All is ruin from old centuries ago. Only I left to wonder why all is left in ruin. This place is so majestic and serene. Pretty calming, I must say. But looking at how bad the shape of Buddha statues here, which was caused by the war between Burma and Thai centuries before, I start to wonder whether passion of war and conflict is as old as the human being itself.
Then I look at the girl next to me, who would fly across to Bangkok just to be with me and for whom I flew to Beijing 2 years ago. I looked back at the ruin and place my gratitude back to the hand of nature who has given me love and friendship that i believe will pass the test of time.
No more anger and sadness. Just gratitude. Like the students who prayed all their heart in front of Buddha statue and send their gratitude for the good mark they will have ahead.
This morning, I woke up with this song being played through iTunes radio. I scrambled for words but nothing come out but the old memory of mandarin songs I used to hear back then. When all I hear was Mandarin Songs belong to JJ Lin, Lee Hom or Jacky Cheung. All the good old sounds.
And this song clearly has that good old sounds. Very gentle, melancholic but sweet. It brings sweetness to my memory, the very same memory when I still learn Mandarin in early stage because I like it so much. My bad, though, I didn't manage to master it. But above all, the good days were just gold. Just like this melancholic song by Wei Chen called only love to half..
The lyrics is below:
魏晨 - 只爱到一半
现在我们已经不再联系 | xiàn zài wǒ men yǐ jīng bù zài lián xì
过去的一切已经变成回忆 | guò qù de yī qiè yǐ jīng biàn chéng huí yì
无意间听到你最爱的CD, | wú yì jiān jiàn xiàn tīng dào nǐ zuì ài de CD
勾起了曾经的点点滴滴 | gòu gōu qǐ le liǎo liào céng jīng de diǎn diǎn dī dī
时钟会一路走下去不会停 | shí zhōng huì yī lù zǒu xià qù bù huì tíng
昨天像一部还未放完的电影 | zuó tiān xiàng yī bù hái wèi fàng wán de dí diàn yǐng
感动的对白永远是I Love U | gǎn dòng de dí duì bái yǒng yuǎn shì I Love U
我想我可以 不露痕迹默默爱着你 | wǒ xiǎng wǒ kě yǐ bù lù hén jī mò mò ài zhe nǐ
我们的爱 只爱到一半 | wǒ men de ài zhī ài dào yī bàn
约好的幸福不能靠岸 | yuē hǎo de xìng fú bù néng kào àn
慢慢的习惯 享受着孤单 | màn màn de xí guàn xiǎng shòu zhe gū dān
偶尔也会被寂寞拆穿 | ǒu ěr yě huì bèi jì mò chāi chuān
我们的爱 只爱到一半| wǒ men de ài zhī ài dào yī bàn
手牵手的旅程忘了走完 | shǒu qiān shǒu de lǚ chéng wàng le zǒu wán
曾经的浪漫 已被风吹散 | céng jīng de làng màn yǐ bèi fēng chuī sǎn
埋在心底的遗憾 | mái zài xīn dǐ de yí hàn
时间会替我们保管 | shí jiān huì tì wǒ men bǎo guǎn
Na La La La…
I Love U Forever…
时钟会一路走下去不会停 | shí zhōng huì yī lù zǒu xià qù bù huì tíng
昨天像一部还未放完的电影 | zuó tiān xiàng yī bù hái wèi fàng wán de diàn yǐng
感动的对白永远是I Love U | gǎn dòng de duì bái yǒng yuǎn shì I Love U
我想我可以 不露痕迹默默爱着你 | wǒ xiǎng wǒ kě yǐ bù lù hén jī mò mò ài zhe nǐ
Bravo! Finally some smart guys in the government came to their sense and realize that Indonesia's very own busway could be equipped with E-Ticket. Governor Joko Widodo officially launched the system over the weekend and the system has been operational since 22 January. The new system is applicable in corridor 1 only at the time being and hopefully other corridor will follow soon. The ad goes like below:
This is a smart move to the conventional paper ticket where we have to queue to pay IDR 3.500 everytime we wish to board the bus. It is labor intensive yes, but it shows that the card system used before by Jakcard is not working at all. Such a waste! Since it must be expensive to buy the ticket gate.
