share.
Be happy, my little girl. May you find happiness in all the love you have"
She was stunned, not understanding a single word her cousin just said. Took years for her to finally understand what her cousin said. When she finally grasp the story, she is more than happy to embrace the love and share the story with the rest of the world
"You are soooo beautiful, mbak.. I want to be like you", pipped the little girl happily.
Her cousin just smiled and hug her so tight. Later she said..
"My little girl, let me tell you one story.. You might not know what i am saying right now. But i want you to remember it for a life to come.
In our life, there will be two man. One man is the one you call love of your life. Another man is your partner of life, the one with whom you will spend the rest of your life.
Some of us are lucky to have them in only one person. The love of your life is the one you grow old together. Yet, many of us have them in two different persons. Doesn't mean we are not lucky, though. We are extremely lucky, indeed. We are blessed with abundant love. Love to feel, give and share.
Be happy, my little girl. May you find happiness in all the love you have"
She was stunned, not understanding a single word her cousin just said. Took years for her to finally understand what her cousin said. When she finally grasp the story, she is more than happy to embrace the love and share the story with the rest of the world
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
welcome, my fellow warrior of peace
welcome to the blog, my fellow Warrior of Peace
This blog is dedicated to those who work for peace, creating peace, maintaining peace and building peace
let us work together for the peace in universe
like heaven is also on earth
This blog is dedicated to those who work for peace, creating peace, maintaining peace and building peace
let us work together for the peace in universe
like heaven is also on earth
Saturday, January 9, 2010
something about accepting imperfection
nobody is perfect
not every thing is perfect
I don't know how many times do we heard that wise wisdom?
how many times do we try to apply that for our life.
many times maybe..
but for me, i always have a hard time accepting imperfection.
by saying this,it doesnt mean that i am perfect.
i am far from perfect, my life, my personality, my career..
everything about me is not perfect.
but having an imperfect me, is it hard to expect only perfect stuff to the things that i have bought myself?
the things to keep me happy,to satisfy my need.
what is wrong with that?
it is not human i am talking about,
but more about stuff, things, hardware! esp electronic things!
if it's not perfect, i am more than happy to throw it or give it away
or sell it as soon as i can
i hate seeing them!!!
apparantly,i am learning the hardest way to know this part of my broken personality
and how to accept it & make peace with it.
why this things came so hard?
For years,i am tired to be an imperfect little cousin.
had to be the one that always look upon my so-called perfect cousin.
years later,i realize she is just as imperfect as i am
and for years after that, i am tired pretending to be a perfect big sister.
i am not!i am tired to live as role model.
for GOD's sake,i am just as imperfect as my poor little brother.
how could i deal with this imperfection thing?
how should i make peace with this?
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