Tuesday, August 19, 2008

soal ketelitian

Daku tu orang paling enggak teliti se-dunia. Pa lagi sama yang namanya angka. Tapi kebetulan banget ya..pas tadi ngutak atik alias mensederhanakan laporan pertanggungjawaban kabupaten gianyar buat dimasukkan dalam penelitian, ternyata daku menemukan kejanggalan angka. Dari dua perhitungan mengenai belanja pegawai, hasilnya jauh beda. Apa ini terjadi di semua LKPJ daerah?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

never hurts like this

"do you know how much its hurts to like and not be liked in return?"

"do you know how much its hurts to like someone, but yet he likes your friend?"

"and do you know how much it hurts to know the fact that the one you like laugh at other's miserable fate of broken heart?"

It means double pain, triple hurts, and millions of failing faith.

He, the one I really like after all this time, laugh at an attempt made by a good friend in expressing his love. His attempts might be unprofessional, rookie style you may call it. But yet, it is an expression of love. No matter what. Really..this attempt doesn't hurt anybody.

For God's sake...its a flattery if you want to call it. Yet, you laugh about it, make fun of that one friend, and thinking of teaching him something. Oh gosh...he would be better off without any of your ridiculous teaching. Coz I know, no matter what he will do, you will laugh at him on his back along with the one he has trusted all his stories.

You and your friend might never understand what's the meaning of not being loved in return. I know that you have all the priviledges a man can has. Knock it off..get yourself involve with any girl you like. Coz Im leaving you.

Coz this is the answer to my prayer. My heart might be broken inside, but God has shown me who you trully are. The true face of yours... God has saved my soul from hoping that you might be the one I'm looking for all this years. God has saved my mind from thingking of you any longer..God has saved my life..

And I hope God will save your life too..