In my opinion, the new system is much welcomed. It saves my time and paper. Talking about being "green". What unique about the news system is the card used for e-ticketing. It is not a single card like Singapore's EZLink or Malaysia's RapidKL. Jokowi used the current and increasingly popular EMoney by 5 state and private banks as the card. It is a smart move again since the system has more players and it might be hold accountable since capitalist interest might play. The five emoney used are:
BNI Prepaid BCA Flazz
Bank Mandiri e-money BRI Brizzi
So, what passenger need to do now is to have one of the five and you can enter the platform by touching your card to the machine which is painted in red
Looks easy and it is easy. Touch the card until the light blink GREEN. Push the bar afterward and you can go in easy. Sadly, not many seems to realize the system yet and still queue for paper ticket. So, if you have it already, start using it! It is very convenient. Moreover, many staff are now still on duty to socialize the system so if you are confuse, feel free to ask them.
Venezia is simply breathtaking.. Serene beauty. I was there during its less busy day as it was raining. But still Venezia has all to offer. Her architecture, her churches, her ports, the running rivers inside the city, her gondola, and her mystical majesty.
Walking through the city is fun and magical. The narrow street gave you a goose bump of living in a wonderland. Sadly, all of the city is lit with shop's store and no building escape the architecture of having a shop at the ground floor and maybe apartment on the upper floor.
Good thing that water is still running between all buildings which save the good capitalistic and touristic mode of Venezia. Something that made all your pictures seems to come from a professional photo studio. Yes, Venezia is that beautiful
(me @ Piazza San Marco)
If I have one day to come back to Italy, I will wish to have 3 days in Venezia. That's my wish upon the shooting star
Tonight, I am pretty occupied with the pictures I took from my recent trip. Much to my surprise, the one that caught my attention are those ones I took last year in Samarinda, Banjarmasin and Bunaken. Gosh.. I never realized just breathtaking beauty Indonesia is actually. Okay, lets have a look..
(Sunrise in Banjarmasin)
(Pulau Galang, Riau Islands)
(sunset in Samarinda)
and my all time fave picture is below:
(Sunset in Pontianak )
Should the transportation between Islands is good and well-maintained with good marketing tourism, we could be well the main tourist destination in the world. This country truly has so many thing to offer.. too many, if I may say
I know I should just continue my european travel posts instead of having something else written in the blog. But I couldn't help myself from doing this post. Hahahahaha... talk about self freedom in writing!
This post is written based on my experience coming to Malaysia's Waterfall Hill Temple in Kuala Lumpur. The temple is famous as the center of Thaipusan festival. People from all over Malaysia, if not the world, make their walk to the temple once in every year. They bring with them jar of water and other offerings. The temple is located near botanical garden (one stop before botanical garden with bus no 10 from Komtar).
There are 3 buildings in this temple area and the main one is located at the top of the hill, few hundred meters above the ground. So imagine how difficult it must be to go up to the main temple with a big jar above the head. Because, even without carrying a jar, I was lost of breath good couple of times.
What stole my attention is actually the proverbs placed in the stairway all the way to the main temple. Someone was smart enough to realize that support, encouragement and appreciation are all what people need to climb to the top.
and the encouragement goes in the pictures below
They are nice right.. and I am so glad that I chose to go. To wherever my journey takes me ^^
My trip to malaysia this time is a proper one and not for stop over only. I managed to visit several places such as langkawi, Penang, capital city kuala lumpur and the old town of Melaka or Malacca.
The biggest lesson learnt is the government. If the government knows what they are doing, they could do it right. Or they could do it all wrong.
Take for example the transportation system in kuala lumpur. I am so envious of all the public transportation provided there. The citizen has access to various busses and trains. Note for the train though, it is not yet integrated. KL Sentral monorail station is not integrated to KL Sentral main station which made me has to walk to different building when I have to take LRT (Light Rapid Line) or commuter line to Kajang where my friend lives. Nevertheless, the system IS THERE! Although it is not perfect (yet, they're still building it), but at least the government seems to have enough sense and realization that it is their responsibility to provide good transportation for its citizen and tourist if I wanna say.
(free hop-on bus in Penang)
Cause I remember a saying that goes "the sign of developed country is not where the poor has car But the rich takes publik transportation".
Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur seems to try to live up the idea. Sadly, not Jakarta. It is very ironic in one way or another that when I am admiring the public transportation in kuala lumpur, Jakarta is declaring state emergency because of major flood. The city was down! Oh, how much I wish my country has enough sense and responsibility over their desire for corruption.
Look at here. Even the airports are nice. The bathrooms are well-maintained and clean. Not like Soetta. Hope, the renovation will bring good things. Because compare to Malaysia's various airports (KLIA, Subang, LCCT, Langkawi and Penang International Airport), Indonesia should really ashamed of herself calling it the big economy of Asia and the main tourist destination.
Listen my Indonesia, you have the same if not a lot more tropical destination that is beautiful beyond words. You can build funicular to Mount Bromo like Malaysia did with their Penang Hill. You can take a brave move and build cable car in Mount Jayawijaya if you wish. You can maximize the potential of numerous diving spot with good access and lovely public transportation. Look at Thailand with its new line of super VIP bus to Chiangmai. Or what is basic, build your railway system so we can travel far more easier.
(the que and passengers' arrangement in Langkawi Cable Car)
(the railway to the top of Penang Hill with Funicular)
Here, tourism is packaged nicely. Nicer than I ever thought. You know what that means? More tourist coming cause what they want is a leisure and not a hardship like what you place now to your own citizen. Follow the footstep of Malaysia with their tourism board. You will be surprise on just how a little packaging will change the tourism course.
And Look back at Habibie, he has a dream of making CN250 as main public transport between the islands. Try bring that back and I am sure we will be less complaining. Like I don't have much complain about the safety of Malaysian Taxi. I know I am safe in their hand though sometime they charged me over price and refuse to put on meter. Still, I wish to applaud the new Jakarta government for trying to improve the service quality of trans Jakarta by viewing the schedule and where the bus is currently located in the screen (i know not all bus stops... dududududu). And for allowing us customer to top up our JakCard in the bus stop and not only in Bank DKI like you previously ruled out.
(the information of busway schedule in Halte Jati Padang - Corridor 2)
Indonesia, wake up! Be strong and have your senses back to your heart. If Malaysia and Thailand can provide what they are now providing their citizen and in their tourism world, you can as well.
So, Indonesia.. Will you cradle us in nice transport and tourism like many countries in the world do?
Romeo and Juliet, the most tragic love story dubbed my many, was written by William Shakespeare with the city of Verona as its background. There, lived a young couple by the name of Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet who tragically fall in love with each other and died next to each other. Some noted, they fight against time to prove that their love can last forever.
Of course, as a young girl, i dreamt of going to Verona. I wanted to visit Juliet's house and to standing in the balcony acted like a girl waiting for her Romeo. So, it makes absolute sense that Verona should be on my list to visit.
I boarded the train from Milano Centrale to Stazione Porta Nuova Verona. We went to the station at 9.00 and the only train left was the 11.25 regular train. So, that's our choice. Just 30 minutes before boarding, all of a sudden, the train was cancelled! WHAATT??!! This is what we face with Italian train system. Good thing we checked the board like every 10 minutes but still, it piss us off. We run to the bibliegetti, or the ticketing office to renew or change our ticket. And there was a long que! perfect.. just perfect.. Good thing that we can upgrade our class to freccabianca which departed 10 minutes. Bad news was we have to pay more. But whatever.. as long as I could get to Verona, few more Euros should be fine..
The travel to Verona with freccabianca took around one hour. We arrived there and greeted with cold weather. No one to ask where to go but we finally found our way. First, we bought our bus ticket in the station's tabbaceria or tobacco store. Then we headed to the bus stop just in front of the station. We took bus no 12 to the central (no 11 and 13 also went there but we didn't managed to get on the bus).
It was just like 15 minutes, or less, to the central of the city called Arena. Arena is the smaller and less exotic version of Rome's colloseum. It was in ruin but in the day I went there, it would be used as venue for Christmas concert. So we concluded that the inside would not be as bad as Colloseum.
We headed straight to Juliet's house which located in Via Capello. From Arena, took the road on the left that heads to Via Capello. Walk straight up along the shopping street until we find Piazza delle Erbe. Turn right and the house of Juliet is less than 100 meters away on the left side. The sign board was dimmed with drawing but we knew right away because many turned there as well.
Upon entering Juliet's house, we never expected it to be so small. The balcony is small too. But whatever. I was in Juliet's houuuseee... hahaahahahaha...
In front of the house, there is Juliet's statute in gold. People said that if we rub her breast, we will be destined to come back to Verona. But I didn't do it because after looking at a young man doing it, I lost all appetite to do so. Heheheheeh.. Another thing that fascinated me is the locked hanged in the door of Juliet's backyard. According to the people there (again), they are the symbol of love birds who wish their love to be locked forever. After my journey in Paris, I learned that this tradition also exists in France with the same meaning. So, Seoul! You are not the only one with the love-lock tradition.
As I learned more afterward, the balcony was not built until later in 1930s. Only the bedroom of Juliet is actually most recognized by people because it is featured in the classic Romeo & Juliet's movie by Zafirelli. I love that movieee... but sadly not as much as I love Leonardo DiCaprio's one. hehehehehe..
Aside from the bed, balcony, breast and lockets, Casa di Guiletta is the home to letters addressed to Juliet. If you ever see the movie called "Letters to Juliet", that's one of the prime sample. The tradition, as many said, started in 1930s when many sent letters addressed to Juliet telling her their love story. To be honest, I sent mine as well. I wrote it on the train to Verona, telling Juliet about one long lost love who never seems to fade away. I just wish one could hear.. Whether it is Juliet or her Romeo..
Romeo's house, not like Juliet's, is not open for public. There I learnt that Romeo and Juliet existed in past as two separate personalities coming from the house of Capulet and Montague. Shakespeare took the liberty to develop a story from their names regardless the fact that there was nothing happen between the real Juliet and Romeo in their lifetime. But who cares? Many was captured anyway..
Just like me.. But Piazza delle Erbe was the one that captured my heart. It is a very nice piazza, with romantic restaurants surrounding its clock tower. So romantic, so beautiful... and with all the street performers, I feel the classic European atmosphere. Oh Romeo, I am in love with your Verona..
I left the warmth in Cremona to a freezing Milan. It was minus 1 to 0 degree Celsius when I went back to Milan. Milan, luckily, was not yet white as ghost. I had the time, long enough, to enjoy the fashion capital of the world.
I headed straight to the center of Milan called Piazza Duomo, Milan. Lies there the Grand Duomo or Cathedral. It can be reached by Metro M1 or M3, Duomo. I found it breathtaking since the moment I reached the end of the stairs from Duomo station, there stand the Grand Duomo.
To enter Duomo, my bag was searched thoroughly. I was afraid that they would take away my camera but apparently they didn't. I felt like watching concert if they did take my camera away. hehehe.. To enter is free but to take picture, I had to pay €2. Upon paying the fee at the North Entrance in Duomo, they put the red tag on my wrist. It later serves well since many staff in red wing came to approach me several time asking if I have the tag since I carried large camera along. Taking picture here and there.
The inside of the Duomo is very breathtaking, I must say. Sadly, it was under renovation when I was there. But all in all, the inside was very serene and peaceful.
I went out after spending around 30 minutes there. Heading straight to the surrounding of Duomo. You know what I found? The Grandiose of Fashion by the name of Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. The major shopping district in Milan. Welcome to Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and others major fashion brand at the Galleria. This is what you found when you headed around shopping in Milan
So grand, so big. I almost had my self in disbelief on how beautiful shopping could be. All this brand stores with people in and out carrying their shopping bag proudly. Know I understand why all the shopping street in Japan looks like a small town. narrow street in a grand road, just like in Osaka. They maybe tried to mirror the grandiose of Piazza Duomo shopping sphere. But no one beats it, I must say! No one!
Not even my own wallet! hahahahaha... Window shopping is certainly the best for me at that point of time. I am already lucky enough to make my trip to Europe. My shopping sphere I believe, lies somewhere else in Europe. And I know I am right.
Back to Piazza Duomo. The surrounding is also nice. Take a stroll in the neighborhood and I found many uniqueness in the city's architecture. They do really tried to mix the old and new building in fashionable way and there is no failure in doing so. Check the pictures below
(This one is my fave place in Milan, where I sit in freezing winter, munching my lunch peacefully)
After spending quite a few hour circling Piazza Duomo, I headed back to Duomo Metro and I found a another nice surprise. Because it was near Christmas when I went there, there are Christmas market around the Duomo. A lot of stall in red where many selling from cheese and salami, perfume to various Christmas decorations.
Milan, as cold as it is, definitely lured people to spend many in their boutiques. With this atmosphere, who can resist? I was not the exception my self, since I successfully spent many Euros in Milan Official Store. hahahaahaha.. There you go, my brother! Got the official cloth for you ^^
And now time to travel to another part of Milan. I headed to Castello Sforzesco. Castello Sforzesco is a castle in Milan, Italy, that used to be the seat
and residence of the Duchy of Milan and one of the biggest citadels in
Europe. It now houses several of the city's museums and art collections.
But I didn't go to the museum, unfortunately. I just went around the Castella and admired the old building. Just like Duomo di Milano, some part of the Castello was still under some renovation. I only managed to recognized one famous part of the castle after reading it on the web. It called The Bell Tower (Torre del Filarete). Then I wandered around and took my exit at the back. The back exit leads to the vast Park named Parco Sempione. A beautiful park to visit as well after visiting the Castle.
Then, it was getting dark and colder. I headed back to the neighborhood looking for metro. But to no avail. I found only an Aquapark, free entrance with Wifi on the reception area. Fuuungg.. there I was, spending half an hour looking at various fishes while warming up my self. I sent my self back on the street when the sky was totally pitch black.
Luckily, I found a trem station near the aquapark. I boarded no 12 and headed back to the central of the city. Then I got this brilliant idea! Since I have 24-hours ticket worth of 4,5 Euros, I must maximize it. So, I boarded into different trem line, wandering around the city. Looking at how Italian spend their cold night in winter. Much to my surprise, many were in coffee shop or in the street wandering the city like me, with warm cloth for sure. The city is lit up beautifully everywhere with Christmas decorations. The one bad thing is that there is no sign of discount that would attract me to go down and do some shopping instead of having the trem hop-on-hop-off .
With that, my adventure in Milan is over.. But not really over. Because the next day, Milan gave me another adventure in the table. To travel in the white snowy Milan. It is serene and beautiful but super cold..
My European trip began in Milan. We landed at Malpensa airport of Milan and headed straight to Milano Centrale. To reach Milano Centrale, I boarded Malpensa express. Bought the ticket in the booth, validated them (there is a stamp machine in each station, usually green or yellow in color). We forgot to check which line it was. It was a stupid move since it was freezing cold in the morning. So, don't forget to check the schedule that usually appears on the board above the station ticketing office.
So, welcome to minus-6-Celsius Milan. Bbbbbbrrrr... It was cooollllddd! It was nearly 45 minutes journey to Milano Centrale. In between, we were welcomed with italian style of train: late. Retardo, in Italian. So if you heard the word "retardo" being mentioned after the name of your station or city you're going to, it means the train will be late. Well, Italy is no different than Indonesia then, Weekekekeke... Just for info, Italian train has 3 classes. The higher means more expensive ticket. The classes are reguler, freccabianca, and freccarossa. It serves routes to different cities in Italy. This way, Italy is well-connected with its train system I must say. Remind me much of Japan.
When we reached Milano Centrale, all we need to do was to find ticketing office as I need to board a train to Cremona. Cremona is my first destination city as I will spend the next few days with Tia's house family. This is what I wanted. To experience the real life of Italian. Part of a travel is to be with locals and understanding their life style. I boarded regular train to Cremona, at €11. Of course, I need to validate them first, Tia said, if I fail to validate and the station master knew on board, I should pay a fine as much as €50. No way! So don't forget to validate if you board a train in Italy because the validation means putting the name of the station we boarded. So we know where we boarded.
(This is the validation machine)
Train to Cremona took approximately 30 minutes. Upon reaching the station, Tia's father was there to pick us up. But the first test is about to come. No elevator or lift available. And our luggage is sooo heavy. So, muscle test number 1. Better traveling light in Italy because as I ravel in the next few days, most of the stations do not provide lift or elevator.
Cremona's weather was definitely colder than Milan. But not the atmosphere within the family. Italian family is warm and close-knitted. It was my very first day with the Villa family, but I feel most welcomed. They don't speak English, but they tried their best to communicate with me. When the lunch came, the family's sister and cousin came. They are two lovely ladies by the name of Rossana and Sara. They are beautiful people. They can speak English so I can make some conversation.
(Sara, me and Tia @ Cremona)
That very first lunch open my eyes to the dining culture of Italy. Like most European, they split plates. First plate, the appetizer, is pasta. Second plate will be filled with protein, whether it is fish, beef or chicken. Sometime, lasagna is also served for the second plate. Afterward, they can serve salad or pickles. But I cannot handle the pickle. Too sour for my taste bud. Among the second and third plate, there is always bread. I can tell you that the bread really compliments all the dishes served. After all the main course served, come the dessert. Whoala.. Yyuuuummm! Super yuuuummm.. I love Italian dessert. And dessert is always served, a part of the meal itself. Last but not least is coffee or tea. That's another yuuuummm! Italian is so proud of their coffee, starbucks doesn't even have the guts to open even a single store in Italy. So, coffee, here I come...
On this note, i was informed that that's one normal course for Italian family. Normal, yes normal. I wonder how they can stay in shape! Really, they really slim! The book out there says 'how French women dont get fat'or 'how Japanese women stays slim'. For me, 'how Italian stays in shape'. I envy them! If I am going to stay in Italy with that kind of dining pattern, I will gain many kilos in no time.
Plus the chocolate! Oh my God.. They have the best chocolate drink the world. Only to be competed by Spanish chocolate drink, as I learned later in the travel. It is a dark thick chocolate drink. Perfect in the freezing weather. As the family took me around Cremona that night. And as I learned that Italian only spends little time in the cafe. Not like us here who could spend hours and hours sitting in the cafe or coffee shop.
(super duper delicious dark choco drink)
That night on my first stroll around the city, i learnt more about Cremona. It is a musical city. A city proud to be the home to one and only violin maker and inventor, Stradivarius. So, no wonder if many music student and violin makers around the globe flock in Cremona to master their skills. They even have a hall of Stradivarius to remember him.
What amazes me more about the city, they just found an old Rome road used by hundred thousand years ago. They were trying to preserve it and put a glass on the top of the ancient road. Wow! Just wow!
Despite all the cold, Cremona is all in all small beautiful city. The duomo is nice with great building surrounds it. The Duomo itself is the center of the city.
But the best of all about Cremona for me is the warmth of the family. I will never forget it and the warmth as i feel it will last for long. And that, I know for sure.